
 Use these Goddesses incense when working with Divine Feminine energies. They are made with a rich s Use these Goddesses incense when working with Divine Feminine energies. They are made with a rich s

Use these Goddesses incense when working with Divine Feminine energies. 

They are made with a rich selection of herbs, resins and oils resulting in a sweet and spicy scent designed to celebrate the Archetypal energies of Aphrodite, Isis, Kali, Lakshmi, Kuan Yin, Gaia, Our Lady Oxum, Pachamama, Parvati, Hera and all the Goddess energies and infinite manifestations of Love.

Wonderful to use on an altar, to cleanse & clear your Sacred Space, during meditation, devotion and self-empowerment.

They are handmade in Brasil following recipes used by Shamans of South America.


  • Burn time approx. 90 minutes(depending on room conditions)
  • 4 sticks per pack
  • Measure approx 5" in length (including stick)
  • Stick is thicker than traditional incense



Purveyors of the Finest quality spiritual and metaphysical provisions from around the world.

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Te doy gracias… (Plegaria Nativa)

Oh, Gran Espíritu, creador de todo lo que vemos, oímos, olemos, probamos y todo lo que tocamos.

Madre Tierra, Hermosa madre, matriz de todos los seres vivos,

Proveedora de todas nuestras necesidades.

Al Guardián del Occidente, hogar de la Gente del Trueno, lugar donde el Abuelo Sol duerme por la noche.

Al Guardián del Norte, sede del Gran Gigante Blanco, desde donde las brisas frescas soplan.

Al Guardián del Oriente, la tierra del sol naciente, el hogar de la Gran Montaña Roja.

Al Guardián del Sur, tierra a la que siempre nos enfrentamos, de donde viene el calor creciente.

Rezo a las piedras, a los verdes valles, a mis hermanos alados, rezo también a mis hermanos de cuatro patas, a mis hermanos que nadan, a mis hermanos que se arrastran, y a la gente de las estrellas.

Rezo por todo lo que nos da alimento, ropa, medicinas, viviendas, y designios.

A los antepasados de todos los pueblos, rezo por su ayuda, para mantenernos en equilibrio y

enseñándonos a todo momento los caminos del Creador y la Madre Tierra.

A la gente de las estrellas, a el abuelo Sol, a la abuela Luna..

Doy gracias por encender nuestro camino en tiempos de oscuridad.

A todos estos pueblos, doy gracias por todos los dones y ayuda que recibo en mi vida todos los días.

Por todas estas razones.. y por la vida misma, doy gracias.”

photo by sam andré for an earthling shirt, message me <3 http://church-of-earth.tumblr.com/

photo by sam andré 
for an earthling shirt, message me <3 

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Details of Being Braider. It’s a longer painting. 11"x19". But that size really allo

Details of Being Braider. It’s a longer painting. 11"x19". But that size really allowed me to tell the painting’s story. She is currently showing in #ancienttonguesandtales and available through @theferniebrae . I am so happy that she got to be in this show!
#popsurrealism #newcontemporaryart #deepecology #acrylicpainting #portlandart #faerie #fairy #faeriesofinstagram #faeriefolk #pachamama #motherearthlove #treesisters #latinxart #latinxartist #borinquen #elyunque

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Shambala Farm : Lotus water pot

Shambala Farm : Lotus water pot

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Yoni Mudra

Yoni Mudra

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Ask and you shall receive! Knock and the door is opened. Seek and you shall find. ✨✨ ___ What if par

Ask and you shall receive! Knock and the door is opened. Seek and you shall find. ✨✨ ___
What if paradise and heaven is alive here on earth in our hearts? Would you believe it if you were told that the only thing between you and the manifestation of all your dreams is belief? Step into the gushing stream of infinite abundance and release fear doubt and worry. Tune into the vibration of the creative source within and align with your highest truth. Everything and everyone wants you to succeed. And you define what that means. Success can mean happiness. It can mean oneness and connection. It can mean love and prosperity. You make the rules. You choose your path. And from there, open your arms to receive the Blessings pouring forth upon you. Be grateful. Every moment is a miracle if you surrender and stop resisting the flow of the river. Tune in and you will know the answers that you seek are all within you. #believe #miracles

#Pranashama #yoga #costarica #pachamama #waterfalls #love

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Earth Day

In recent years it has become evident that we need to create conscience on the damage that we are inflicting on our planet. Acting as a society is extremely important in order to make a change.

