#fat logic


If someone chooses to treat their body differently than you choose to treat yours, they’re not oppressors. You are not a victim of other people’s lives.

I have several issues about body positivity, but the biggest one I have, is that they equate beauty and value. They need to feel beautiful to be valuable or worthy.

Society values beauty as a trait to aspire, but body positivity values beauty in a sick way, their entire movement got reduced to “we are all beautiful, so call ME beautiful”, instead of shifting to a paradigm of beauty is not the end of all.

*Your body is important, valuable and should be respected, even if it’s not beautiful, and you should love and care for it.* That’s what I think body positivity should be focusing on.

But the ego and insecurities of their first fat precursors damaged the entire point of it. They wanted to feel beautiful so bad, they morphed into a group of insecure selfish people looking for attention and praise, without being willing to work for it.

Being obese is not a political statement.

There’s nothing anticapitalist about celebrating overconsumption.

Im trying to follow their logic. I could see there being something to criticize in that healthier food is more expensive so poverty and obesity are often correlated. So putting all the emphasis on individual responsibility while giving systems that allow for people to not be able to afford to eat reasonably a pass could be seen as akin to telling individual consumers that the climate is changing cos they didn’t recycle enough last week when corporations are blasting poison into the air.

But.. I dont see how being critical of a capitalist system that neglects people into obesity through poverty would lead to celebrating said obesity. You could be critical of peoples lack of access to healthy food, good healthcare, or education about nutrition, and understand that obese folks arent all just tumblr HAES warriors eating all the cake, but still recognize that obesity is not a good thing. You could be critical of the aspects of our society that make it more difficult for some people to be healthy, but wouldn’t your goal be “let’s fix that so everyone can be healthier” instead of “fuck it, it’s not all my fault so it’s not at all my fault”?

Isnt that like saying, “it’s harder to get a post secondary education if you dont have lots of money” and instead of working to make school more affordable or removing barriers that keep some people from going, just being like “fuck education anyway. The word education is just a capitalist ploy. There are things that make it harder for some people than others so the whole endeavour is trash”

This reminded me to the lovely lady that keeps whining in most of my posts (except in the ones she can’t refute, of course)

How do you chose where not to argue? Because you know it’s true ;)

Of course they are anti bodyshaming!

Where’s that nice personality to accompany that disgusting body? All lies.

If you think like this, you are ugly on the inside and out.


“Fat is genetic!” 

So is this?

“Food doesn’t correlate to weight!”

That means these two must have similar diets!

“You shouldn’t change your body, it’s healthy at any size!”

Totally empowering, amiright?

Don’t be a hypocrite, get the facts and know your body’s limits!

Oh my God.

I don’t usually post this kind of images, but the juxtaposition of this set is amazing.

HAES people are the first to jump to an anorexic girl’s throat, the same principles apply to both extremes.

Isn’t fat acceptance begging/demanding allies all the time?

So skinny people have to help, but can’t because they can’t understand, but are assholes if they don’t do anything, but full of bullshit if they do… What?

Also, Tess can eat an entire cake, which is inspiring, yet “fat people stuff their faces” is just a stereo type… PICK ONE!

Telling a dangerously overweight person not to lose weight because they’re beautiful, is like telling an alcoholic not to stop drinking because they’re fun.


I found this video and thought y'all might find it interesting. Remember, as someone who has been and still is overfed as a child, it’s fucking abusive.

- mod t.


We need to spread this far and wide guys. Please do not like just reblog. I found this recently and I wish I found it sooner because it now serves as a huge motivator for me. When you’re overweight like me, it is so easy to fall into “body positivity” and fat acceptance because you can continue to point the blame on something else and not take action. I convinced myself that for a long time, it was my parents fault, it was the medication I take, I did not even think for a second that I was the problem. My very grotesque eating habits. Two boxes of pizza in one sitting. Large sodas. Food that’s meant for a party were my breakfast lunch and dinner and late night snacks. I use this blog to motivate myself as well as others that you do you not want to be the average overweight person and be a part of a community that would rather make excuses than put in the work.

I wish I had found these videos sooner. To those who get offended and angry at what he says instead of feeling motivated then that means you are enabling yourself and a lot of other people. Health should not be controversial. Fat acceptance have no place in other communities. The reason why you see a fat acceptance post with over 80,000 reblogs and a anti fat acceptance with only 80 reblogs is because they pretend to be part of other groups, real groups fighting for real issues. An issue that can be fixed is not an issue. I want this to be my most reblogged post. Let’s get this to 100k because this needs to heard by more than a million people.



Also stop using fucking PCOS and Hypothyroidism as excuses. I have both, no joke. And I still manage to be a healthy weight. So stop finding excuses. The only one you have to blame for being obese is YOURSELF. You become obese from eating too much and not being active enough. You’re the only one to blame for that and if you try and blame anything/anyone else frankly that’s pathetic. 

So true. My dad has hyperthyroidism and a whole shit-ton of medical issues and bottles upon bottles of medication. He used to way 260lbs (at the highest) but now, since someone is finally making him eat right and he isn’t eating all crazy, he’s down to 190lbs and it didn’t even take that long. Simple as that. Also, my cousin has PCOS and she’s literally one of the slimmest people in our family because she just knows not to shovel food down. Lol.

If all bodies are beautiful and should be accepted, then why are you calling other women and/or men “skinny bitches” or “not real women/men” who don’t look exactly like you do?

…just thought I’d ask, y’know?
