#anti binge


☁️hey loves!☁️ I’ve compiled a list of my fav low-calorie safe foods (if you can even call this food, but hey, you get it). REMEMBER! I do not promote eating disorders. By doing this i hope you’ll maybe find an option off my list that you’ve never tried before. Restricting is downright bad to begin with, but I prefer restricting over people straight up fasting themselves to death.


Green Tea

-do i even need to explain myself?

-good source of caffeine + metabolism booster

-0 cal

Mint Black Tea

-tastes better than green tea (mint come thruu)

-even better source of caffeine

-0 cal

Chai Tea Latte

-milk is a fear food for me so i make it with water (and it tastes amazing)

-VERY filling. I usually substitute dinner with this.

-8 fl oz = 110 cal



-fiber = make you poop

-cranberries are a good swap if you don’t like raisins, but they are higher in calories

-the ones in the pic i got at Target and they are the generic brand but each bag was like 2$ and they bring a lot sooo… big save

- each box = 45 cal

Dried Seaweed

-some might gag, but hear me out, they’re good. I’ve liked them since way before i ever developed this shitty eating disorder

-2 servings per container. 1 serving = 25 cal. The whole container = 50 cal

Rice Cakes

-The OG

-i usually skip breakfast but if i really truly need it, ill grab one of these with some tea and i’m out the door

-1 cake = 35 cal


-I forgot to include these in the picture but oh! my! god! they are a life saver

-assuming you like pickles, that is. I know a lot of people that dont.


Mint Gum or Altoids


Cinnamon Gum

-for when I’m feeling adventurous lol


LaCroix(or Bubly, whatever sparkly water floats your boat)

-okay ik Diet Coke is a staple ed drink, but the truth is its even worse for your body so please dont drink it every day. Its basically bottled poison. I think the only time i would ever touch a diet coke is under special circumstances, like at a christmas party or something.

-0 everything

Stay safe lovelies! ☁️

Alright hoes i went on a two day binge but im back on my bullshit 

I miss the empty stomach feeling so tomorrow im doing a water fast.

Breakfast: Coffee (71)
Lunch: Powerade Zero (0 cal)
Dinner: Campbell’s soup (280)

Total: 351


reblog to lose 15 pounds by may 31st

Ya’ll really thought i was gonna ignore this shit

When fat stereotypes are negative: boo hoo, you can’t stereotype a whole class of people like

When fat stereotypes are negative: boo hoo, you can’t stereotype a whole class of people like that. That’s fatphobic. You are hateful.

When fat stereotypes are positive: this is so true of us, nobody knows, nobody wants to accept this.

Hashtags #allbodiesaregoodbodies but
“Fuck them skinny bitches”

Basically ‘My entire self-worth is defined by penis’

Post link


“Fat is genetic!” 

So is this?

“Food doesn’t correlate to weight!”

That means these two must have similar diets!

“You shouldn’t change your body, it’s healthy at any size!”

Totally empowering, amiright?

Don’t be a hypocrite, get the facts and know your body’s limits!

Oh my God.

I don’t usually post this kind of images, but the juxtaposition of this set is amazing.

HAES people are the first to jump to an anorexic girl’s throat, the same principles apply to both extremes.

may thinspo: ✨

I wish I was this thin and fragile, i could wear and short skirt and let my pretty thin legs hang out, it seems so free no one would judge me I could wear anything

I know it’s my own fault I’m not losing weight.

I’m starting fresh this week! No more excuses I will reach my UGW by the end of this year, and no one will stop me.

UGW: 130-120

Any and all advice is appreciated
