


This is all based on my research, path, opinion & experiences!
I really was holding out on doing this post because it’s such a big, important topic to cover and I really don’t want to mess it up or get anything wrong. This post needs to be done though, people have asked if I have such a post and an anon suggested it. So finally, here it is. 
What Is Warding?
Warding is a type of magick, it is the act of creating an energetic barrier around you, your home, an object, ect. They can be temporary or permanent, although typically they are cast with the long term in mind. They can banish or turn away whatever you choose. Warding is an excellent skill to have because it can keep you, and even others safe and with practice you can do it anytime with just about whatever you have on hand. 

When Should I Ward?
Whenever you want an energetic barrier around you, most people consistently ward their home, themselves or their place of practice. Some people even ward their space every time they prepare for a spell. It should be done consistently in any area you want protected, but exactly where and how often is entirely up to the practitioner. 

What Should I Do Before?
Cleanse, a ward is a barrier of energy and in the same way that it keeps things out it also keeps things in. You don’t want to trap anything inside of it. Cleanse yourself before you ward yourself. Cleanse your space before you ward your space! 

Tips Before You Ward-

Keep the phrasing in mind! You don’t want to keep anything out that you want in, or let something in that you want out. If you’re chanting or using sigils ect keep in mind exactly what you want to keep out both in your methods and in your mind.

Covering everything
Make sure to cover everything, a ward is useless if there’s a weakness in it or if the ceiling & floor aren’t probably covered. Be super thorough! 

Layering Your Wards
One small little wimpy barrier? Ha, the spirits say as they scramble into your home to wreak havoc! You need to layer your wards, don’t just use one method one time, there’s no such thing as too much warding. 

What Are Some Ways That I Can Ward?
Now we’ll get right down to the methods you can use to ward yourself and your space! Remember that warding is important and needs to be effective, don’t try anything that you don’t have experience with for warding. At first, focus on the stuff you know. If you like sigils, use sigils at first and slowly work your way into using other more complex methods or methods that solely rely on your abilities.

Circle Casting
You cast a circle by summoning the four elements to protect & energize what is in the circle. 
-Here’s my post about circles & how to cast them 

Come up with a protective chant you can use to ward your space. This chant could be someone else’s or your own as long as you feel it’s effective. Speak it aloud and visualize a layer of energy protecting your space. 

Burn a protective incense in the space you’d like to ward and visualize a barrier protecting your space.

Draw out the line of your ward with your athame, visualize the wall appearing, covering everything with a thick layer of energy. 

Spray a mix of blessed/magickal waters and or herbs with protective properties in the space you want to ward. 

Create a sigil using your favorite method with the intent to “ward” or “protect/protection.” Then charge and activate it as a layer of protection!
Here’s my post on sigils if you’re interested in that:
-Sigil Post

Jar Spells
You could mix up a jar spell for warding, set it in your house and forget it as a layer of warding. 
-My protective jar spell post

Anoint the doorways of your space, you could also anoint the ceiling, floor, walls, corners, honestly go for it. 

Sprinkle salt all around the edge of your home or space. Make sure to sprinkle salt on the INSIDE of your harm as salt can harm plants & wildlife if used outside. If you’d like to make a barrier on the outside of your home, you can use dried & crushed eggshells in place of salt. - Post on how to make eggshell powder here - 

Hag stones
Hag stones are stones with holes in them that have been corroded into the stone because of rushing water. It is believed rushing water is protective & cleansing so if you wear a stone that sat in it long enough to have parts corroded away, that the stone will maintain and keep those properties with it. It’s a great way to personally ward yourself, and an excuse to go out in nature. 

They look like this! 


Energy Manipulation
If you’ve got a knack for manipulating energy, you can create a barrier through work and visualization that surrounds yourself or your space. This isn’t recommended for beginners though!

-Horse Warding CharmBy@anothersusurrus
- House Warding Spritz Mixture By @seleneblackwell

Both of these are great if you’re looking for specific spells, types of magick, correspondences, sigils, ect!
-Protection Magic Masterpost Part 1By@auricwitch
-Protection Magic Masterpost Part 2By@auricwitch

Personal Wards
Also remember not just to ward your space but yourself, if you layer your home with wards, what happens when you leave? Exactly. Keep yourself safe too! Circle casting & hag stones are great methods I mentioned above that are good for personal warding. 

Can I Ward Specific Things And Not Others?

Absolutely! I mentioned this in the phrasing section of this post, keep in mind exactly what you want to keep out when you’re warding. I like words like “negative” or “harmful” or “with ill intent” because they don’t necessarily keep out the Fae or positive/neutral spirits but it does keep out anything that wants to harm you in general. Just think about it ahead of time, find wording or a phrase you like and keep that in mind as you ward. 

What If I Live With People?

If you’re out of the broom closet, explain to your family/roommates what you’re doing and why you’re doing it and make sure they’re cool with it and are aware of what’s going on. If you’re not out of the broom closet, you may have to resort to only warding yourself/your room, & that’s okay! 

I hope this helps someone or teaches them something new!
Have a lovely day


I think it’s really time I start making my protection magic a priority. It’s hard being me in an office every day with all these different personalities and unique energies. I really have to shield myself better.

