


Divination is a magical process which utilizes various tools to provide glimpses of the future. The use of tarot cards is a form of divination, as is watching clouds pass overhead or gazing at the patterns caused by tea leaves in a cup.

For those who are unable to be consciously psychic when the need arises, divination is the next best thing, although the ability to intuitively divine is also a gift that is not given to everyone, despite what modern paganism would have you believe, it is something that anyone can do in prayer while trying to discern God’s will in their own lives.

While performing this magic, we focus our conscious mind on the symbols presented to us and allow them to contact our psychic mind. The symbols – coins, rune stones, raindrops on a window – are simple keys which enable us to unlock our psychic awareness or messages from our higher selves or more importantly from God.

There are thousands of forms of divination. It has been practiced in all cultures throughout history. Sometimes these rites were performed by the individual, sometimes by priestesses, priests or shamans. It was practiced by God’s people in the Bible, including by Jesus’ own disciples. The quest for knowledge of possible future events is still alive today. What was banned in the Bible was practicing divination for selfish reasons, for reasons that might cause harm to other people, or gaining information by using demonic spirits.

I said, “possible future events” above because nothing is carved in stone. The future isn’t mapped out in advance. Our choices change our futures. The story of Jonah was one of those examples. We are creating our futures every second of every day. Our lives are the results of our decisions. Divination can help us make those choices.

Just as we determine our futures, other persons can influence our lives as well if we allow them to. Universal forces ebb and flow, adding their energy to the shape of tomorrow. The factors that are at work here are incomprehensible.

Fortunately, we needn’t understand these processes to gain a glimpse of the future. All we need do is choose our tools and use them ritually to contact the spiritual guidance that is available to us all.

Stone divination is an excellent form of this ancient art. When you need guidance regarding an important decision, look to God and use the stones for help. If fear grips you when you think about an upcoming event, look to God and use the stones. If you;re unsure whether or magical rite you’re about to perform is designed for your goal, use a stone divination to bring all sharply into focus.

This can easily become a crutch. The man or woman who won’t leave the house without consulting a psychic is a cliche, but it is too often true. Divination isn’t a necessity for daily living; it is a tool which we pick up and use when needed, then set down. Divination can help us make decisions, warn us of possible dangers or ill-health, and provide another perspective on a problem.

It may be exciting to perform a divination, but it should never be done “just for fun” or out of boredom. Like magic, divination is used when it is necessary.

Most divinatory systems contain some sort of element of ‘chance.’ This determines which tools – in this case, stones – will be available to help us unlock the secrets of tomorrow. Pulling a stone at random from a bag, opening our Bibles randomly for a verse, shuffling tarot cards, or tossing I Ching stalks or coins brings chance into the divination.

Always pray before doing any form of divination. Ask for God to show you what They need for you to know for your quest.

Other forms of divination rely on more direct communication with the subconscious mind. The pendulum, for example, is a tool which is set in motion by minuscule movements of the arm and hand that hold it. These movements are caused by the conscious or sub-conscious mind, and are interpreted to gain an answer. These are less likely to be supernaturally influenced and there is a larger margin for error because our minds may know what we WANT to hear and will influence our movements to provide that answer, even if that is not the answer that we NEED to hear. I, personally, can make a pendulum give whatever answer I want it to give without anyone else seeing any movement at all. This is nothing more than slight of hand and can be dangerous when asking for God’s will.

If you’re consciously psychic at will, you won’t need divination. If not, you may want to begin working with one of the systems outlined in this chapter. In doing so, remember these things:

It may take a few sessions for you to properly work the divination, to approach it with the correct frame of mind, and to use the symbols presented to you to unfold your psychic awareness.

The future isn’t predetermined. If you see something that bothers you, you can change it through your choices and through prayer, intention, and magic! If an unreasonably rosy picture is presented to you, you might question yourself: Am I reading my desires into this? Am I properly utilizing the system? Is this system appropriate for me? (In other words, does it speak to my psychic mind?). I have found that it is rare for one person to be “gifted” in more than one or two forms of divination. Like I am very gifted in Tarot and do well with Runes but not really with any other form of divination. In fact, I am honestly afraid to use my pendulum because I CONSISTENTLY get the answers I want to receive so that I do not feel safe in basing choices and life decisions on it unless it is something that needs an answer from my own subconscious mind and not from a higher source. It is wise to acknowledge this and take steps to develop my true gifts instead of trying to force a divination form that does not work well for me. Everyone has gifts and one gift is not better or worse than any other gift.

That is my advice to you. Everyone has different God-given gifts. Not everyone has “witchy” gifts but their gifts are no less important. And those who DO have “witchy” gifts do not all have the same ones. Just because you think Trelawny is amazing and you want to be like her does not mean that you will ever have the gift of reading tea leaves or crystal balls. Be sure to pray to God and ask Them to show you what your God-given gifts are, and then be honest with yourself when you see that one gift, even if you wanted that gift, is not for you. And be sure to use your intuition always!

