

Hey there all you fish swimmin’ around in the pond. If we could have your attention please. 

Kayleigh and I have been talking and as proud as we are of all the wonderful work y’all have done and continue to do, we’d like to encourage a little more interaction and public feedback by bringing you our monthly Big Fish Awards.

There are so many members of this pond and so many new writers putting out their work so what better way to highlight and support them than to honor their work by showcasing it for all to see? 

Each month our wonderful big fish will select a guppie fic or series that’s stood out to them over the course of the month. We’ll also be asking our big fish to reblog the guppie story of their choosing, tag us (@spnfanficpond), and lead by example by leaving some feedback in the form of a short 2-3 sentence “review” explaining what worked well and their favorite parts of the story. From there we’ll take down their picks and create a master post that’ll be posted on the last of each month with all of the guppie fics and the corresponding reviews for all to see.

Kayleigh and I would like to remind everyone that these monthly “awards” are not prizes or a means for competition or jealousy. This is simply a way for us to offer a little more exposure, public feedback, and interaction between guppies and our big fish.

Thank you and if you have any questions, as always, feel free to message the blog or one of us personally. 

Thank you all for being so amazing! Have fun in the water and happy writing. 

-Kale and Mana


What does fishblr think of my show tank ?

My older guppies that are no longer used for breeding get to retire here.

Nebula Steel Guppies ….
And, child, why do you bring the cat to the fish you are a bad influence on him.

#kitten    #nebula steel guppies    #guppies    #fishblr    
$25.00 per pair $10.00 shipping cost Nebula Steel Guppies$25.00 per pair $10.00 shipping cost Nebula Steel Guppies

$25.00 per pair
$10.00 shipping cost

Nebula Steel Guppies

Post link

Water spider #2

From the series Where the Monsters Hide

Water plants and guppies in the fish pond, Howard

This female guppy I have is so pretty and I’ve counted like a dozen of her babies that look like little clones



Hey everyone! 

Ever since I had my surgery, I’ve been unable to work or get out of the house to do everyday things. So while I was bored out of my mind, I picked up drawing once again. I decided to start a redbubble to hopefully earn a little bit of money to keep me going. Any purchase is greatly appreciated and every reblog is a huge help. More art will be uploaded soon! I am also willing to take my drawings and customize their colorings and patterns!

You can find my page here

Im also taking commissions!

I can only draw fish as of right now, I’m just starting out at digital art.

For one fish drawing it would be $8, for two it will be $12, three will be $16

Backgrounds are $2 and any text is free

If you’d like to commission me, DM me!

Help a gal out!

Baby guppies. I have 8, and 2 more pregnant guppies.
