#moon knight mcu



the way i cried a river seeing them together like this it is food for my heart and soul and i am in love with both of them




Y/N watching Steven fight: Wow way to go honey! You got this!

Y/N watches Steven explain and solve an Egyptian puzzle: Lemme have your babies..

Steven blushing: I-I don’t think Marc would let that happen.

Y/N wraps their arms around his neck: Marc… If you’re listening look away… This is mommy’s/daddy’s time

When that bad guy grabbed Stevens leg and held it up against his waist like Bad guy let’s switch roles for a second

Lemme hold Steven Grant like that, dance some tango

Hearing Jake speak Spanish is something I didn’t know I needed….. And his voice is so so different then Marc and Steven’s

Y/N upon seeing Stevens ankle restraints: Wow I didn’t even have to bring my handcuffs

Steven a blushing and stuttering mess: I’m I’m sorry w-what?!

I can’t believe that, of all my posts that could blow up, this one did:

This isn’t even a new Moon Knight meme lol. I’ve seen this one floating around way before the show even premiered.

Quick sketch with Mr. Knight| you can find more art with Moon Knight here and other Marvel fanart us

Quick sketch with Mr. Knight

| you can find more art with Moon Knight here and other Marvel fanart using # |

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dagnyart: I think this is one of the best Marvel products. Also I think this is the best  DID repres


I think this is one of the best Marvel products. 
Also I think this is the best  DID representation on tv

[ You can find more content with the  Marc in my blog using #  also commissions are open]

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Akhem… ok, about the last episode..

! Spoilers Alert!

It was very deep. When I watched the first episode I wanted to give Steven a hug and hot chocolate, so this time it was about Marc. It was heartbreaking when he said that he just needs to finish this deal and then he’ll return control to Steven and he’ll never hear about him again. He was so ruined there. And their fight with the mirror.And his wife…and the last scene of course, which is very hot, but also so sad! I really love how Steven talks to Arthur and how he acts there. I can understand that some people have crush on Mr. Knight ( so do I) but I think it’s so unfair to say that Marvel ruined Mr. Knight in a tv show, because we saw just one episode! Also Mr. Knight is quite new even for comics ( I mean comparing to Batman, or Daredevil or any other famous hero). So it’s totally fine to try new tropes for him! You still have comics stories and it’s not a new canon, it’s just another view on their story.

| You can find more Moon Knight fanart on my page and some other Marvel content too |

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This is my favourite scene from the episode.

By the way I like it soooo much!

We all have to give a big warm hug to Steven.

| you can find more art with Moon Knight here and other Marvel fanart using # |

I drew morning Marc last time now he is sleeping

You can find more art with him in my blog using #moonknight and many other marvel and dc fanart.

|commissions are open|



  • Yeah well, I was a little scared about what the poster could mean. Like, was it all actually Marc’s imagination and he was indeed in a psychiatric? Then I realized the reason of the poster and everything was fine.
  • “Whatever else who might be there.” Oh Harrow, you have no idea…
  • I’m not really surprised that Layla is going to look for them. Alone. With a knife only. *sighs*
  • Taweret. I had this Lucifer flashback. Remember when he sent a demon to talk to Chloe? No? Well, i do.
  • She asked Layla to be her avatar.
  • To which she said no.
  • And, of course, the Gods are freed by breaking the statue. As simple as that. I did not think my theory was right but… it was.
  • Ngl, I WAS expecting Layla to become Khonshu’s avatar. I did wanted to see her as Moon Knight (yk, like Tabitha from Earth trns 590 [I believe I wrote it correctly]).
  • But I’m somehow happy she didn’t accept.
  • “You’re the only superpower I ever had.” Man, Marc went back for Steven, he turned to sand and placed (quite literally) his heart between them, bringing him back. It was emotional.
  • And we have Taweret helping them, old softies, stopping the sand.
  • The bullets falling when Marc stands up. The suit forming. Lemme just… .
  • So, just like that? Did Khonshu accept to free Marc (and Steven) for good, just like that? There’s just something there that’s not convincing me.
  • That frame. That fRAME of him covering the moon with the suit. *chef’s kiss*
  • Taweret is a baby and I love her. And you love her too. We all love her.
  • You know what I also love? The costume she chose for Layla to wear as her Avatar. 10/10. Quality.
  • Now, the transition between Marc and Steven (aka Moon Knight and Mr. Knight) is sick.
  • The fact that Steven fixed the suit while still fighting, leading him to be thrown away was so funny. I like this kind of humor.
  • The girl asking Layla if she’s a superhero and she going “I am.” ajzñdkzñsñ. Yes, you are!
  • We can all agree that it was him. Steven didn’t do it and Marc blacked out (again)..AAAAAGH!!!
  • Now, what the hell was that, at the asylum with Harrow?
  • For a moment, I thought about that theory saying that everything was, in fact, in Marc’s head and nothing was real.
  • Which would have the poster making sense, but it didn’t. Not when Harrow’s footsteps were printed in blood on the floor.
  • Aaaand, they wake up in Steven’s apartment, and Marc falls because he has this clamp thing (sorry, idk what’s it called xd) around his heel.
  • Harrow (Ammit), in a psychiatric, being strolled out of the hospital by someone, put in a car and then BHAM! we have Khonshu telling him that Marc didn’t know how messed up he was.
  • Wait, wait, wait. Did I miss the “MOON KNIGHT WILL RETURN” at the end of the credits? Was it not there? Why am I always asking questions I know the answer to?
  • Anyway, this series was phenomenal! The best, I dare to say, Marvel has done so far (and I’m talking about Marvel Disney, because Daredevil is still the best), I don’t think the projected ahead can top it but we’ll see.
  • Now, we have to wait for Ms. Marvel and hope for the best.



