
Obelisk Phallic; male generative power; fertility; regeneration; stabilizing force. It is also an axObelisk Phallic; male generative power; fertility; regeneration; stabilizing force. It is also an axObelisk Phallic; male generative power; fertility; regeneration; stabilizing force. It is also an ax


Phallic; male generative power; fertility; regeneration; stabilizing force.

It is also an axis mundi and the Tree of Life, a ritual world center, a ‘finger of the sun’.

In Egypt it denotes Ra; the ray of the sun; solar generative power.

[Source: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols by J.C. Cooper]

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Your official ask got eaten–the upside is that I think I’ve figured out why that’s happening. BUT. The question was about a slower version of Wolverine-esque regeneration. What are the downsides?

Cancer. The downside is cancer.

Cancer is, at its core, just a cell that copied its DNA wrong, and shut off a lot of the things that tell a cell to stop dividing, so it just… keeps going. Cancer actually behaves a lot like a healing wound, in terms of cell division (and, interestingly enough considering that they draw and make new blood vessels, anaerobic resipration–again, like a healing wound.) Oncologists have called cancer “the wound that never heals” because of this.

What does this have to do with regeneration? Well… kinda everything.

There’s an error rate to everything, including copying DNA in animals, and RNA in viruses. There are antiviral meds that work by pushing the virus to replicate faster, until the RNA can’t replicate itself without making errors, and ultimately killing off the virus in that person.

The same thing is possible in a person. The more frequently you divide cells, which is a key part of regeneration, the more likely you are to have errors. (This is why the GI tract, which makes a new lining for itself about every 2 weeks, so often gets cancer somewhere along the line). And one of those errors may become cancer. Hope this was helpful, or at least interesting.

muppet analogues

#doctor who    #the doctor    #muppets    #pigs in spae    #peter davison    #regeneration    

Making new bone in the lab

Researchers at the University of Southampton are creating bone in the lab to help patients who suffer damage to their joints through injury or disease.

By combining bone stem cells with a 3D printed scaffold, Professor Richard Oreffo and team have been able to recreate hip implants custom designed for the patient. 

There’s a place for synthetic implants, but by repairing your own body with your own tissue there is less chance of rejection.

In the video above you can see cells ‘proliferating’ or increasing in number. The team use and apply scaffolds in a range of materials, including titanium which are then seeded with the patient’s own bone stem cells and a bone graft. This 3D printed, custom designed implant can then be inserted into the patient.

There are tens of thousands of bone injuries in the UK each year. With an increasingly ageing population, this method for creating bone is an exciting concept. Professor Richard Oreffo hopes that given their data from 3 patients over the last 12 months, within 5-7 years the procedure could become mainstream, routine practice. 

To read the full interview with Professor Oreffo visit: http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/news/people-skills-training/2014/141106-f-gbbf-science-behind-exhibit-scaffold-and-cells/ 

#stemcells    #biology    #regeneration    #science    #laboratory    #health    #ageing    #3d 3dprinting    



Jodie is 1,67 m and Ncuti is 1,78 m, is this height difference enough to make Jodie’s shirt look like a cropped top on Ncuti? I’m asking for a friend.

op i’ve never drawn anything so fast in my life

RG @okiroi_s.a: Πάνω από 10,000 χημικές ουσίες χρησιμοποιούνται σε καλλυντικά χωρίς να παραβιάζονται

RG @okiroi_s.a: Πάνω από 10,000 χημικές ουσίες χρησιμοποιούνται σε καλλυντικά χωρίς να παραβιάζονται οι νόμοι. Τοξικό όμως σημαίνει δηλητήριο, ικανό να φθείρει και να καταστρέψει κάθε ζωντανό οργανισμό.
Η σύγχρονη γυναίκα απορροφά γύρω στα 2 κιλά χημικών μέσω των καλλυντικών προϊόντων κάθε χρόνο.
Τα προϊόντα Okiroi συμβάλλουν στη φυσική αναγέννηση του δέρματος. Μάλιστα περιέχουν, σε ποσοστό 30%, σιλυμαρίνη σε λιποσώματα και προστατεύουν ενεργά από τη γλυκο-οξείδωση, τη βασική αιτία γήρανσης.