If you DO find that you have a gift for divination, remember this: Divination is performed out of necessity. If an honest conversation, a few phone calls or letters, or a few moments of concentration will successfully clear up your questions, try these things first. If not, work with your divinatory gift.


Scrying is gazing into or contemplating a shining, luminous or reflective surface.

Stone scrying is probably the best known form of divination. Highly polished, reflective stones have been used for thousands of years in developing psychic awareness.

Most people have heard of the ubiquitous 'crystal ball.’ This magical tool is simply a sphere of quartz crystal. Large, clear quartz spheres can cost $1,000 to $10,000; but smaller ones an inch or less in size are available for about $20. The six-inch variety seen in cheap movies are made of glass or plastic. The six-inch quartz spheres are more rare and more costly but, fortunately, aren’t necessary.

Quartz isn’t the only stone chosen for scrying. A multitude of other stones are also used for forms of scrying. Flat, square pieces of obsidian were favored in ancient Mexico and beryl spheres or eggs were the stones of choice during the Renaissance, but the crystal sphere captured the popular imagination long ago.

This is a guide for those interested in scrying with quartz crystal spheres. Remember, this is a GUIDE only! As with everything in magic, listen to your intuition!

After obtaining your scrying stone, wash it in water. Dry and wrap it in a soft, dark cloth.

Traditionally, stones used for scrying are never exposed to sunlight, as this is thought to hinder its ability to contact the psychic mind. Perhaps it would if you believed it would.

However, moonlight is used to purify crystal or gemstone spheres. The Full Moon is an ideal time to cleanse and 'charge’ a crystal or gemstone with your magical intent – in this case, successful scrying. Take the wrapped stone out into the moonlight. Unwrap it, and, with both hands, hold it up to the moon. Feel its cool light raining down on you. See it (through visualization) flooding the stone, attuning it with your energy. Then visualize yourself successfully scrying with the stone. Don’t forget to pray to God, consecrating the stone to God’s service. After a few moments, wrap it up again. It is done.

As for the scrying itself, here are a few pointers:

Scrying is best done at night. Symbolism is certainly at work here: night rules the psychic mind. Also, there is probably less chance of interruption.

Find a quiet spot. Sit comfortably. Place the crystal on a stand on a table or hold it in your hands.

Candlelight can be conducive to scrying. Through some say that reflections of the flames in the crystal are disturbing, for others this is exactly what helps them achieve the proper state.

Experiment to see what works best for you. You might place white or yellow candles behind your back at first, then move them to either side of you, and finally ring the crystal itself itself with the candles.

Once you, the crystal and the candles are all situated, relax. Breathe deeply for a few moments with your eyes closed. Forget the worries of the day, the stresses, the problems. Relax your body. Relax your mind.

Then open your eyes and hold the crystal in your hands until it is warm. Some magicians say that stones won’t work in magic unless this is done. As your hands warm the stone, your body is releasing personal power into the stone. Visualize your area of inquiry during this process.

Now replace the stone on the stand or continue holding it, whichever you feel comfortable with.

Continue to relax; gaze into the crystal. Don’t stare unblinkingly into its depths, simply gaze. Blink your eyes if you wish. You must be calm and relaxed during scrying.

The crystal is a symbol of psychism, of water (the psychic element), of your need to divine the future. Hold these things in mind as you gaze into the sphere.

Now take time to pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide and direct your efforts and to communicate the Divine will to you regarding your query. Then open your eyes and begin to gaze into the crystal.

If the operation is successful, you will contact your psychic mind and communication will take place.

Will you see pictures? Probably not – the crystal isn’t a movie screen. You may see wisps of smoke swirling within the sphere – this is common. But few see images within it.

If anywhere, you’ll see them in your mind. Images seen during scrying are often symbolic; they aren’t psychic news footage of future events. Interpret the symbolism as best you can.

If you see no pictures, unbidden thoughts may come into your mind instead. Words, phrases or complete sentences may 'pop up’ out of your psychic mind.

Whatever you see or think – either images within the sphere or in your mind, or words or phrases – try to relate them to your question or your area of inquiry.

Words are simple enough. Think about them. Do they mean anything to you? Are they ambiguous or direct?

Symbols are more difficult. For example, if you were asking if it would be a positive action to move into a new home, and you saw images of bats flying above slithering snakes, then interpret these symbols.

To some, snakes are related to wisdom and bats to luck. For such a person, the move would seem to be favorable. However, if you fear snakes and find bats disgusting, your symbols are suggesting the opposite.

