#gun control




I am a teacher in the US.

I can barricade a classroom in less than a minute. I know that when the fire alarm goes off we lock ourselves in the room until someone confirms it’s real so we don’t get shot evacuating the building. I am trained to pack a bullet wound and apply a tourniquet. My classroom is organized with an active shooter in mind - filing cabinets in front of glass, big desks one shove away from blocking a door, hiding places out of sight of the windows. I have come to terms with the knowledge that I might die protecting my students when all I want to do is show them poetry is fun and teach creative writing.

I’m a teacher in Scotland.

I have done none of that. My kids get to come to school every day without worrying about dying. The only evacuations we have are fire drills once a term.  We don’t have armed security officers at school. Even our police don’t carry guns. My kids, the same age as those who died in Texas, came to school today with no idea what had happened across the pond. Our one and only school shooting took place 26 years ago. We took action. My kids don’t have to fear the same thing happening to them.

That’s the way it should be for everyone.

I’m a teacher in Sweden.

My students and I are not afraid to go to school either. Yet we had three school attacks in the country the past 9 months; unusually many. All of them were hate crime comminted by young boys/men who had planned to become ”martyrs”, leaving behind neo Nazi, racist manifestos, and planning to kill as many as possible.

Thankfully they failed. Since only licensed hunters can own guns here, the attackers resorted to knives and axes, and hence they could be caught before they had time to do much damage. Only one managed to kill anyone, two teachers. And as tragic as their deaths are, I’m so thankful for our strict weapon laws. It’s scary to think of what could have happened if the attackers had had guns…

Not gonna lie, there are lethal shootings in Sweden as well, but so far they mostly happen in organized criminal groups among drug dealers etc. As long as these people focus on shooting each other, school children and innocent bystanders are safe.

wilwheaton: Here we have the right wing response to the epidemic of gun violence that has been burni


Here we have the right wing response to the epidemic of gun violence that has been burning across America for decades.

Maybe a bullet from one of his numerous guns would clear out those ear canals.

Post link

Tomorrow we will see their smiling faces and learn their names, and their precious ages.

On Thursday we will read a heroic story or two, about a teacher, a custodian maybe, who stood their ground and tried to fight back.

On Friday the NRA will meet as planned in Texas and we will all rage online.

On Saturday we will ask ”what are we supposed to do, just go back to normal????”

On Sunday we will.

We are America.



Ever seen a murder suspect pose with a judge? Trolls are pointing out they were simply watching video, but the judge sitting next to Rittenhouse is absolutely not necessary and sends a very clear signal to jurors and everyone else—more than words can ever convey.

This judge is protecting Kyle Rittenhouse as if he were his own son. Imagine seeing this farce of a trial and maintaining the illusion that the US has a “justice system’ that is ‘fair and lawful’. This is nothing more than a Kangaroo Court designed and organized to protect white terror. There is probably zero chance Kyle Rittenhouse’s victims and their families will receive justice. The judge has already guaranteed there’s only one victim in this case, and his name is Kyle Rittenhouse.

Copied from The Other 98%

You are consuming propaganda. Here’s the same scene at a different angle.

Here is the monitor they’re staring at.

Binger: “You lose the right to self-defense when you’re the one who brought the gun.”

The prosecutor is just straight up lying with every other sentence.

Watching the Kyle Rittenhouse livetream on Rekita Law’s youtube channel. Youtube just shut it down.

Taking a break from diabetic talk to send my support to Orlando. 

It shouldn’t be so dangerous just to live. These people were having a lovely evening, dancing, doing the same things I and my friends often do on weekends, did this weekend at RI Pride, and they were murdered. This is not a question of mental illness, as always seems to be the conclusion after yet another attack, and it’s not a question of supposed ISIS involvement-this is hate.

I can’t narrow down the solution to mass violence to a single change; I’m neither qualified to make those pronouncements, nor do I think a single issue is at play. What I can say is this: the United States is the only country of its kind were this kind of citizen perpetrated bloodshed is accepted as a fact of life. While our country prioritizes a misinterpretation of the second amendment over the lives of our citizens, there will be no safety. Yet, I doubt the Pulse case will develop any differently from the Newtown shooting, the Oregon shooting or the countless others-why would this event spur us on to greater legislation when all these others have not?

Beyond the epidemic of gun violence–which by the way, never seems to highlight the daily violence in underpriviledged communities–these murders speak to the ever-growing hate within our borders. Over the course of the election we’ve seen so much racism, sexism, xenophobia, and yes, homophobia come to light. Clearly those feelings had been boiling under the surface, but with the support of a presidential candidate (however unqualified), those feelings become acceptable to vocalize. Now, they’ve also been acted upon.

Call your local legislators, your senators, and your house reps. Voice your support for gun legislation and the LGBTQ community. 

we did it, we solved America

such freedom! so brave!

good job everybody, let’s go home

America is a Gun

England is a cup of tea.
France, a wheel of ripened brie.
Greece, a short, squat olive tree.
America is a gun.

