#fic prompts



One Word Monster Prompts















  1. Oh no
  2. But what if
  3. Well that didn’t work
  4. Here we go again
  5. How many times are we going to try this?
  6. It was, in fact, impossible
  7. Just why?
  8. We should have been farmers
  9. Six feet apart but totally gay
  10. He forgot again
  11. Does this count as murder
  12. The end, but not really
  13. Pot meet kettle
  14. And there were two beds but no one cared
  15. We are still walking
  16. This wasn’t supposed to happen
  17. Yeet
  18. It was all a lie
  19. Group chat gone wrong
  20. The idiots were left unsupervised again
  21. It’ll be fun they said
  22. Still afraid of dogs
  23. Are we there yet?
  24. It’s too late to back out
  25. Curses aren’t real.. probably
  26. Some people shouldn’t bake
  27. R.I.P.
  28. It was a mistake
  29. Spies, Lies, and Tasty French Fries
  30. Be afraid
  31. The teachers wig
  32. It wasn’t over but it should have been
  33. An alligator in the hallway
  34. I didn’t know he was a ghost
  35. The devil told me to
  36. Who let the dogs out
  37. He had many regrets
  38. Just kiss already
  39. Everyone is having sex 
  40. Oops


  • “Can you two stop flirting and help me figure out a way to get out of here?”

  • “It’s exhausting, trying to find ways to break the rules all the time.”

  • “There are way too many people here. It’s like my worst nightmare.”

  • “Didn’t we establish that this wasn’t your fault and that there was nothing else you could have done?”

  • “That’s what I get for trying to help you, I suppose. Let me know when you’re done being passive-aggressive.”

  • “I don’t grant mercy to those who mess with my friends.”


guys, think of this…

conditional superpowers, where you have a superpower that only works under specific conditions. 

Superstrength? Only if if it’s more than two hundred pounds. You struggle opening a pickle jar, but not with throwing a car a few blocks. 

Elementalist? You can only control water when it’s raining, don’t even think about the humidity in the air. 

Flight? You’ve got to drop at least twenty feet, before you can even think about flying an inch.

Super speed? You need to run a flat mile, before you can travel at supersonic speeds.

X-ray vision? Only works on places you’ve never been before.

conditional superpowers, dudes.


➟ Enemies to Lovers Prompts ➟

  • “Like them? Yeah, right. I can barely hold back my puke just by looking at them.”
  • “Don’t talk to me, someone might think we are friends.”
  • “I can’t stand you.”
  • “Are you blushing? Gross.”
  • “Leave me alone! The only thing I’m embarrassed by is your lame attempt at being cute.”
  • “A date? Sorry but I have to go home and laugh at that idea.”
  • “No, I don’t like them. They are too loud and obnoxious and I think that thing they do with their hands when they’re nervous is dumb.”
  • “Hey, you can’t be an asshole to them, only I can!”
  • “I’m going to kill them for punching you before I ever got to.”
  • “If it makes you feel better, you can slap me. Lightly.”
  • “If it makes you feel better, I’ll let you tell people you won against me.”
  • “Iswear, if you took my leftovers, I will rip you limb from limb.”
  • “Them? Like me? What gave you that idea? The fact that they can’t go a minute without telling me how I suck or the way they can’t seem to roll their eyes every time I am near them?”
  • “I know you like me, and I promise not to tell anyone…if you promise to return a favor.”
  • “I can’t wait for the day you realize you’ve fallen in love with me so I can laugh and call you a loser.”
  • “Are you planning on confessing to them? Because I made a bet a few days ago that you would fall for them and I would like to cash in.”
  • “I don’t like them-I can’t. They’d kill me.”


  • “Can you two stop flirting and help me figure out a way to get out of here?”

  • “It’s exhausting, trying to find ways to break the rules all the time.”

  • “There are way too many people here. It’s like my worst nightmare.”

  • “Didn’t we establish that this wasn’t your fault and that there was nothing else you could have done?”

  • “That’s what I get for trying to help you, I suppose. Let me know when you’re done being passive-aggressive.”

  • “I don’t grant mercy to those who mess with my friends.”


How do your character(s) sleep?

  • Do they go to bed early or stay up late?
  • When they say they’re “going to bed” do they actually mean they’re going to sleep or do they mean they’re going to read/play on their phone/etc in bed for a while?
  • What do they wear when they sleep? (if anything at all)
  • Do they watch/listen to anything to help them fall asleep?
  • Do they sleep with a night light on or prefer total darkness?
  • What position do they sleep in?
  • Do they cuddle/snuggle with anything while they sleep?
  • Do they have insomnia or do they fall asleep easily?
  • How many hours of sleep do they get?
  • Are they a heavy sleeper or a light sleeper?


