#good intentions









Women can abuse, rape, sexually assault and demean men just as much as the reverse. Any attempt to downplay this reality or reject the idea at all makes you a raging sexist and rape apologist, and enabler, not to mention a terrible person generally.

Feminism fights both mysogeny and misandry

Why should we?

Feminism is fighting for women’s liberation. Why are all of men’s problems ours to solve as well?

Why aren’t we allowed to focus on our own shit?

Black Lives Matter doesn’t have to advocate for white people in order to be taken seriously.

LGBT movements don’t have to include straight ppl in every single argument in order to be seen as a legitimate organization.

But somehow women aren’t allowed to center ourselves in our own activism or else we’re “just as hateful as misogynists” and “being selfish”.

Fuck off with that shit.

Then stay in your lane!

Stop comparing yourselves to men when you dont even understand what men deal with.

Stop gendering issues that are not gendered, thus gendering the solutions.

Stop attacking men and masculinity.

Stop making up new buzzwords to blame men for gender neutral behavior.

Stop boycotting talks about issues men face.

Stop protesting gender neutral rape definitions.

Stop boycotting and closing down abuse shelters.

Stop normalizing discrimination against men.

Stop making biased and sexist studies about men.

Stop getting angry when peopl3 point out the bad in your movement and actually do something about it.

Stop claiming to support gender equality. Stop insisting that feminism is the one and only solution to gender inequality. When you claim to support gender equality, (literally like the person above you did) people will expect you to uphold that.

Feminism has a looooooooong history of opposong equality when women do not benefit. If feminists had stayed in their lane, people would stop expecting feminism to do more. We judge you by your actions, good AND bad. If you claim to support men, we expect you to uphold that.

And glad you brought up Black Lives Matter because they did the SAME THING. When other groups tried to be included, including groups like native americans, who experience police brutality more often, BLM silenced them while also claiming to support them. But where is the support? All they did was equate All Lives Matter (started by native americans and Latinos who were silenced by BLM) into something white people could be blamed for. When they claim to be helping everyone, but dont uphold their claim, people will complain.

But anyway, peopledont have a problem with feminism because they talk about women.

It’s because they also oppose equality for men. It’s because they will outright admit to hating men. It’s because while not all feminists are man-haters, you will have a very hard time finding a man-hater who isnt a feminist. It’s because these bad feminists are arguably the majarity. The unchallenged majority, because feminism has made it so criticizing the movement (without singling out white women) is equivalent to misogyny.

You want people to see feminism as only about women? You want feminism to not be seen as man-hating and regressive?

Then once again, im telling you:

Oh shit, I forgot I was personally all feminists.

Well if I’m all feminists, you must be all misogynistic men. So how about:

You stop forcing young girls to be child brides.

You stop women from being sex trafficked and then told that speaking out against the sex industry is being a swerf.

You stop girls from having their genitals mutilated because they aren’t allowed to find pleasure in sex; the only pleasure that matters is their husbands.

You stop the practice of honor killings, which happen all around the world because a raped woman is seen as an unpure woman.

You stop thousands of Chinese families from drowning their infant daughters because they wanted a son and daughters are viewed as useless.

You stop women from being raped and watching their rapists walk free because she had one drink before he brutalized her, or because she was wearing a short skirt, or because he had a bright future ahead of him.


I have male friends, I’ve always been close with my dad, and there are causes for men that I will fight for (fair custody agreements, mental health, rights and dignity for gay men).

But if you think that I’m going to stop talking about female genital mutilation and rape and drownings and trafficking and victim blaming and shame and fear and the hatred some men have for women, you’re sorely mistaken.


Also, I don’t give a fuck about Cassie Jaye changing her mind on feminism. It happens. People are, in fact, allowed to have various opinions.

I could bring up that I used to be an anti-sjw egalitarian who— funnily enough— used to follow you for that content until I realized that egalitarianism is just a circle jerk of “well yes women have problems, but people tell men that they can’t cry! so if feminists don’t focus on that, they’re a bunch of crazy radical harpies who hate men and want us all to die”

And that’s not standing for anything. It’s just standing against feminist because it has a purpose, not just a woe is me free-for-all like egalitarianism.

Your argument was that feminism, as a movement, was about women. And you were insulted that I would “make it about men”.

Well feminism is a group. It’s a movement and an ideology, which is judged by the actions of its members. They are judged on both the good and the bad. And before you decide to join a group/ideology/movement, it is your responsibility to research both the good AND the bad to see if you want to be associated with it.

