#fictional other imagine



This year has been amazing. Especially because of you all ! I’ve been so much happier since I’ve become a part of the self shipping community. I’ve never seen a group of people who are so supportive and accepting and sweet… I hope you all have an amazing New Years, and I hope 2020 treats you well !

- Mod Esther

Imagine celebrating New Years with your F/O(s) !

Imagine taking a blanket to the park and sitting on the grass to watch fireworks together ! If you and your F/O have kids, imagine them being with you, and imagine their excited face when they see all the bright colors !

If fireworks aren’t your thing, then imagine having a party with your F/O and all of your friends ! Imagine kissing your F/O at midnight, and all your friends cheering and oohing to mess with you.

i know the holidays are a tough time for a lot of us, especially the family parties we have to go to, so imagine your f/o going to one of your family’s holiday parties with you ! imagine them holding your hand if you’re anxious around your family, or standing outside with you when you need space from the people inside the party.

Imagine a road trip with your f/o. Maybe it was a spontaneous idea, the kind that leaves you packing at last second with a guarantee you’re going to forget something you need or maybe you’re more organized and you and your f/o planned ahead with plenty of time to prepare. Once on the road, you take turns driving and the whoever’s not at the wheel gets to lay in the back. It was a little difficult to decide what places you would visit but in the end it was a wonderful journey and brought you and your f/o closer as a couple.

Imagine constantly giving each other kisses. Whether it’s a quick peck, or a sweet full on kiss. Maybe one of you is busy working on something and the other gives them a kiss on the cheek, causing the kiss victim to get all flustered. Kissing a shoulder while cuddling in bed, kissing each others hands, maybe even a kiss on the top of the head.

imagine getting frozen yogurt with your f/o on a hot day in the middle of the summer… you stack it as high as you can with all kinds of candies and whipped cream and chocolates, and then sit at a park bench to share it
