#fandom toxicity


Sometimes I read or watch a piece of media and I don’t like one of the characters, so I… Get over it.

Sometimes I meet someone and they like a piece of media that I hate and I think… This is something that we don’t have in common.

Sometimes something I read or watched goes in a completely different direction from how I wanted it to and I no longer find the premise or plot appealing and so I … Stop spending my money and time on it.

Sometimes I… Let go of the things I don’t enjoy so I can spend my money, time, and attention on the things I do like.

It’s a wild good time. I think everyone should try it.


*interracial couple exist*

Toxic fandom: I will dedicate years to invalidating this couple.

*two white people exist in the same universe*

Toxic Fandom: I will ship these two regardless of history, chemistry, probability, narrative, or logic. This is canon and the gospel of the Gods.




“Nabu was an insufferable creep in season 3, stalking a girl and then completely disregarding her feelings to continue forcing his presence on her until she gave up, and only by completely 180-ing his character to be respectful and wise did season 4 make him likeable” -Anon

Come take anon’s racist ass away plz

Im glad im not the only one who peeped the racism in this post. Its actually quite disappointing that sites like @winxclubconfessions2​ is helping to perpetuate these racist ideas.

How is that racist ? I’m sorry but Nabu was definitely stalking Layla, and the worst is that when she called him out for being rude, they straight up told her that she should be «flattered» instead ! This is a pretty toxic and harmful message for a kids’ show. Also just because Nabu is brown doesn’t make him exempt from criticism. People are allowed to not like him. This person said nothing about his race, but you two came and made it racist somehow. If anything, blame the show for making Nabu a creep. And don’t you attack the confessional for doing its job.