Brazil is a football on the sand.
Argentina, Madonna’s hand.
Germany, an oompah band.
America is a gun.

Holland is a wooden shoe.
Hungary is a goulash stew.
Australia, a kangaroo.
America is a gun.

Japan is a thermal spring.
Scotland is a highland fling.
Oh, better to be anything
than America as a gun.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ—Brian Bilston

guns are unnecessary. use a big rock, stupid. throw it real hard. if you support guns, you have no idea what youre talking about. what big rock is capable of.

wetwareproblem: liberalsarecool:russalex:License and insure guns like cars.We have aggressive




License and insure guns like cars.

We have aggressive drunk-driving laws because drunk drivers kill innocent people. You don’t want to be a victim of a drunk driver. Countless commercials with police “coming after drunk drivers”. 

In essence, you don’t want to be a victim of someone else’s decisions.

Change ‘drunk driver’ to ‘gun owner’ and the same narrative applies. Gun owners kill innocent people. You don’t want to be the victim of someone else’s decisions.

So where are the aggressive laws for gun owners?

The drunk driving laws decreased accidents, It was the common sense thing to do. The goal was to decrease fatalities and promote safety.

The same can be done with guns. You can’t get rid of all accidents and deaths, but you can do your best to decrease them.

But criminals can still buy 6-packs!

Post link






No one is fucking talking about it but another black man was killed by the same police department that killed George Floyd they killed him 9 minutes after entering his apartment. No knock warrants are fucking bullshit. He was wrapped in his blanket he was innocent they had the wrong address there is body can cottage you cannot fucking deny this bullshit.

This is being hushed up and covered up and I cannot believe it took me until TODAY, SIX DAYS AFTER IT HAPPENED to find out about it.

Everyone should be talking about this shit.

All the BLM protests and here we are again. We cannot let a single one of these slide because that’s how nothing changes and that’s how innocent people are being killed at the hands of assholes who are happy to pull the trigger without hesitation. I’m so fucking upset right now and so should you be.

His Name is Amir Locke. He was 22 years old.

Amir Locke shooting: What we know so far

Suspect arrested in homicide case that led to police fatally shooting Amir Locke is his cousin

Video shows Minneapolis officers hooting Black man during no-knock warrant. Attorneys say he wasn’t the target

Students Protest Amir Locke Killing, Demand Lawmakers Ban No-Knock Warrants

Once again, the police have killed a Black man for legally possessing a gun

As a black woman, I’m personally at a loss for words. I hope his family and his community will be able to find some peace. And I hope that one day we can all finally live in a world where these things can stop happening.

I should also mention that in my original post I said 9 minutes when I meant to say 9 seconds. He was shot after 9 seconds of them entering the apartment. Heartbreaking.

Also some other information:

- the cops that did this were denied a no-knock warrant in their own precinct so they went to another precinct not very close by to get it. Intent was had.

The cops involved have a very dark and unsettling past.

I will reblog this version of the post with some more information since the post I made with information is getting zero traction.


Briefly want to mention that this case should not be confused with the murder of Isaiah Tyree Williams, who was killed in almost the exact same way on January 10th.


“First, you would be challenged to find a more heavily armed place in the United States than Uvalde. It’s a town where the love of guns overwhelms any notion of common-sense regulations, and the minority White ruling class places its right-wing Republican ideology above the safety of its most vulnerable citizens — its impoverished and its children, most of whom are Hispanic. Second, at news of the shooting, I was struck to hear the words “Robb Elementary” because I knew of its centrality to the struggle in Uvalde over the past half-century to desegregate its schools. Robb sits in the city’s southwest quadrant. So I knew the victims of the shooting would largely be Hispanic. They have been locked into that school for decades. In Uvalde, simply put, everything north of Highway 90 is primarily White Republican, and everything south is mostly Hispanic Democrat. The city has about 15,000 residents; more than 80 percent identify as Hispanic or Latino. Most of Uvalde’s political leadership and the heads of the largest employers are White. At the center of town on the courthouse grounds, you’ll find a monument to Jefferson Davis, the Confederate president — installed when the Ku Klux Klan dominated Uvalde politics. (Some of us tried to get the monument removed after the murder of George Floyd, but that’s a story for another day.)”

I’m from Uvalde. I’m not surprised this happened.

You don’t even have to squint to see the white supremacy at the rotten core of the latest mass murder.


Republicans from the US  want to force women to give birth to children who will then be shot while going to school.

 A woman is supposed to sacrifice her health and 9 months of her life to carry to term but a Republican can’t be inconvenienced by any sort of gun control.

They 100% care about fetuses more than about actual children. In their opinion an aborted fetus that doesn’t feel anything and doesn’t even know what existence means is more important than a child dying terrified at school.
