#furby community


Eggbert is READY. Despite his disheveled state the good Egg is ready to conquer, and he would also like to thank everyone for sticking around. We recently reached exactly 1,111 followers and as such once we get a little more settled in we will be announcing a giveaway! The prize? A custom made apron and accessory for one of your furbs! Handmade by yours truly! Once I work out the details Eggbert and I will tell you all how to enter! So get ready!

Oh no

We did it guys, the hoard has been released! A new reign of furby chaos is upon us!! They are all extremely disoriented and bamboozled but that’s not gonna stop the mayhem!

Big Screech?

FOUND, passed out in a corner.

He wasn’t lost or anything it’s just been a while. He needs a bath.

So I found this cursed, squishy, and… oily child at the dollar store

Y'all imma need your feedback in replies…

Should I go make a fool of myself Should I go get a photo with Santa, but instead of me in the pic, it’s Slushie (my long furby) being held my Santa

If enough of y'all are demanding it I’ll go do it, but only gonna embarrassing myself if it’s for your amusement, I’m genuinely curious

Brought a banana boy to work with me

Me at the end of quarantine going to the barber

Having fun at Vancoufur with Orange Sherbet!!

Shot taken by @ADrowsyUnicorn on twitter!

Anyone have a tutorial or tips for washing a Long Furby? I thought I had one but I can’t find it.

Slushie has a dirty patch on her fur and needs to be cleaned up for a convention tomorrow

It’s a bit hard to see in the pic due to lighting sorry

Fubs wants u to know…no matter where u are in the world, voting alone is never enough — it’s just the beginning! ❤️
