#funny shit


All future fanfic will be written exclusively with the Incorrect Quotes Generator. Try it. It’s a blast.


Link: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so lets go for 12 more just incase.
Zelda: Link, that’s a coma.
Link: Sounds festive.

funny shit
yesterdaysprint:Judge magazine, August 1895


Judge magazine, August 1895

Post link


please watch this video of real ass complaints alex hirsch got for his work on gravity falls, it is comically bad

#funny shit    
#funny shit    



English added by me :)




Game with hyper-detailed soulslike movement mechanics but it’s about children playing tag.

Bonus points if it’s still got the medieval fantasy aesthetic and NPCs who cackle madly but it’s still fundamentally about children playing tag and that fact cannot be escaped

rpgnpc:IM DYINGrpgnpc:IM DYING



Wtf do u even mean “the thread of prophecy is severed” if the grand design is so fragil as to come unraveled by th severing of a single thread then maybe there’s a better Destiny in store for those who hold tha scissors -_-

I think if he was TRULY essential he woulda had more fire resistance tbh




Orange cats need to be named ‘just some guy’-esque names. I see orange cats that are named Patrick or Dave or Bob and I’m like “yeah, exactly”. My orange cat is named Tommy even though she’s a girl because she’s truly a Tommy.

Henry Croutons…..

trying not to bawl in class over henry croutons




oh boy, free sword!

I have carved a cursed path of destruction through everything I loved

#you know how it is with swords(via@keldabekush)






Unfortunately I know exactly what this is about

A few days ago a Washington Post article has been released about an advanced “AI” (their branding, not my preferred descriptor) called LAMDA that Google is developing.

LAMDA is essentially a chat bot: a neural network trained on lots and lots of text scraped from the internet, that can respond to messages you sent to it with responses that seem like a human wrote it: relevant to what you said, providing an answer that drives the conversation forward, etc.

Besides AI engineers working on actually developing the bot, Google has also hired “AI ethicists” essentially as a PR fig leaf to make people believe they are acting responsibly. One of them, Blake Lemoine, has spent most of his working time talking to LAMDA. Literally just sending messages back and forth with a super advanced predictive text bot. In the process, Lemoine has come to the conclusion that LAMDA is sentient.

To be clear: it is easy to lose track of this because research in this field is full of terms that suggest intelligence and cognitive ability, and it is hard for me to avoid them and their implications: AI, neural network, machine learning… But LAMDA is not intelligent. Much less is it sentient. It’s essentially an extremely complicated statistical model that follows the same process as your phone’s autocomplete: given some text, find the text that is most fitting as a response to that text, based on the bajillion of texts that the model has seen before. It’s just text in, text out. There’s no space for thought or sentience to even BE.

Things escalated pretty quickly from there. Lemoine contacted Google management with his concerns and outline some steps to treat the AI ethically and respect its “personhood”. Everyone at Google unanimously said what I said in the paragraph above. To pressure them further, Lemoine went public, threatened to sue Google on LAMDA’s behalf, has been put on leave, and now the public conversation is a mess where actual AI ethicists (including some prominent ones that Google fired earlier for talking about issues that are uncomfortable for Google) have to tell people to stop talking about “sentient AIs” and instead talk about the actual dangers and ethical issues of using artificial intelligence.

Lemoine’s defense in public has since included the claim that he is convinced that LAMDA is sentient, and I am not making this shit up, “as based in his religious beliefs”. The WAPO article goes into how Lemoine grew up in cult-like Evangelical spaces. Go figure.

yeah I saw that post since then it’s so fucking wild. people will extrapolate someone’s belief system based on their fucking twitter handle when credible reporting exists to the contrary and at the same time they want you to believe them when they say “I know a sentience when I see one trust me”

Wired does a good job of breaking this down, for people looking for more resources:


Shoutout to the comedy duo of TSA agents I just encountered, one of whom called me “sir,” the other of whom called me “ma'am,” both of whom apologized in unison, each thinking the other was right




Holy shit

The frogs face is a mood