The difference between me being a man and you being a feminist is that I dont choose to be a man. But you choose to be a feminist. I cant be judged on what men do or what black people do. That’s bigotry (which you seem to be fine with). What *isnt* bigotry is judging members of groups/movements/ideologies on the collective actions of their members. This is why it’s acceptable for you to generalize Republicans or democrats or hippies, muslims, or the salvation army, PETA.

The fact you cant tell the difference between judging people by their choices and who they associate with vs. How they were born is telling.

The bad in feminism is rampant. Closing domestic abuse shelters for men, opening biased abuse rehabilitation programs, gendering crimes like rape and domestic violence to the point of changing/gendering laws, etc. If the good in feminism were powerful or numerous enough l, these would have been stopped. But they werent. Merely mentioning them gets you accused of misogyny. Highly influential feminists are spreading gender inequality at a systematic level and instead of combating them, your combating me…for pointing it out.

If you want feminism to be viewed as something other than man-hating, then do something about it. Stop getting mad at the people pointing out the bad and actually work to fix it. Your movement is deeply flawed, arguably regressive, and currently an active opposition to gender equality. Dont like that? Work to change it. Until then, I will view egalitarianism much more highly than feminism.

It’s kinda like that whole thing with the Crips and the Bloods out in Cali and those laws passed around the 80’s— I’m pretty sure. Timeline doesn’t matter for this. The point is that the gist of those laws was that if you joined one of those gangs— the Crips or the Bloods— you were culpable for anything they did. Doesn’t matter if you had any part in the specific incident or not. If some guys from your gang shoot up a place or stab a guy, you’re culpable by the very act of joining the gang in the first place.

You chose to associate yourself with a certain group, and then you don’t want the actions of the worst members of your group held against you? When you willingly signed up as part of it? I don’t know what to tell you. You joined the gang, you’re culpable. If you don’t like it, don’t associate yourself with that group. Have your own opinions without a label or start your own group and do it better. But don’t get offended when a label you willingly slapped on yourself isn’t as good of a look as you thought it would be. Getting pissy at everyone else because of something you did to yourself is not the move you think it is.

zoologicallyobsessed: blackqueerblog:being aware of the impact of things we can often not think abzoologicallyobsessed: blackqueerblog:being aware of the impact of things we can often not think abzoologicallyobsessed: blackqueerblog:being aware of the impact of things we can often not think abzoologicallyobsessed: blackqueerblog:being aware of the impact of things we can often not think abzoologicallyobsessed: blackqueerblog:being aware of the impact of things we can often not think abzoologicallyobsessed: blackqueerblog:being aware of the impact of things we can often not think abzoologicallyobsessed: blackqueerblog:being aware of the impact of things we can often not think ab



being aware of the impact of things we can often not think about (like straws) is important if we’re to make strides on environmental preservation 

that does not eclipse the importance of being aware of how it impacts disabled people. they’re both conversations we need to have

and on top of this ableism, banning plastic straws won’t do shit for the environment because straws aren’t even close to being the main cause of plastics pollution. Calling for a ban on straws is the same bs of shifting the blame of pollution onto the general public when its massive corporations, businesses and governments as a result of capitalism that is to blame.

Disabled people shouldn’t have to be thrown under the bus so you can feel better about the environment without having to do actually do anything of worth.

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The Nazar Boncuk (pronounced nazar bonssouk), the lucky Turkish eye, is a talisman with ancestral origins. It is present from Greece to the Middle East, but it is in Turkey that we find the most variants.

This eye-shaped amulet is supposed to protect the evil eye, its name comes from Nazar “evil eye, bad look” and Boncuk for “pearl”, the word Nazar comes from نظر, to seen or see in Arabic.

At first glance, the literal translation of his name, pearl of the evil eye, could be disturbing, but in fact it is quite the opposite, this eye is intended to capture the evil eye, that of the envious and jealous to protect you from their negative energies.

According to popular belief, for a Nazar to be effective, it must be bought by a person with good intentions.

LeNazar Boncuk (prononcé nazar bonssouk), l'oeil turc chanceux, est un talisman aux origines ancestrales. Il est présent de la Grèce au Moyen-Orient, mais c’est en Turquie que l’on trouve le plus de variantes.

Cette amulette en forme d'œil est censée protéger le mauvais œil, son nom vient de Nazar “mauvais œil, mauvais regard” et Boncuk pour “perle”, le mot Nazar vient de نظر, voir ou vue en arabe.

À première vue, la traduction littérale de son nom, perle du mauvais œil, pourrait être dérangeante, mais en fait c'est tout le contraire, cet œil est destiné à capturer le mauvais œil, celui des envieux et celui jaloux de vous protéger leurs énergies négatives.

Selon la croyance populaire, pour qu’un Nazar soit efficace, il doit être acheté par une personne ayant de bonnes intentions.
