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As you wish @inhotwife4u . I do what I am told. #CuckLife

i swear myself in past to try to be totally honest , so i have to answer yes GODDESSES, but I didn’t like the taste especially as i swallow it myself.

Always without fail

What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with some feminist. Like some “feminists” bost about wanting equality for ALL WOMEN and yet they bully disabled people, laugh at trans women and belittle poor women or women of color. But they brag about being feminists, you’re not a bloody feminist unless you stick up for all women regardless of how they look. This is an inclusive community and if they arent treating all women as equals then they dont stand for any of us and they’re no better than men that belittle women.

Breaking stereotypes comes AFTER freedom and autonomy.

This goes for every movement. Whether you support LGBT+ rights, women’s rights, POC’s rights, ANYTHING

Your top priority should be supporting their rights to do and be whatever they choose. 

Even if that choice conforms to stereotypes.


Reblog now sissy girl❤️❤️

Would be perfect on you babe

Elegem van hogy minden férfi a hús darabként kezel.

A fiainkat kell arra megtanítani, hogy egy ruha sem jelent igent, nem pedig a lányainkat, hogy mit ne hordjanak!


Reblog now sissy

I was told to reblog to hopefully catch this Mistress’s attention

イタリアの写真家、Barbara Cortilliさんが、以前ミラノで撮ってくれたポートレート。


This portrait taken by Italian photographer Barbara Coltilli in Milan before.I love her unique dreamlike style of shooting!

Çırılçıplak şekilde askeriyedeki rutin muayeneyi ve ardından yıkanmak için topluca kışladaki banyoya

Çırılçıplak şekilde askeriyedeki rutin muayeneyi ve ardından yıkanmak için topluca kışladaki banyoya gönderilmeyi bekleyen genç erkekler

Post link


Ceza olarak geceleyin uyandırılan zorunlu askerler çırılçıplak soyulup eğitim adı altında kafalarına külotları geçirilerek gece boyu bahçede ayakta bekletiliyorlar


Ceza olarak geceleyin uyandırılan zorunlu askerler çırılçıplak soyulup eğitim adı altında kafalarına külotları geçirilerek gece boyu bahçede ayakta bekletiliyorlar

Askerlik şubesindeki erkeklerin topluca çıplak bırakıldığı muayeneye kızını getiren yaşlı doktor

As there has been some fuss and misunderstanding concerning my last post, I’d like to clarify something:

I condem slut shaming in any manner. There is absolutely nothing wrong with losing your virginity at a young age or having a lot of sexual (or romantic) partners.

But on the other Hand, it simply cant be that 16 or even 14 year olds feel pressure to be late or in the end just sleep with anybody before they’re running out of time. This is the opposite of a self determined sexuality. And no, Im not talking about that you just should have your first time in a relationship and so on, but just that it should happen when YOU want it with somebody you feel comfortable with and not that you feel pressured to do things you arent ready to or at the Moment dont want to.

And I also contradict the idea that their is no virgin shaming or that it is like racism against whites or Skinny shaming. One of our adminas hat experiences firsthand and there is absolutely nothing glamorous about being a virgin at 28.

This Post shows the different tests to meizure womens representation in films exemplary with the Ghostbusters movie

Also the idea that you have to be productive all the time is deep rooted in capitalism. As if it wouldnt be okay if you would be doing nothing for some, as if you had to be constantly learning, doing, producing something

Some sex ed you wont learn in school:

This is what a woman looks like after a masectomy.

The photo shows German Radio host Anja Caspary who did it after suffering from Breast cancer and loosing her husband to cancer as well. She also wrote a book about the experience: “In meinem Herzen steckt ein Speer”.

Well I never understood that “if you want equality, why should I hold Doors open for you” thing