  1. I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory 
  2. I have never been the same
  3. He looked at me like I was stupid, I’m not stupid. 
  4. If you could let me inside your heart…
  5. I will lay down my life if it sets us free 
  6. I may not live to see our glory, but I will gladly join the fight
  7. There is someone else we need
  8. Geniuses, lower your voices 
  9. The fact that you’re alive is a miracle
  10. I’m about to change your life
  11. It’s hard to listen to you with a straight face 
  12. Men say that I’m intense or I’m insane
  13. I made every mistake
  14. I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight
  15. For the first time, I’m thinkin’ past tomorrow. 
  16. Can I buy you a drink? 
  17. If this is the end of me, at least I have a friend with me
  18. What’s your name, man?
  19. I’m just sayin’ if you really loved me, you would share him
  20. You’ll be the one complaining when I am gone
  21. I came to say congratulations
  22. I have been looking for you
  23. You never learned to take your time!
  24. I can’t disobey direct orders
  25. I cannot be everywhere at once, people 
  26. We move under cover and we move as one
  27. I never had a group of friends before 
  28. Can we agree that duels are dumb and immature?
  29. Alright, alright, that’s what I’m talkin’ about!
  30. Soon that attitude’s gonna be your doom
  31. But what do we have in common? 
  32. There’s hope for our ass, after all!
  33. Your reputation precedes you, but I have to laugh 
  34. Like I said, you’re free to go 
  35. How did we know that this plan would work?
  36. You gotta fend for yourself
  37. I just might regret that night for the rest of my days
  38. That would’ve shut him up
  39. I may have punched him. 
  40. They’re playing a dangerous game 
  41. He’s not the choice I would have gone with
  42. I will never be satisfied
  43. And what if you’re backing the wrong horse?
  44. In New York you can be a new man
  45. They have not your interests at heart 
  46. I’m sorry, is this not your speed?!
  47. Tomorrow there’ll be more of us
  48. This is not a game
  49. I’m willing to wait for it
  50. Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you’ve been waiting for!
  51. I see the whole gang is here
  52. Why so sad? 
  53. Why do you write like you’re running out of time?
  54. For once in your life, take a stand with pride
  55. Don’t let them lead you astray 
  56. I am the one thing in life I can control
  57. You disgust me 
  58. My name’s been through a lot, I can take it
  59. God, I wish there was a war! 
  60. I am doing the best I can
  61. No stress, my love for you is never in doubt
  62. He has something to prove
  63. I am not throwing away my shot! 
  64. Or you could die, and we need you alive
  65. I wanna take him far away from this place
  66. Do you know how hard it is to lead?
  67. This kid is insane, man.
  68. And just like that, it’s over.
  69. I’ll never forget the first time I saw your face
  70. Well, it’s the middle of the night
  71. Raise a glass to freedom 
  72. I’ll do whatever it takes
  73. You’ll be back like before 
  74. Why do you assume you’re the smartest in the room?
  75. I was just like you when I was younger 
  76. I probably shouldn’t brag, but dag, I amaze and astonish
  77. How long have you known?
  78. If you talk, you’re gonna get shot! 
  79. I’m not sorry
  80. Now you’re making me mad 
  81. That doesn’t mean I want him any less
  82. I will never understand you
  83. I think that I could be of some assistance 
  84. Now what I’m going to say may sound indelicate
  85. The world will never be the same.
  86. I’m dedicating every day to you
  87. Close the door on your way out 
  88. My dog speaks more eloquently than thee! 
  89. When they died they left no instructions
  90. Let’s have another round tonight 
  91. Do you have a clue what happens now?
  92. Can I be real a second? 
  93. There’s a million things I haven’t done.
  94. Fools who run their mouths off wind up dead 
  95. I’d have to be naïve to set that aside
  96. That depends, who’s asking? 
  97. You’re on your own
  98. I promise that I’ll make y'all proud 
  99. Why do you always say what you believe?
  100. Just you wait…

5 sentence fics based off of 4 things:

  1. Character name/pairing
  2. A location
  3. An action
  4. A color


short fic challenge

Write a fic of no more than 2000 words for each of the following prompts. Post each one as a standalone story. If you wish, gather them together in a series or a collection, but do not post them as chapters of a single fic.

  1. A conversation you wish had happened in canon.
  2. An expression of love (romantic, platonic, familial - you choose)
  3. Character meta
  4. Episode meta
  5. That emotional moment that you can’t find a plot for.
  6. A scene fully without context.
  7. The meeting part of a meet cute AU.
  8. A shocking announcement (or the reaction to it)
  9. A missing moment from canon.
  10. An alternate ending to an episode or scene.
  11. Someone just having the worstluck.
  12. An exchange of gifts or mementos.
  13. That great line that you can’t find a plot for.
  14. The aftermath of a scene you’ll never actually write.
  15. The scene that will give you, personally, the most joy.

Minimum length: 10 characters (as required by the AO3 posting form)

“I don’t think that’s going to happen,”

“Yeah well, what about I punch you in the face, cuz your probably not thinking that’s gonna happen either,”

*inspired by @matchavisuals*

“Look… if.. if I’m being honest…” the villain said quietly, “I don’t really know what love is… or what it’s supposed to feel like…”

They looked up, meeting the hero’s eyes, “but… it feels like the only word that can properly describe what happens every time I look at you,”


  • “there’s only one bed.”
  • “i’ll bandage you up.”
  • “who did this to you?”
  • “i didn’t know where else to go.”
  • “can you be my date to the wedding?”
  • “you’re my best friend. i’ve always loved you.”
  • “shut up.” “make me.”
  • “i would never fall for you.”
  • “then why did you do it?” “BECAUSE I LOVE YOU”

Lionheart Zine KiriBaku Title Prompt “Challenge” ❤️

Come celebrate the upcoming zine release with us by collabing on our KiriBaku Title Prompt “Challenge,” running between today and Monday, Oct 18th!