See how it works? Symbols are the language of the subconscious mind, and, while we may all speak the same language, we use different dialects. Thus, the psychic mind uses a personal language which may mean nothing to others.

If you can’t find or afford a crystal or gemstone sphere, or don’t wish to use one, there are several other methods of stone scrying. Any naturally reflective stone, most crystals, and those which see to possess inner movement can be used as 'mirrors of the psychic mind.’ These last stones include cat’s-eye, moonstone, sunstone, tiger’s-eye, star ruby, opal and many others.

Take the stone out into sunlight or moonlight, or hold it near a candle. Still your conscious mind. Move the stone slowly in your hands while visualizing your area of inquiry.

Do this for several minutes. Don’t WILL anything to happen; simply wait until the strange movements in the stone and the hypnotic movements of your hands break your conscious mind’s hold on psychic input.

Again, interpret any symbols or words that come to you.


This is an entirely different form of stone divination. Though I’d love to have fifty emeralds to use for this ritual, the type of stone used isn’t important. If financially practical, select psychism-inducing stones such as amethyst, aquamarine, citrine, quartz crystal, moonstone, in any combination. Or use whatever you have. Since God provides the answers to your inquiry, there are no symbols to interpret. Yes, this divination is limited but it just may provide the answers you need.

Fill a bag or a box with 50 stones of approximately the same size. Think of your question and reach into the bag and grab a handful of stones. Place these on a flat surface before you and count the number of stones you have randomly chosen. Odd numbers indicate favorable conditions, a positive answer, success. Even numbers presage the reverse.


This is the most simple form of divination. According to the Bible, the Urim and Thummim were two large stones of great brilliancy that were worn by the High Priest of ancient Israel in the Old Testament on the Ephod, one to the left and one to the right of the breastplate. According to extra-Biblical and inspired sources, when questions were brought for decision before the Lord in prayer, a halo of light encircling the precious stone at the right was a token of Divine consent or approval, while a cloud shadowing the stone at the left was an evidence of denial or disapprobation. They are most often pictured as black and white but no reliably known source actually tells us the color. The stones were lost in the Babylonian invasion during the time of Daniel. It would be wonderful if we could still, today, ask God a question and have a sign light up that said yes or no. But we don’t. The closer we get to God during study, prayer and meditation, the more clear Their answers will become to us, by whatever form of communication God chooses to use. But we can do what is essentially “drawing lots” when asking God for a special yes or no question. It is chancy, and therefore in my mind risky, but many people do this.

Take a black stone and a white stone of the same size and shape, such as a marble, and put it in a black bag. Prayerfully ask your question and then pull one stone from the bag. Make sure that you have decided which stone means yes and which stone means no before doing this. Most people use white as a positive answer and black as a negative answer. The stone you pull will serve as an answer to your question.


This divination uses the colors of stones to provide clues regarding the future. You’ll need seven stones, one of each color, all approximately the same size and shape. Place these in a soft cloth bag, and, when you need guidance, select a stone at random from the bag. It may answer your questions. If not, take another stone and 'read’ or interpret them together.

Here is a list of suggested divinatory meanings by color. If this doesn’t speak to you, make your own list.

• RED: Symbolizes anger or other destructive or negative emotions, birth, change, sex, passion, endings, energy, and confrontations.

• PINK: Symbolizes love, friendship, relationships, family, interchange, the heart.

• ORANGE: Symbolizes illumination, personal power, energy, movement, travel, exchange.

• YELLOW: Symbolizes communication, happiness, joy and other positive emotions, light work, protection.

• GREEN: Symbolizes growth, money, grounding, health and healing, fertility, business, transactions.

• BLUE: Symbolizes peace, sleep, purification, emotions, subconscious, psychic mind.

• PURPLE: Symbolizes spirituality, mysticism, expansion or growth in the previous, royalty.

How do you interpret these stones? I’ll give an example:

Say I’m wondering what’s causing me to be so depressed lately. I’ve been down for weeks and can’t figure out why. So I still my mind, and then get my bag of stones and reach inside. I pull out a green stone. The first thing that flashes into my mind is money. Wanting more input, I pull out a red stone. 'Energy’ is my next thought. Money and energy. But I asked about depression.

Could I have been depressed all this time because I wasn’t making enough money? No, not that. Could it be that I haven’t been putting enough energy (work) into making the money I earn? That could be it. I analyze it, and it seems right.

I’ve found a possible reason for my depression. Now what do I do?

Use choice, prayer, intention and magic to change my condition. Transform a negative into a positive. Working more will help, but using magic will help even more. I might wish to carry or wear green and red stones to push me further toward what I should be doing.


It isn’t always this simple, but try it out. Work with this or any system to receive its greatest gifts!

This lesson was adapted from Scott Cunningham’s book Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic.
