

This is a detail of my painting of Tlaltecuhtli, Lady of the Earth.

Above Her arms, in the painting, is the surface of the earth, upon which we dwell. Before the coming of the Spaniards, the dry season was the time of hunting, because the fields were dry and there was little work to do as a farmer. It was also the season when men went to war, and merchants travelled throughout Mesoamerica trading goods. On the left side of the painting, a merchant climbs up Her arm, which is a hill, with a pack on his back, and he speaks to two hunters who carry their game. On Her other arm, a woman gathers the now-dry corn into piles, where the corn is stored for the Winter. On Her hands men and women dance in Her honor, and offer Her pulque and smoke of copal. They make Her offerings in order to give Her the strength to bloom again, and to thank Her for Her gift of life.

You can find this painting as a print in my Etsy store! Follow the link in my bio!

Earth Day

In recent years it has become evident that we need to create conscience on the damage that we are inflicting on our planet. Acting as a society is extremely important in order to make a change.

The Earth is Tonantzin, Our Beloved Mother, who gives birth to us, nourishes us, and finally devours when we die. She receives different names: Coatlicue, She of the Serpent Skirt; Cihuacoatl, Serpent Woman; Cipactli, the Earth Alligator, or Tlaltecuhtli, Earth Lady/Lord.

Our ancestors were aware of the complete dependence of humans towards the Earth. This is why they had a relationship of reciprocity with Her, repaying what She gave them, offering all things precious, hard and joyful. They knew that extraction without retribution is theft, so they were very cautious that nothing was taken from the Earth without asking for permission and without giving Her something in return. Working in the fields, for example, weeding, planting, watering and looking after the crops is a kind of “payment” Her abundance.

Today this balance has been broken. We no longer thank the Earth, and we no longer give Her back what She gives us. Earth Day is an opportunity to remember our responsibility and to take action so that we stop harming our wounded Mother

WIP of another Athena piece. Wasn’t so happy with the first one I did a while back so I decided to h

WIP of another Athena piece. Wasn’t so happy with the first one I did a while back so I decided to have another go at it. This is going to be part of a larger piece inspired by the first few chapters of the Odyssey where Athena and Telemachus have a right skulk around the place.

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@CosmicSoulTribe Goddesses spreading Stardust Love & Light to all who visited the future…

@CosmicSoulTribe Goddesses spreading Stardust Love & Light to all who visited the future…
…Further Future that is. A weekend full of inspiration, innovation, & celebration! Thank you to all who contributed to the magic ✨
#GoCosmic #StardustLoveU #glittervibetribe #robotheart #furtherfuture #wonderfruit #cosmicsoultribe #desert #burningman #desertlife #desertparty #lasvegas #loveandlight #isiswings #cosmicgirls #dancingqueen #StardustLove #goddesses #healing #connecting #sharing #celebrating #shining #dancing #partying #releasing #inspiring #innovating #captivating #living www.stardustlove.com (at Moapa Indian Reservation)

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anniebonny: For @mythologicalnet‘s event: “Siblings”T h e  C h i l d r e n  O f  L o k i anniebonny: For @mythologicalnet‘s event: “Siblings”T h e  C h i l d r e n  O f  L o k i anniebonny: For @mythologicalnet‘s event: “Siblings”T h e  C h i l d r e n  O f  L o k i anniebonny: For @mythologicalnet‘s event: “Siblings”T h e  C h i l d r e n  O f  L o k i anniebonny: For @mythologicalnet‘s event: “Siblings”T h e  C h i l d r e n  O f  L o k i anniebonny: For @mythologicalnet‘s event: “Siblings”T h e  C h i l d r e n  O f  L o k i


For@mythologicalnet‘s event: “Siblings”

T h e  C h i l d r e n  O f  L o k i

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tammuz: A calcite bowl dedicated to the Sumerian goddess Inanna from Ur’s Early Dynastic III Era (26


A calcite bowl dedicated to the Sumerian goddess Inanna from Ur’s Early Dynastic III Era (2600-2500 BC). The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, NY.     

Photo by Babylon Chronicle

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