Over 10,000 #chemicals are used in #cosmetics without violating the laws. But #toxic equals to poison, capable of damaging and destroying every organism alive.
The #modern #woman absorbs around 2 pounds of chemicals through cosmetics every year.
Okiroi #products contribute to #natural #regeneration of the #skin. Indeed, they contain 30% of #silymarin in #liposomes and #actively #protect against glyco-oxidation, the main cause of aging. #regramapp

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RG @okiroi_s.a: Το γάλα γαϊδούρας είναι το κατεξοχήν φυσικό προϊόν σύσφιξης του δέρματος ενώ παράλλη

RG @okiroi_s.a: Το γάλα γαϊδούρας είναι το κατεξοχήν φυσικό προϊόν σύσφιξης του δέρματος ενώ παράλληλα συμβάλλει στην ανάπλαση των κυττάρων της επιδερμίδας. Κτίζει ένα δυνατό ιστό, αυξάνοντας τις ίνες που στηρίζουν το δέρμα κάνοντάς το πιο λείο, σφιχτό, ελαστικό και βελούδινο με μια λάμψη νεανικότητας.
I. Τα σημάδια ηλικίας στο δέρμα στην πραγματικότητα οφείλονται στην έκθεση στον ήλιο. Περιορίστε τα με φυσικά διαλύματα, όπως χυμό πατάτας ή χυμό λεμονιού, τα οποία περιέχουν φυσικά λευκαντικά.
ΙΙ. Αποφύγετε εμπορικές θεραπείες που περιέχουν υδροκινόνη μιάς και ενδέχεται να δημιουργήσει παρενέργειες, όπως ερυθρότητα, ήπια καύση ή αλλεργικές αντιδράσεις - αυτός άλλωστε είναι ο λόγος που επιλέγουμε πάντα φυσικά προϊόντα.

#Donkey #milk is the main #natural #product for #skin tightening while contributing to #regeneration of skin #cells. It helps build a strong #tissue by increasing the fibers that support the skin, making it smoother, firm, elastic and velvet with a #youthful #glow.
I. The aged marks on the skin are in fact due to #sun exposure. Eliminate them with natural solutions, such as potato juice or lemon juice, which contain natural bleaches.
II. Avoid commercial #treatments containing hydroquinone which might create side effects like #redness, mild burning or #allergic reactions - this is the reason why we should always prefer natural products. #regramapp

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Στην Ωκυρρόη φροντίζουμε για την υγεία του παιδικού δέρματος επιλέγοντας βρεφικά και παιδικά καλλυντ

Στην Ωκυρρόη φροντίζουμε για την υγεία του παιδικού δέρματος επιλέγοντας βρεφικά και παιδικά καλλυντικά με φυτικά και οργανικά συστατικά, απαλλαγμένα από επιβλαβείς ουσίες.
•Προστατεύει δραστικά το ερεθισμένο δέρμα στην περιοχή της πάνας• Προστατεύει από την όξινη υγρασία στην περιοχή της πάνας, αφήνοντας το δέρμα να αναπνεύσει
• Προσφέρει περιποίηση στο ερεθισμένο και ερυθρό δέρμα
• Ενισχύει την γρήγορη ανάπλαση του δέρματος
• Ιδανική περιποίηση σε ήδη υπάρχον σύγκαμα (παράτριμμα)

In @Okiroi we ensure #children #skin #health, producing #infant and children #cosmetics that contain #herbal and #organic ingredients, #FREE from harmful substances.
•Actively protects #irritated skin in the #diaper area • Protects from acidic #moisture in the diaper area, allowing the skin to breathe
• Provides #care for irritated and red skin
• Enhances rapid #regeneration of the skin
• An #ideal #treatment to an existing #rash (diaper rash)