To participate:

Take a screenshot of the gif below

Create a krbk sketch, illustration, drabble, fic, etc based on the title in the image

Post your work with the screenshot and tag us!

You are welcome to create any and all content inspired by this prompt – anything NS//FW or mature in nature will be shared (or not shared) appropriately.

If you don’t want us to reblog your post, let us know. We won’t share it unless you want us to, but we’d still love to see what you’ve created!

❤️ We’d appreciate a nod or a credit if you choose to use one or more of these titles for your work(s), but it’s not necessary. These titles are free to use and we hope you have fun with them!

⚙️ Likewise, feel free to save this gif or this post for future inspiration.

Things bringing me joy lately.

I know, shock, I have been so subtle. But these two dumbasses fill me with glee.

I’ve been trying to break my writers block so here we go. Send me asks and I’ll try and write for them. I will likely fail.

unusual family fic prompts

  1. “I found dolls in my grandmother’s attic that look exactly like me and my family members down to the scars and birthmarks but they’re dusty and wearing clothing like I’ve never seen before.”
  2. “My divorced parents have both married new people and one set of step siblings have shadows that don’t match their bodies and the other set have reflections that move just a hair slower/faster than they do.”
  3. “I’ve always known I was adopted but yesterday three strangers came up to me, gave me wrapped packages, and said they hoped my sire would accept their tribute? Am I being punked?”
  4. “Uncle James is a vampire, Auntie Carol is a lorelai, Cousin Charlemagne is a shapeshifter, my sisters are sybils, my brother is a Rhymer, my grandmother was a sylph, my father a warlock, my mother a siren, and me? I’m the strangest one of all.”
  5. “I always thought my name was super weird but we just had our first family reunion in two generations and it turns out half my cousins have the same first name but I’m the only one with my middle name and every time I tell one of them that they nod and say ‘as the prophecy foretold.’”
  6. “I’ve been estranged from my family for three years but I moved into a new apartment today and somehow everyone seems to know? People keep commenting on how ‘adoptable’ I am and then exchanging these weird knowing looks and I can’t tell if it’s a compliment or a threat.”
  7. “Everybody gets a tattoo from Great Uncle Ernie when they turn 21 and it says something about their future. The bigger and more complicated, the stronger the destiny. My tattoo took over five hours and it feels like it covers most of my upper back. Nobody will let me look at it or tell me what it is, but my siblings are digging out all of their old camping gear.”
  8. “My sister just sent me a text asking me how quickly I could get together a moonstone, three crow feathers, a rabbit’s foot, and some fresh cream. I think she might have wandered into a Circle. Again.”
  9. “My brother has a hoard of random crap under his bed and he’s paying me to help him clean his house but I just found what appears to be an actual laser gun wrapped in bloodied clothing and now I have questions and concerns.”
  10. “Most people hear about the birds and the bees from their parents. Mine had to explain the birds, the bees, and the temporal deviations.”


Collection of some of my fave prompts.

NSFW cut below‼️


  1. “I trust you, more than anyone else”
  2. “Will you just…hold me? Please?”
  3. “I don’t care, to me you’re perfect!”
  4. “I believe in you”
  5. “You make me happy”
  6. “Nothing is going to happen to you”
  7. “Take my jacket, it’s cold”
  8. “My friends get annoyed by how much I talk about you sometimes”
  9. “I’m not going anywhere”
  10. *A is lying down on B’s chest* “I can hear your heartbeat” “Does that make you happy?”
  11. “It reminded me of you.”


  1. Sharing a dessert
  2. Slow dancing
  3. Fake dating turn into lovers
  4. A meeting B’s family for the first time
  5. Learning each other’s mother tongue language
  6. A notices that B is starting at an item in the store. For their next birthday A buys the item for them.


  1. “They deserve better than me”
  2. “Don’t mess with my family”
  3. “I trusted you…”
  4. “I’m not going to cry. This isn’t worth crying over”
  5. “I never thought I’d be the one to hurt you”
  6. “I guess were just not meant to be”
  7. “You’re pathetic”
  8.  “You’re not worth my time”
  9. “How could you do this to me?”
  10. “You’ve changed”
  11. “This isn’t the man/woman/person that I fell in love with. I want the old (name) back”
  12. “Please stay”


  1. B reassuring A promising them that they will be back. Years later, B never returned: either because they’re dead or they’ve moved on and found someone else
  2. A is holding a gun towards B in tears
  3. A goes through an accident (can be life changing) that leaves them distant and bitter making B upset
  4. A finally has the courage to confess to B but when they approach B, they find a wedding band on their finger/kissing someone else
  5. Unrequited love

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