

As there has been some fuss and misunderstanding concerning my last post, I’d like to clarify something:

I condem slut shaming in any manner. There is absolutely nothing wrong with losing your virginity at a young age or having a lot of sexual (or romantic) partners.

But on the other Hand, it simply cant be that 16 or even 14 year olds feel pressure to be late or in the end just sleep with anybody before they’re running out of time. This is the opposite of a self determined sexuality. And no, Im not talking about that you just should have your first time in a relationship and so on, but just that it should happen when YOU want it with somebody you feel comfortable with and not that you feel pressured to do things you arent ready to or at the Moment dont want to.

And I also contradict the idea that their is no virgin shaming or that it is like racism against whites or Skinny shaming. One of our adminas hat experiences firsthand and there is absolutely nothing glamorous about being a virgin at 28.

I still cant get trough the denial of the mental challenge Covid 19 and the whole Lockdown is facing upon us or how badly people who have mental issues and/or existential fears are treated.

And I mean not by conspiracy theoretists. That is maybe the worst point of it all.

The same people, who (justified) critisize the denial of Covid 19 ar enow in some kind of delusion.

The same people whining about the loss of empathy or “laugh”-emoticons (which I dont want to negoitate) now tell people struggling that “the granny in concentration camps or refugees had it hard, but not you”. Some go even further and declare the whole idea, this times could be mentally challenging as idea made up totally by conspiray theorists to protest gouvernement regulations.

if you have existential fears cause your are self employed or fear loosing your job, you are portrayed as heartless who would sacrifice his own Gradnmother for profit or they impose black pedagogy on you: “So you want thousands to die instead”. Nbody wants anybody dead, but maybe we could find a solution that would fit both? Why do you even put it that way like its my fault, like I would literally go into the hospitals and unplug the cable? There are great speeches about the value of human life, but these wont help me sleep at night

There is so  much fuss about deceleration and essentialism one doesnt dare to say if you feel these times not as great chance to recover from capitalism, but rather horrible, cause the moment you´re saying it you`re branded as consumption-blinded puppet who doenst knoe how to cope with herself and how good she is having it.

Nope, I am really disappointed and disaffected concerning a lot of people. I mean from those conspiracy theorists I didnt expect anything. But from the other fraction…

One thing I cant quite just understand is the one with feminism and spritiuality.

I get that not only the big world religions, but almost every existing spiritual or religious cult has been or is deeply patriarchal and needs to be critisized immediately.

But you know in Germany there is a saying called  “alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen” which basically means selling the old shit in a new package.

For example, when it came to gay and lesbian marriage while some were happy that LGB people were equal to heterosexuals in that way, others argued that marriage itself was an outdated institution and we should focus more on the establishing and equalizing of all sorts of families instead of just expanding the overhault.

The same goes with religion/spirituality.

Just replacing male with female godesses just wont do it. Furthermore, every right critisizm involves - at least for me- also questioning the idea of the supernatural itself and the search for answers in it.

I would even go ahead that much and say that there is no place for such things in a modern, enlightened time.

I feel if there is one topic we need to talk through is the status of bi women in the feminist community/

Recently I made a survey on various social media plattforms asking i lesbian women could imagine dating bi women/lesbians who had ever had a relationship/sex with a man.

The results were shocking. Not because, as some prejudging and hurrying ahead reader might assume lesbians were supposed to date bi woman under all circumstances, but because of the reasons given.

Nobody needs to date anybody/ has the right to not always be interested. But you should at least respect other persons.

Posts denying bisexual women their sexuality and just labelling them hets with a kink where the harmless ones by far. On the opposite end of the scale,there were reasons given like “cause they are contaminated”. Yes, you red right. CONTAMINATED. wtf. Where are we? Somewhere in the Middle East or the 50s? Oh my god, a penis touched her, now the packing is damaged, its a used good now, but you´ll get at least 50% discount now. Do you realize how misogynist this sounds?

And feeling offended and counting it as “we are oblieged to date bi women” when one spoke out about how hurting and dehumanizing such language is-srry thats a No Go.

Once again: No one is ever obliged to date anyone and no one ever said the opposite. But you should at least respect other people. Acting like bisexual women are some kind of lepers and turning things around and playing the victim when others say how much such words hurt definetaly isnt that.

And yeah there are definately women who just pretend being bisexual cause they are handmaidens and pick me´s and wanna be more attractive for men by fullflling their porn fantasies of threesomes. But there are women as well who call themselves bi because they have been in love with both men and women and who feel emotional connections to both of them. As well as you dont want to have your sexuality denied like “oh they just havent found the right man yet”, bisexual women dont want this as well.

Yes I know lesbian women face as homosexuals discrimmantion that bisexual women dont face or from which bisexual women can hide in heteronormativity.

But we are not your scapegoats.

 aIf you enter the key words “erectile dysfunction woman” you´ll find lots of tips how to cope as a woman when a man cant get it up, but almost none if you as  woman are the effected.

Sidenafil (Viagra) exists since decaded, but is there something comparabale for women? I dont mean lube, but  something that gets the women wet form the inside that swells the labia minora and so on.

Moreover, there was an article stating that erectile dysfunction isnt so bad a a woman cause she still is able to have sex.

Hello? What kind of sex should that be with the woman not in mood and just letting the guy get over her? I mean then I could also say why are men in need of viagra when they stil could pleasure a woman with their tongue and fingers?

What does this tell us about the view of sexual intercourse we have in general and female sexuality in particular when we view just as long as important as it takes to satify himself for am man.

This Post shows the different tests to meizure womens representation in films exemplary with the Ghostbusters movie

Also the idea that you have to be productive all the time is deep rooted in capitalism. As if it wouldnt be okay if you would be doing nothing for some, as if you had to be constantly learning, doing, producing something

Some sex ed you wont learn in school:

This is what a woman looks like after a masectomy.

The photo shows German Radio host Anja Caspary who did it after suffering from Breast cancer and loosing her husband to cancer as well. She also wrote a book about the experience: “In meinem Herzen steckt ein Speer”.

Well I never understood that “if you want equality, why should I hold Doors open for you” thing
