


netflix releasing an entire season of a series in one sitting is just…. exhausting? there’s this sort of rush where everyone needs to watch the show asap otherwise 1) you’ll get spoiled 2) everyone will make gifs faster than their own shadow 3) you really don’t get inspiration to make something nice because you consumed the media so quickly that you almost immediately forget what you watched


*sighs dreamily* what is Wrong with him


I was talking about this the other day, how I wonder if some people can’t fathom that there are those who genuinely like to write meta-length essays about a given source material.

That they’re not going it because they’re trying to forcibly convert other people or because they can’t let something go and thus have to write 3k words about Why The Internet Is Wrong or whatever, but they’re doing it because the process of looking up citations and writing a long post about a collection of quotes IS the fun part to them.

If I can explain my position to someone or help them understand how I see things, then that’s absolutely fantastic, I love when that happens!  But it’s the icing on the cake while my actual cake is that I love the process of putting together a meta piece, I love writing something that I’m satisfied by, I love going back and seeing something that’s coherently organized and says what I want it to, I reread my own writings all the time because I like them.

This isn’t doing my chores before I can go have playtime, the writing of the essays is my playtime!


Alright so I can see the whole Good Omens fandom has shifted over to Our Flag Means Death this week. How many more weeks do I need to forget to watch it to officially be the last one on the bandwagon, do we think?

(It looks fun but I always take forever to get my butt in gear and actually watch something. Plus I’ve already got two perfectly good blorbos to torture in my fic…)

I feel like this, too? Watching something new is always exhausting, you know, even if chances are I’ll like it? Everyone keeps recommending it, I’ve been watching it on Tumblr for weeks now, but I don’t have the emotional capacity for new blorbos right now. Is that a thing that makes sense to anyone else? Is there anyone else still on this bandwagon? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


its always “what are your plans for the future, you should really be planning for the future” and never “wow that character you’re obsessed with sounds so cool can you explain them to me. im sure you get them more than anyone else”




No fucking way




Actually, watching folks continue to insist that any queer relationship that isn’t explicitly and overtly romantic or sexual in media is “cowardly” is not only exhausting, but genuinely fucking infuriating.

First, queer coding is not the same as queerbaiting, and queer coding absolutely had and still has its place in all types of art, second, it’s restricting to the types of characters and stories that queer artists can create, especially queer creators who are not out, professionally or at all, and third, your conceptualization of what is queer enough is exclusionary. End of story.





i cannot believe that i am only now learning about the dinosaur king drama

in case you’ve never heard of dinosaur king:

it’s a pretty mediocre anime from the early 90s, that was pretty much just made to market this dinosaur trading card game. the plot was extremely boring (until stuff suddenly started happening around episode 35), and for some reason they decided to have all the dinosaur fights with these incredibly stiff 3d models, which was.. a choice..

all together it was so bad that it’s good (but not particularly good), and kinda forgettable

and then they decided that it needed a remake. they were releasing some new toys, and a video game was being worked on, so in 1999 they released a fucking remake of that weird show

the writers and producers were these two austrian guys, suppenheimer and vemovich

the remake was planned to be two seasons

the original dinosaur king had two seasons as well, the first had 49 episodes, and the second had 30 episodes

the remake was 60 episodes total, and completely ignored season two of the original

suppenheimer and vemovich only retold season one, expanded it a bit, reshuffled some events (namely putting the twist from episode 35 way earlier), giving the characters actual motivations… they actually managed to make the show good

(they still kept in the weird 3d dinosaurs, and the card game tie-ins, because at the core the show was still about marketing the toys)

and then season two ended, neatly tying up the story, and it was genuinely good

and then the network renewed the show for a third season

suppenheimer was done with the show at that point. they only ever wanted to make two seasons, and they had told exactly the story that they wanted to tell, so they were out

but vemovich wasn’t done yet, so he stayed on and wrote season three.

and season four.


the entire remake turned out to be twenty seasons long

and it got weird, lemme tell you

the very first thing vemovich introduced in season three of dinosaur king, the anime about dinosaurs and traveling to the ancient past, was alien space pirates

which i guess makes sense, because they can travel through time, so the future is technically also viable

and then season six was all about one of the main characters becoming a werewolf? which was never fixed, but they also just never mention it at any point after the season six finale

season eleven was all about the love story between one of the supporting cast and one of the antagonists (who had a redemption arc early in season two, but vemovich cast him as a villain again anyway starting in season four)

season sixteen only had one episode where any dinosaurs appeared?? in a show called dinosaur king? and i’m pretty sure they said the word “dinosaur” zero times in that entire season

it was weird, okay, the entire remake was weird after season two

meanwhile, on the forums (and later on twitter), suppenheimer has completely divorced themselves from the show’s production, but they are definitely still watching, and loudly complaining

suppenheimer and vemovich were actually said to be on pretty good terms during the production of the first two seasons, but after that suppenheimer got mean

[id: a tweet by @ cimminimmi from december 2016 that reads “what was the worst show you guys watched this year?”, with a reply from @ suppi_sr (suppenheimer’s twitter) that reads “dinosaur king. for the 5th year in a row.” end id.]