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‘…and the River flows on’ (2017) Lead Artist: Robyn Woolston http://www.robynwoolston.comProj‘…and the River flows on’ (2017) Lead Artist: Robyn Woolston http://www.robynwoolston.comProj‘…and the River flows on’ (2017) Lead Artist: Robyn Woolston http://www.robynwoolston.comProj‘…and the River flows on’ (2017) Lead Artist: Robyn Woolston http://www.robynwoolston.comProj‘…and the River flows on’ (2017) Lead Artist: Robyn Woolston http://www.robynwoolston.comProj‘…and the River flows on’ (2017) Lead Artist: Robyn Woolston http://www.robynwoolston.comProj‘…and the River flows on’ (2017) Lead Artist: Robyn Woolston http://www.robynwoolston.comProj‘…and the River flows on’ (2017) Lead Artist: Robyn Woolston http://www.robynwoolston.comProj‘…and the River flows on’ (2017) Lead Artist: Robyn Woolston http://www.robynwoolston.comProj

‘…and the River flows on’ (2017) 

Lead Artist: Robyn Woolston http://www.robynwoolston.com

Project Blog: http://andtheriverflowson.tumblr.com

Fabricators: Benson Signs http://www.bensonsigns.co.uk

Urban Design & masterplanning: Ian Parkinson http://www.parkinsoninc.co.uk

Last week saw the installation, as part of the Wirral Waters development of the docklands in Birkenhead, of a project which has engaged with over 300 community members over the last 1.5 years.

It takes inspiration from the River Mersey, it’s geological formation, the historical import and export of goods, the dockers and manufacturing history alongside the future regeneration of the Birkenhead docks.

Our project partners have been drawn from a wide demographic of collaborators including:

  • PEEL 
  • Wirral Waters
  • Wirral Methodist Housing
  • Wirral Mind 
  • YMCA
  • Pop-up workshop attendees
  • Summer school workshops
  • The Spider Project
  • The Friends of the Williamson Art Gallery
  • Wirral Museums (renamed in November 2016 as the Williamson and Priory Friends)
  • The Williamson Art Gallery
  • Residents of Lee Court supported living, Holyoke
  • Arts Council England

The panels are situated adjacent to a plot which will house a new nursing college for the region and within an area that will soon be landscaped with lighting, seating and planting. 


Photo three (above) shows Fred Biddulph, a former sign-writer who learnt his trade on the dockside, and who contributed to the lettering on the panels. Standing opposite him is Julie Davies - Team Leader for Wirral Independent Living and Learning (Panel 6 - Lee Court)

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exponential63: James Wilby as Siegfried Sassoon in Regeneration / Behind the Lines (Gillies Mackinno


James Wilby as Siegfried Sassoon in Regeneration / Behind the Lines (Gillies Mackinnon, UK/Canada, 1997)

Source:Getty Images, ‘Best of Entertainment’ section. Credit: Seattle Times/JR Partners.

Slight edit by me.

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lord-kitschener: The film Regeneration and the tumultuous friendship between Sassoon and Robert Gravlord-kitschener: The film Regeneration and the tumultuous friendship between Sassoon and Robert Gravlord-kitschener: The film Regeneration and the tumultuous friendship between Sassoon and Robert Gravlord-kitschener: The film Regeneration and the tumultuous friendship between Sassoon and Robert Gravlord-kitschener: The film Regeneration and the tumultuous friendship between Sassoon and Robert Gravlord-kitschener: The film Regeneration and the tumultuous friendship between Sassoon and Robert Grav


The film Regeneration and the tumultuous friendship between Sassoon and Robert Graves, more or less summed up with Arrested Developmentquotes

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In the regenerating rainforest at Coledale

In the regenerating rainforest at Coledale

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Project for Chakra-inspired meditation spaces wins BB Student AwardConceived by Polish students OlekProject for Chakra-inspired meditation spaces wins BB Student AwardConceived by Polish students OlekProject for Chakra-inspired meditation spaces wins BB Student AwardConceived by Polish students OlekProject for Chakra-inspired meditation spaces wins BB Student AwardConceived by Polish students OlekProject for Chakra-inspired meditation spaces wins BB Student AwardConceived by Polish students Olek

Project for Chakra-inspired meditation spaces wins BB Student Award

Conceived by Polish students Oleksandr Kostevych, Mariia Chorna, Weronika Różyło and Julia Gawlik, this dreamy concept for a meditation camp stood out to the Bee Breeders panel for its connectivity with nature. While not the grand prize winner, it caught my eye for the way it combines vast glass elements with the traditional stonework of the existing buildings. 

