


I’ve seen a couple people ask why GameFreak made it so that N and Ghetsis aren’t related by blood despite looking so similar, to which my headcanon is that in the original BW GameFreak did have N and Ghetsis biologically related but during the production of B2W2 they decided to retcon it because N being Ghetsis’ biological child would mean that he had to have procreated with someone and that would truly be the worst possible timeline

Gen 5 remake predictions :)With extra suffering, chibified

Gen 5 remake predictions :)


With extra suffering, chibified

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Been playing through Pokemon Black and White again. Ghetsis is still the scariest of all the team leaders, you can’t fight me on that.


I keep thinking about bad dads in pkmn




Ghetsis: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the most perfect king of all?~

Colress, on the other side of a Face-Time video: Lord Ghetsis, sir, is this really –


Ghetsis: Colress! We have a problem!

Colress: What, the fire?

Ghetsis: What fire?!

Colress: … Never mind, this seems more interesting.

Been playing through Pokemon Black and White again. Ghetsis is still the scariest of all the team leaders, you can’t fight me on that.

Slight NSFW warning.

I know this meme is dead as hell but I just fucking had to ok? :( Also Don’t try to make sense out of this, or any meme post I make for that matter lmfao dfffdg

Happy pride month :))

I tire of these games. Antigrav dump

I love evil and I hate drawing backgrounds. Reblogs appreciated


teenage girl giggling and blushing as she lays in her bed and doodles in her notebook but all the drawings are of tortured looking men despairing

realized i never drew him before

Otakon 2015 PicturesFull photo album is here on Facebook, feel free to like/comment/tag :)Con was grOtakon 2015 PicturesFull photo album is here on Facebook, feel free to like/comment/tag :)Con was grOtakon 2015 PicturesFull photo album is here on Facebook, feel free to like/comment/tag :)Con was grOtakon 2015 PicturesFull photo album is here on Facebook, feel free to like/comment/tag :)Con was grOtakon 2015 PicturesFull photo album is here on Facebook, feel free to like/comment/tag :)Con was grOtakon 2015 PicturesFull photo album is here on Facebook, feel free to like/comment/tag :)Con was grOtakon 2015 PicturesFull photo album is here on Facebook, feel free to like/comment/tag :)Con was grOtakon 2015 PicturesFull photo album is here on Facebook, feel free to like/comment/tag :)Con was grOtakon 2015 PicturesFull photo album is here on Facebook, feel free to like/comment/tag :)Con was grOtakon 2015 PicturesFull photo album is here on Facebook, feel free to like/comment/tag :)Con was gr

Otakon 2015 Pictures

Full photo album is here on Facebook, feel free to like/comment/tag:)

Con was great as usual, a lot of running around, it seemed a lot less crowded this year, Im not sure if things were more spread out toward the Sheraton since it was so terribly hot out or if less people came due to the line fiasco last year.

Either way, had a great time with RoseSpirit and we debuted her new Latias costume, we’ll need to do some fixing work before AWA, but it came out really nice.

I also took home best masters for craftsmanship in the hall contest for my Ran costume. Next year will be the last year in the Baltimore convention center, can’t wait for it to move to DC.

Please like/reblog/credit if you know any of the above cosplayers!

Ran Yakumo - CaffeinatedCrafting

Latios - CaffeinatedCrafting

Latias - RoseSpirit

Lady Ghetsis - loodletooboodleroodlesoodl

Dragonair - LazylionListens

Dratini - bunnypaws91

Celes - tsunoichi

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