Think I’m going to ask Eris for help.

Funny enough as I was writing this I had the image of Eris wrapping me up safely in her wings and then I began reading about shielding techniques where one of them suggested visualizing some kind of barrier between you and everyone else….you know such as a goddess and her protective wings!

Damn Eris, you work faster than Hermes! Didn’t even have time to properly ask you for help! And this is why I adore you and will never ever let you go! ❤️

The links to Centering and Grounding are here:                      GroundingCentering

Shielding is a way of protecting yourself from psychic, mental, or magical attack—it’s a way of creating an energy barrier around yourself that other people can’t penetrate. 

When you shield, you envelope yourself with your energy. Focus on your energy core, and expand it outward so that it covers your entire body. Ideally, you’ll want it to extend past the surface of your body so that it’s almost as though you’re walking around in a bubble. 

When you’re forming your energy shield, it’s a good idea to visualize the surface of it as being reflective. This not only protects you from negative influences and energy, but it can also repel them back to the original sender. If you’re someone who is often affected by the emotions of others—if certain people make you feel drained and exhausted by their very presence—then you need to practice shielding techniques.



The link to my post about centering and shielding are here: CenteringShielding

Sometimes, if we fail to center properly before a ritual, we can end up a bit off-kilter. In other words, you’ve gone and amped up your energy level, it’s been increased by magickal working, and now you’ve got to burn some of it away. This is when the practice of grounding comes in very handy. It’s a way of getting rid of some of that excess energy you’ve stored up. Once this is done, you’ll be able to regulate yourself and feel normal again.

Grounding is fairly easy. The same way you manipulate energy when you learn to center, that’s what you’ll do to ground—only instead of drawing that energy inside you, you’ll push it out, into something else. Close your eyes and focus on your energy. Get it under control so that it’s manageable—and then, using your hands, push it into the ground, a bucket of water, a tree, or some other object that can absorb it.

Some people prefer to fling their energy into the air, as a way of eliminating it, but this should be done with caution—if you’re around other magically inclined people, one of them may inadvertently absorb what you’re getting rid of, and then they’re in the same position you’ve just been in.

Another method is to push the excess energy down, through your legs and feet, and into the ground. Focus on your energy, and feel it draining away, as though someone had pulled a plug out of your feet. Some people find it helpful to bounce up and down a bit, to help shake out the last of the excess energy.






Charging / Enchanting:

Energy Manipulation / Exercises:

Shielding / Warding:





Covid, or rather this pandemic, has taken so much from me. And yes, I do feel sorry for myself. And there’s nothing wrong with that because frankly, if more people felt sorry for people like me, we would all have more of a life right now.

The virus itself sucks and is probably far more damaging than we currently give it credit for. But the people are worse. The majority of people are happy to allow anyone with a health problem to shield at home and infinitely rot, so long as they can live life as though the pandemic never happened. They don’t care that I’m not on hospice care, bed bound or hooked up to a million machines. They don’t care that two years ago I was living like them; that they couldn’t have picked me out in the street. My home is my prison now and I should just accept that. After all, we the 6 million are the minority.

I think that if we ever get through this pandemic, I will never trust or care for people the same again. I used to think that most people were decent, with just a few bad eggs. Now, you’re a cunt and a danger to my life until proven otherwise.

This pandemic has taken my empathy and leniency. I don’t care for those who are ill if I saw them making poor decisions that caused it. I don’t look the other way when I see people breaking the rules or putting others at risk, instead I make a mental note of their selfishness. I see people I used to care about at pubs and clubs and restaurants and I wish long covid on them. I see people recover from Covid and a part of me is bitter that they never learnt their lesson. I want them to suffer. I want them to regret they ever set foot out their front door. I want them to feel as helpless and trapped as I do.

Josh, I’m training to be a doctor. How can I have such a cold heart? I guess that’s what happens when it seems it’s been broken by 60 million people all at once.

This pandemic has taken my ability to feel much at all. I am so chronically, severely hopeless and angry that there’s nothing but palpable numbness. I read headline after headline of ways the government is making my survival ever more difficult, and I just sigh and roll my eyes. I am a bottomless pit of rage. There is so much in here, yet there is no pile up to see. Sometimes my chest aches. Often I feel an overwhelming urge to lash out or set buildings alight. But I don’t feel the power of anger that I used to feel. There’s just an empty, all consuming hatred of this reality.

This pandemic has taken my family from me. My grandparents go out and live their lives and I can hardly blame them; i don’t rate their chances against Covid so they might as well enjoy their time. But that makes them a risk to me, and their hearing impairments mean I cannot visit them safely with a mask. It’s been three years since I spent Christmas with them; I could go if they swore to isolate for two weeks first, but I just know my aunt, uncle and cousins wouldn’t. My company isn’t worth that to them. My parents work for the NHS and see patients every day; the past two years have been filled with fleeting visits in car parks with takeaway McDonalds and all the windows down. This Christmas, we exchanged presents at a motorway service station halfway between us.