Based around the idea of chakras, the site is imagined as a body; each building contributing to the overall health of the camp. The stone barn (the heart chakra) is broken up and intersected with glass cubes that connect the occupant to nature with the least possible obstruction, while a hotel (the throat chakra) is erected nearby with similar glass boxes gazing out. All connects to the farm itself (the root chakra… seen as the basis of life). Another interesting addition I particularly like is the Silence Chamber… a mirrored glass cube that blends into the trees and blocks out all sounds from the outside; leaving the occupant in a complete shut off state from the world. 

I love the way the barn has been transformed in this concept. While other entries (including the winner) were perhaps more sensitive with the building and retained more of its original features, I think this design is more striking; the way the new building is a huge body of glass (with that glorious full-height window looking out) but has that stone core at its heart… a perfect contrast in materials.

See all the winning entries, and the full display boards for this project, here.

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Classic and contemporary styles clash inside Gensler’s stunning regeneration of an art-deco masonic Classic and contemporary styles clash inside Gensler’s stunning regeneration of an art-deco masonic Classic and contemporary styles clash inside Gensler’s stunning regeneration of an art-deco masonic Classic and contemporary styles clash inside Gensler’s stunning regeneration of an art-deco masonic Classic and contemporary styles clash inside Gensler’s stunning regeneration of an art-deco masonic Classic and contemporary styles clash inside Gensler’s stunning regeneration of an art-deco masonic

Classic and contemporary styles clash inside Gensler’s stunning regeneration of an art-deco masonic temple. 

Now occupied by CBRE, this stunning office space sensitively deals with the art deco style of this old masonic temple in Glendale, California; utilising modern materials and finishes to celebrate - not conceal - the traditional features throughout. 

Most spectacular is the attic space at the top of the tower; with the original 1920′s wood trusses left gloriously exposed while Gensler’s new additions take root beneath. Meeting rooms jutting off from the main double-height space are rendered in glass so views out into the office are never obstructed. 

When planning permission was given for the nine-storey building to be renovated, it didn’t take long to find a client… CBRE have now collaborated with Gensler for more than two dozen office projects. Now that’s customer satisfaction!

More at: Gensler &Interior Design Magazine

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Camden Highline set to follow New York and revitalise London’s disused railsImagined by London-basedCamden Highline set to follow New York and revitalise London’s disused railsImagined by London-basedCamden Highline set to follow New York and revitalise London’s disused railsImagined by London-based

Camden Highline set to follow New York and revitalise London’s disused rails

Imagined by London-based firms Studio Weave and Architecture 00, this project for a temporary public park across the disused North London Railway follows rapidly in the wake of the highly successful New York High Line which saw a similarly disused part of the city’s rail network transformed into a public walkway and garden. The 0.8km stretch of railway links Camden with Kings Cross station and currently stands as an eyesore in an otherwise culturally vibrant part of the city.

The proposal would regenerate the line and make use of several bridges along the route, providing chill-out spots, and new pedestrian/cycle routes 8m off the ground to further help avoid the traffic below. 

Looking forward to it.

More at: Camden High Line

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Peter Capaldi’s 12th Doctor regeneration was everything he deserved. Twelve was the most tormented Doctor, the most haunted by his past, so full of secret pains we would never know about. He really felt like he was hiding back so much, and was putting on a mask so much of the time. Seeing the Doctor find peace in himself, and the optimism in himself (herself!!!) for the future, was absolutely incredible. I honestly can’t think of a more suiting end for Twelve. It was bittersweet, but I feel like I can comfortably and peacefully say goodbye. 

And on that note, bring on Jodie Whittaker!!!

 “Right, and then we’ll start a rumour that you’re going to regenerate back into m

“Right, and then we’ll start a rumour that you’re going to regenerate back into me. That’ll really poke the hornet’s nest.”

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