#fuck off

There’s cool yellowish green shit coming out of this cut on my throat.There’s cuts on my

There’s cool yellowish green shit coming out of this cut on my throat.
There’s cuts on my back too, but the gauze is stuck to it and I can’t rip it off.

Post link
Actually I barely fucking eat thanks to my eating disorder coming back and I’ve lost 42 pounds becau

Actually I barely fucking eat thanks to my eating disorder coming back and I’ve lost 42 pounds because of it. You can fuck right off, my curves are beautiful. ✌

Post link


hey rb and tag a food from your culture that everyone loves but you hate

If this bullshit tampon tax goes through I’m bleeding all over the next fuckin bus I get on.


something local lost in the din of worldly chaos this week was the budget cuts (which p much all local and provincial government departments had to endure over the pandemic) for the vpd got appealed .. $5.7mil of their already huge budget given back @allthecanadianpolitics

if america wasn’t shit it would be illegal for cops to talk to you without legal representation present who are hired and paid as much as prosecutors are by the state

fuck off

Guys..im sick of seeing MSGS about this opinion and that opinion and hate hate blahblahblah…STOP! This is a confession blog! not some bashing this other person’s opinion blog..Don’t even think about it.Thank you

terfs and transmisogynists are not fucking welcome here. we will block and report you on sight. fuck off with that shit, it is absolutely unacceptable.

I have a suspicion there are a lot more angry Christians who would harm someone in a public restroom than there are creepy LGBT folks who would hurt someone in a public restroom.








The CDC Director is really out here straight up promoting eugenics.

“Good news everyone! Only the disabled and chronically ill are dying so that’s REALLY ENCOURAGING. No need to change a thing. Let ‘er rip!”

CDC Diretor be like

[ID: Headline that reads “Would Anyone Notice If We Started Endorsing Eugenics?”]

For all y’all going ?!? I need you to know this is not an exaggeration.

The CDC director says fuck disabled and chronically ill lives. I’m also going to point out that you’re significantly more likely to be disabled if you are Native American or Black so this is also racist. The CDC out here officially cheering our deaths is just the perfect way to start 2022.

[ID: A series of four screen grabs of Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the CDC Director, speaking on TV. The subtitles read “The overwhelming number of deaths, over 75%, occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities. So really these are people who were unwell to begin with and yes, really encouraging news in the context of Omicrom.”]

What makes this worse is that something like half the people living in this country have some kind of comorbid or pre-existing condition. And the CDC knows that perfectly well.

So while it IS good news that Omicron is apparently less deadly than previous mutations, it is NOT in any way acceptable for the CDC or the press to throw literal millions of people under the COVID bus and just shrug it off like, “Welp, they were sick anyway.”


Also, uh, it seems that basically ANYTHING THAT ISN’T HEALTHY AND NT QUALIFIES.

So any injury? Listed as a comorbidity even if it’s not life-threatening.

On their list of things? Slew of mental health stuff. I tick off 5 comorbidity boxes for my mental health and ND stuff ALONE, I guarantee that a ton of people who think they wouldn’t count would in fact have their death written off as “oh they had a comorbidity they were just unhealthy”

(Which, for the record, “comorbidity” is just “having more than one unrelated condition at the same time”. If you have a cold and an infection from an unrelated cause that’s comorbid. If you have depression and ADHD that’s comorbid. I guarantee a huge chunk of the population has at least one condition that would get their death dismissed as having a comorbidity–it is an entirely useless metric in this instance on top of being ableist, racist, and classist.)

a legrosszabb az egészben, hogy tudja hogy fáj, de nem tesz ellene semmit

lol how you gonna ask a person to tag pictures of their own body with trigger warnings? do you not see how wrong that is? i’m not an invertbrate. i can’t do anything about having bones.

maybe the internet isn’t for you

This Covid shit