  • I’ll start saying that I love the fact that they added Marc’s nose injury. A good touch, Marvel. I understood that reference.
  • I knew she was Taweret, what I didn’t know was that they were in Duat, the Egyptian underworld.
  • Which means, of course, that they’re dead.
  • Also, did I mention how cute Taweret is?
  • Who, by the way, mentioned the Astral Plane. And of course, she knows about it, but it’s always good to have things like that mentioned in different MCU projects.
  • Did she take their hearts out? And put them on the scale? And now, the poster makes sense? The answer to all those questions is yes.
  • For a second I was sure that that memory, if him on the street was Jake because neither of them seemed to recognize it.
  • Hello, I hate Marc’s mom. You do too? Let’s start a club. My poor little baby didn’t deserve any of that!
  • I would have liked it if we could see the whole thing, but I guess that peek would do.
  • Also, i agree with Steven. Khonshu took advantage of Marc’s situation, but we already knew that.
  • “My fist of vengeance, my Moon Knight.” I’m sorry if y'all heard my scream.
  • Lemme tell you, Marc’s story is devastating. I do not wish anyone to have a mom like his, or to experience anything he went through.
  • But well, thanks to that we got to see how and why Steven was created. A coping mechanism to deal with all that.
  • Marc explains that his mom is dead. For a second I thought that, maybe, she didn’t answer Steven’s call because, well… we know why, but now we know it is because she’s dead and I feel so bad for Steven at this point.
  • Now, nOW!! We see Steven in Harrow’s office. I was not expecting that.
  • Even less, seeing Harrow calling Steven’s mom.
  • And he, Steven, is crying. If there’s something I hate with my entire soul is watching a man, an adult, cry. It makes me wanna cry.
  • And the fact that the memory of the street was Marc, outside of his parent’s house, drinking during his mom’s funeral (where he cried as well) broke my heart completely.
  • Oscar Isaac, love you buddy. You’re, hands down (and forgive me, please RDJ) the best freaking actor there’s ever been in the MCU!!
  • Taweret is really helping them. One would think she’s not allowed but, well, I love her too, your honor. She was rooting for them.
  • Steven freaking fell off the boat and turned into… i mean, why? Why did that had to happen? Why didn’t he make it to the boat? Why is the scale balanced? Why am I asking all these questions?
  • However, I’m going to ask one more: How am I supposed to survive a whole week to watch the final episode? There’s no way in making it alive.
  • Now I know why everyone was saying that this episode was their favorite. It was mental!! It was awesome and I can’t wait to see what happens next.



  • Let’s start saying that, Layla, you’re a badass and I love you.
  • Steven, I love you too, but Marc’s got a job to do… please let him do it!!
  • Sorry, guys, but that kiss you two share felt incredibly wrong to me. I knew it would happen eventually but it still feels like it.
  • And that punch in the face, Marc? Jakajssk. Hilarious.
  • “It’s a-maze-ing.” Dude, I can’t get enough of Steven fangirling so hard about everything. He’s a baby and we must protect him at all cost.
  • Now, nOW!! My hands were sweating. I thought that thing would find Layla and we’d have a (well expected but still surprising) jump scare.
  • But we didn’t so, we’re good.
  • Despite that, that thing does catch Layla, scaring the shit outta me. I was really, stupidity not expecting it to actually happen.
  • But luckily, as I said, Layla is badass and handled it herself.
  • I don’t know why I was surprised when Harrow told the story about Layla’s father.
  • Like, I should have seen it coming. Marc being there when he died, that (probably and most likely) being the reason he met Layla, the fact that he couldn’t save him…
  • I don’t know, it’s a lot of information to get in thirty seconds.
  • Aaaaaand apparently Marcos dead… again.
  • I am eager to see what happens in the next episode. Like, how is he (are they) coming back?
  • Anyway, I haven’t said this since WandaVision but, what the actual hell? What’s happening? What’s going on? Why is he in that place? And most importantly, WHY is he there?
  • So Marc and Steven are together…, in this place…, separately… In different bodies. I have a lot of questions.
  • Like, for example, is Jake finally showing up? Do they have to find him to get out of there? Am I going too far with this?
  • Ugh. Is it next week already? I need answers.


Third One’s The Charm - Moon Knight ✨

Pairings: Jake Lockley x F!Reader (in focus), Marc Spector x F!Reader, Steven Grant x F!Reader

Genre:Hurt/Comfort , Fluff , Smut

Summary: Jake Lockley was fine. Really. Marc and Steven are happy with their girlfriend and he’s okay staying in the shadows. He’s used to staying in the shadows. He managed to stay hidden from the boys for years, but lately something makes him take control more and more. Or rather, someone makes him take control more and more.

A/N: Please note that I only used information from the show about DID, sorry if something is not correct Since we haven’t seen much of Jake I went with the vibes we saw of him in ep 5. We stan a murder daddy in this house

I started writing this before ep 6 came out, but I also can’t speak Spanish, so I went with a New Yorker vibe.

Warnings: way too many use of the word “different(ly)”, rough sex, dirty talk, name calling


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For all my horny whores out there: my BEST FUCKING BELOVED FRIEND is writing hella spicy spicy stuff and I’d love it if you give it some love! ❤️

Great writing as always, honey, I liked the jersey idea! ❤️