we never really heard anything from vemovich. he was never on any of the forums, and he had a rule of never publicly interacting with any hate whatsoever

so we had suppenheimer just tearing the show down at every point, calling for people to stop watching, and even making several petitions to have the show cancelled, none of which ever went anywhere of course

because we then got season seventeen, which introduces vemovich’s author insert. they are absolutely not subtle about it, the character pretty much goes “hey, my name is vemovich, i’m the guy who is writing this story”

and he just occasionally pops up during the next four seasons

and then season nineteen and twenty are building up to this great unseen danger that is threatening to wipe out the universe

and at the very goddamn end of season twenty, the finale of the entire show, the big threat is finally revealed

so, i’ve said that this entire thing is an anime with weird 3d dinosaurs inserted into it

the big bad, the last villain that was threatening to destroy the fabric of reality… was suppenheimer

a live action suppenheimer, who is greenscreened into the anime world

he is of course stopped by vemovich’s author insert, who up to that point had been 2d animated, but now he is also greenscreened into the show

so the goddamn epic finale of the show is a live action suppenheimer and vemovich fighting, using 3d animated dinosaurs, on this 2d animated battlefield

it looked bad

and then the show is over

but this story is still going

because suppenheimer has spent the last eighteen years tearing apart the show and tearing apart vemovich publicly at least once per week

and then, two years after the show is over

those bastards tweet out that they are married

[id: a twitter conversation between vemovich, suppenheimer, and twitter user abblycidre from october 2021. vemovich is replying “love you, babe” to suppenheimer. suppenheimer replies “love you too.” abblycidre replies “don’t you two have beef?” suppenheimer replies “we can have beef and be married at the same time. it’s fine.” abblycidre replies “married?!” in all caps. vemovich replies “last i checked we’ve been married for 13 years now, yeah”. end id.]

so i guess the tweet where suppenheimer threatened to divorce vemovich wasn’t a joke after all

[a tweet by suppenheimer from june 2012 that reads “@ vemovich. if you don’t stop ruining dinosaur king i will divorce you.” end id.]

suppenheimer and vemovich have been living together for the entire goddamn run of the dinosaur king remake, while suppenheimer was constantly starting shit about the show online

they’ve been dating since before the show even started, and they got married during season nine, and they’ve just been keeping up those personas for twenty fucking years

and i just kinda don’t know what to do with my life now that i know that

what the fuck did those guys’ home life look like?!

For everyone wondering if this is real or not:

Yep, it’s real all right. If you’re interested in learning more about the show itself, I recommend reading through these couple of articles on the series: https://www.fandom.com/articles/dinosaur-king-internal-controversy or, for a more in-depth analysis, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/dinosaur-king_(season_1).

You should give these sources a good read-through either way because in all honesty, OP missed out on some prime groundbreaking material. For example, the fact that this show’s depiction of an ankylosaurus is thought to be the most accurate depiction of ankylosaurs in the 20th Century. Or how those first 2 seasons somehow have the lowest overall score of the series on IMDB and other rating systems, despite the controversy of later seasons (which might not seem like much, but it at least explains why none of the aforementioned petitions had any effect).

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Like yes the marriage Twitter reveal was really something, but it should not overshadow these absolutely mind boggling stats that come from such a niche 90s anime.

thank you for this addition. you actually mentioned some stuff that i didn’t find during my research (i did not know about the ankylosaurus thing), so kudos for that

there are a few things in the wiki article that i wanted to include, i just couldn’t find a good place to mention them in a post that already got a bit longer than i meant for it to be

you know what maybe i did miss tumblr a little bit

babe wake up new otp AU just dropped


*interracial couple exist*

Toxic fandom: I will dedicate years to invalidating this couple.

*two white people exist in the same universe*

Toxic Fandom: I will ship these two regardless of history, chemistry, probability, narrative, or logic. This is canon and the gospel of the Gods.





(Seriously, though! It’s soooo difficult to find other Baten Kaitos fans…)

I just spent an hour talking about fictional men and their dicks when i have 5 men on my snap tryina get pics. 


the dragon prince fandom after getting a 30-second new intro after a nearly three-year hiatus:


tdp bloggers after watching the new s4 opening:

”TMW you finally make it through Forgotten Vale and you take a second to just catch your breath befo

”TMW you finally make it through Forgotten Vale and you take a second to just catch your breath before the final confrontation!”

I was honestly like WOW the first time I saw this temple.
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Soooo I’m taking some commissions from my ko-fi page because I’m trying to save money for an art school I would really want to attend to and if you could help me with this, i’d be so much grateful



-Ocs (be sure to send references!)


-Nsfwish stuff


- Furries

- Mecha

- extremly gorish things

- offensive stuff

If you are interested send me a private message here for more informations

Sad 3 am rant

It’s 3 AM and I can’t sleep so my brain decided to torture me by reminding me that all the people I have looked up to since I was little fangirl will die before me.. I started imagining the day the world is going to loose people I have grown up watching and admiring and now I can’t stop crying! Imagine seeing the avengers die for real, or the cast of your favourite show/ movie. I will die a bit inside that day. So yeah I hate my brain


someone should pay me to write about how my relationship with the mcu went from general enjoyment to excitement to apathy to outright hostility

No one To be trifled with …. that’s all you ever need know Remember to follow us for more#humor #m

No one To be trifled with …. that’s all you ever need know

Remember to follow us for more

#humor #meme #funny #lol #lmao #nerd #geek #FunFact #princessbride #movies #fan #fandom #random #quiz

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