I’ve lost three friends so far to Covid, because asking them to keep me safe was too much. They’re hardly a loss, but the situation hurts to know that all these years, my life had so little value to them. The healthy people don’t understand. “It’s not that deep” they say, “they just want to live their lives”. But it is. Actions in this pandemic reflect our core values. They may want to live their lives, I’d just like to survive mine a little longer.

I can’t even make more friends. I started this uni course with the clear understanding that I would have to choose my health over my social life time and again. And I do. I watch as everyone else gets to know each other and spends time together, at the places where they catch covid and bring it again and again into lectures. I am barely safe to learn, let alone find human connection.

At 18 years old I saved up for a plane ticket and flew to the USA alone. Finishing college really let me learn what freedom was. I’ve been on spontaneous trips up and down the country. I used to catch trains and buses so often and loved how small it made the world feel. I loved making passing visits to cities during changeovers, becoming part of the hustle and bustle. Watching people rushing around me, taking in the departure boards and learning how to almost flawlessly manage the tube networks. I was free and I could go anywhere and do anything.

Now, my world really is small. It’s the size of a one-bedroom flat; 4 rooms to be precise. Without university or medical appointments, I would stay in here for months. I spend my weeks excited to finish my work, only to realize when I reach the weekend that I have nothing to do to reward myself. At best there are films, TV shows, games and books. But they’re all good at giving me a headache. Nowadays, I get most of my serotonin from ordering a takeaway desert once a fortnight. We do sometimes go out, but we have to be mindful of people. We walk around the nearby parks and graveyard and beaches. But there’s only so much grass and sand and ocean you can see before it becomes dull. Some days I sleep in even though I’m not tired, simply because it’s an easier way to pass the time.

Don’t get me wrong, after two years I have learnt to appreciate some of the smaller things. I remember a time when I would have been thrilled to hear I finally had a flat with my partner and that we had our own rats too. I’m insanely grateful for the progress I’ve made and the little family I have. I try my absolute best not to take them for granted; I’m so scared I’ll lose them as well.

The pandemic has also changed my perspective on my memories. There was a time, for around a year, when I had a really fucking good time that all came to an abrupt end when you died. Before covid, I used to resent that it had ended. That my depression, which was essentially in remission, had come back to consume me. All I wanted was to get back to being happy. Now though? Of course I wish to be happy. But I look back on that specific time and I’m just overwhelmed with joy and appreciation that it happened at all. I’m so glad I got to live a little bit of life before all this, and I’m honestly happy that I did it with so much naivety about what was to come. I had and did and felt some amazing things, and I can’t express how grateful I am for that. That’s not to say I’m glad for the pandemic though, as I’m sure in another life I could have learnt to appreciate these things in a less damaging way.

I don’t know where I’m going with this, exactly, Josh. I’m just being honest where I’m at. Maybe one day in the distance future I will able to look back at this with relief that life has improved. It would make a nice change; most of my reminiscing now involves remembering the early pandemic when covid wasn’t this out of control and people still wanted to help one another. I never thought my life would become this bad and now honestly, Josh, I see no way out. I used to think there was a light at the end of the tunnel, but now it’s faded to black. I’m resigned to living in this prison for the foreseeable future, in the hopes that one day I will be thankful I spared the health I do have and be able to start living again. Maybe I’ll be 25, or 35 or 45. Who knows. One thing I know is that I am not the same person I would have become without this pandemic. And I don’t think I’m ever going to be the same again.

Now, Josh, if you could just pull some strings with the guy upstairs and get him to sort this shit out, that’d be grand.

Love always you lucky, plague-free guy,


I’m in my early 20s.

I want to be traveling the world before I have kids, a mortgage and other responsibilities tying me down.

I want to be trying new things before I work full time; drumming, sports, new languages.

I want to be learning who I am. Trying new styles. Making mistakes, because now is the time to do it.

I want to make memories and take pictures of me before I get old and wrinkly and grey.

But I can’t. Because the place I live is not safe for me, and if I go outside it may mean I’m never well enough again to do any of that. So I wait. I’ve waited for two years now and I see no end in sight. I wait and I wait and I wait.

My world is so small.


I’m feeling pretty lonely this Christmas, so I’m turning to the most reliable company I have: you. I’m missing so many things right now: family, my old life, having plenty of friends. I wouldn’t call it self pity, it is what it is, but I just have a lot of time and free head space right now. There’s no much spinning around in there. So many thoughts. So for tonight, I think I’ll just listen to everything that reminds me of you and try to forget the rest.

Merry Christmas my dude,


They took my fucking freedom.

They took my fucking freedom and now they rub it in my face.

Every single person, without exception, that doesn’t wear a mask is a selfish cunt.

I want my life back.

me: i just gotta keep going. this pandemic has got to end eventually, right?

therapist: yes but will you still have your sanity by then?


therapist: i can see that you’re clinging onto your sanity by your fingernails right now




me: :))))))))

I don’t know how much longer I can hang on and wait and see and hope.

We are living in hell and so many people won’t even admit it, let alone help get us out.

The thoughts of death being so much calmer and kinder and pain-free are here more and more.

I don’t want to be in this country anymore. I don’t want to be on this world.