The Earth is Tonantzin, Our Beloved Mother, who gives birth to us, nourishes us, and finally devours when we die. She receives different names: Coatlicue, She of the Serpent Skirt; Cihuacoatl, Serpent Woman; Cipactli, the Earth Alligator, or Tlaltecuhtli, Earth Lady/Lord.

Our ancestors were aware of the complete dependence of humans towards the Earth. This is why they had a relationship of reciprocity with Her, repaying what She gave them, offering all things precious, hard and joyful. They knew that extraction without retribution is theft, so they were very cautious that nothing was taken from the Earth without asking for permission and without giving Her something in return. Working in the fields, for example, weeding, planting, watering and looking after the crops is a kind of “payment” Her abundance.

Today this balance has been broken. We no longer thank the Earth, and we no longer give Her back what She gives us. Earth Day is an opportunity to remember our responsibility and to take action so that we stop harming our wounded Mother

1 of August, Pachamama’s (Mother Earth and Mother Reality, more exactly) Day. The only Deity or Enti1 of August, Pachamama’s (Mother Earth and Mother Reality, more exactly) Day. The only Deity or Enti1 of August, Pachamama’s (Mother Earth and Mother Reality, more exactly) Day. The only Deity or Enti1 of August, Pachamama’s (Mother Earth and Mother Reality, more exactly) Day. The only Deity or Enti

1 of August, Pachamama’s (Mother Earth and Mother Reality, more exactly) Day. The only Deity or Entity in which i seek comfort and direction. She protected the travelers through the desert, and was reciprocated with the hard earned fruits of the human and animal labor. A point of reference, an axis mundi in the chaotic and uncertain reality. 

In the Andes, she is interceded through offerings (very humble and small, like fresh and chewed coca leaves, alcohol, salt, eyelashes to get rid of bad eyesight, old shoes to get rid of exhaustion), which are deposited on the Apachetas, little stone cairns or rock piles, located on “edge areas”, the border of a particular landscape, the summits of mountains, the edge of the knowable, the “human”, the “safe”. 

Let us pass, unharmed. Kusiya Kusiya (protect us, protect us) 

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birdroutledge-archive:@modernmythsnet | Event Twenty Five | Biological Diversity ↳ pachamama; inca fbirdroutledge-archive:@modernmythsnet | Event Twenty Five | Biological Diversity ↳ pachamama; inca fbirdroutledge-archive:@modernmythsnet | Event Twenty Five | Biological Diversity ↳ pachamama; inca fbirdroutledge-archive:@modernmythsnet | Event Twenty Five | Biological Diversity ↳ pachamama; inca fbirdroutledge-archive:@modernmythsnet | Event Twenty Five | Biological Diversity ↳ pachamama; inca fbirdroutledge-archive:@modernmythsnet | Event Twenty Five | Biological Diversity ↳ pachamama; inca f


@modernmythsnet | Event Twenty Five | Biological Diversity 
pachamama;inca fertility goddess and earth-mother figure

“we do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children” - native american proverb

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bvddhist: mulberryseeds:I moved my little garden inside to save them from cooler weather.organic



I moved my little garden inside to save them from cooler weather.

organic // spiritual // hippie

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effervescentvibes: steepravine:Absolutely Huge Ancient Redwood (Prairie Creek, California - 1/2015



Absolutely Huge Ancient Redwood

(Prairie Creek, California - 1/2015)

 good vibes here 

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mer-se: hangin’ outside in my pjs mer-se: hangin’ outside in my pjs 


hangin’ outside in my pjs 

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