#hades god of the underworld


“Hades God of the Underworld” I went mostly with the classic description of him but we decided on a German Shepard puppy version of Cerberus. Hades has a lot of symbolism so it’s really hard to fit everything in there. I went with some of the most recognizable things that would fit with the painting. His clothing will be gray. I have put the helmet of darkness/invisibility on the ground like he took it off when he got to Mount Olympus. It will have more detail in the metal. He Is holding his two prong Bident/pitchfork. He also had a Bird scepter and the screech owl is associated with him. So I combine the two. There will be fire coming  off the end of the prongs.

So, I did not know when I read the first book in this series, A Touch of Darkness, that this was going to be a series. When I finish the first book, I was satisfied and had really liked it. I was happy with where it ended and I was happy with what I got. A lot of things have been left up in the air, but it was all right because overall the first book was great for what it was.

So when I stumbled across the second book, this book, in the series, on Amazon.com, I was very happy! One of the things that I love about these books, is that they do not end in cliffhangers. Each book is connected and tell a continuous story, but it does not stop at a horrible spot, where you have to read the next book right away to find out what happened. The next installment of the story is great and very important to read, but it’s not urgent. I love that about these books, and I love that about any book series in general.

A Touch of Ruin is good. In fact, it’s better than good! It has everything that I’m looking for in a good book. And as it is based on a mythology that I intensely like, the story of Hades and Persephone, I am that much happier that Scarlett St. Clair is doing such a good job with the retelling of this story. It is dark when it needs to be, sexual when it needs to be, and it has great lessons to teach each of us about the way natural forces work in the world.

I am at a stage in my life where I’m moving from young adult books, and I’m looking for good adult books, that can fill the void that those amazing young adult books did for me when I was younger. I have been having a really hard time finding those books, and if anyone knows of any great books that they can recommend to me, please go ahead and do so!! However, one of the book series that I feel like is really fitting that slot right now, of being a good story and not avoiding more adult situations, is this series.

So I highly recommend these to anyone who is 18 years or older. If you’re younger than 18 years old, please read at your own risk, because they do contain sexual situations. But I really like this series! There will be a third book, but as this one does not end in a cliffhanger, you can read it without needing to binge read all the books.

Below is the cover to the beautiful first book in the series!! Enjoy!!

I have been OBSESSED with the story of Hades and Persephone (thanks to Lore Olympus), and I’ve been reading all different types of adaptations. This is one of the series that I think really tells the story well and it’s an AMAZING adaptation.
