#fml fml fml


Being abused by the one you love is the most painful shit…

you’ll never be able to forget it

I’m fighting off a seizure off  and on for a few hours now and I’m worn out and  I’m kinda loosing. I’ve been seizure free for 8 months now, which means that I can learn how to drive and start going places and doing things without being afraid of having a seizure. I don’t want to have a seizure, I really really don’t. 

I think it goes without saying that I could really use some prayers right about now,(plus it says I do in the post’s title) so if my praying peeps would send some my way I’d greatly appreciate it.

Thank you for reading. Sorry about the awful grammar…and the language,

A front and weather changes are moving around where I live, so I’m cuddled up watching tv and playing on the computer. It’s like going back to old times, in the worst way possible.

I am not a fan of these weather changes, not a fan at all.

I’m having a panic attack, it’s been well over an hour, it’s awful. But I have Star Trek and tea, so take that!

Around the beginning of this month I was playing a video game and, out of nowhere, I felt a seizure coming on. Fortunately I got to my Lorazepam in time and did my multitasking tricks and managed to keep it away. I don’t know what could have triggered it; I wasn’t looking at anything with flashing lights, I wasn’t in any more pain than usual, I wasn’t too hot or too cold, it just came out of nowhere and scared me half to death.

It also happened right when I was doing something important and dangerous, so I had to ask my buddy to

keep my avatar alive because I would be very bummed out if I came back and she was dead.

I’m over a year seizure free now, working on learning how to drive, and I don’t want my brain throwing fits to rip that away from me. Not cool brain.

I miss the cold weather, Skate parks and the chill atmosphere in Oregon.


happy pride month me and my roommate both have covid and can’t work until it clears up

it also means i have to push back a surgery AND i still have to save up for a car so basically everything is on fire! i haven’t felt even remotely stable or human for weeks on end I’m Sort Of Hitting My Limit Folks

  • k0-fi + v*nmo: shantyman
  • c*shapp:shantymen
  • DM for p*ypal

anything helps rn especially with us both out of work for at least a week, we’re both already really disabled and in constant pain so this is just a hit nobody needed rn
