

I redrew some Studio Ghibli scenes and Haikyuu ships

1. Whisper of the heart as KageHina

2. Howl’s moving castle as KiyoYachi

Kenma “apologizing”: -… .. - -.-. ….

Kuroo: What the fuck?

Kenma: It’s remorse code.

Kuroo: ….I fucking hate you.

Haikyuu!!Hunger Games AU could be sick tho! This has totally been done but I rewatched the movies and I had so many ideas! None of yall asked so like all of my posts here!!is!!!trash!!!

Also I’m not obeying any of the cannon rules about one male and one female tribute.

TW: Depression and mentions of death

  • Ushijima is district one, he’s never given much thought to anything but the games, and he’s a favorite to win. It’s all he’s ever known, and it’s really just sad, because he’s actually a really nice, simple guy.
  • But the other district one tribute is equally as sad but twice as eager. Goshiki volunteers wayyyyy too young and waay too impulsively. He’s a slave to his own courage and desire to prove himself, and he knows his eagerness has killed him the moment he leaves for the capitol with Ushijima.
  • Bokuto is district two, he volunteers too, because winning means everything and right now he’s got nothing to lose. Wouldn’t it suck if he fell in love with someone during the games…hmmmm
  • Daichi is reaped , despite being from two he did not volunteer for this, nor would he wish it on his worst enemy. He knows he will die but he’s going to try anyway, he’s only looking out for himself, until he meets his mentor. A damaged, beautifully kind boy with silver hair.
  • Tsukki is from three, he doesn’t cry when they call his name, he squares his shoulders and drops Yamaguchi’s hand, certain that will be the last time he ever holds it
  • That is until they call Yachi’s name next and the anxiety riddled Yamaguchi screams until he is beside Tsukki, dying in Yachi’s place. Tsukki cries then. At least they will die together.
  • Flashy Oikawa Tooru is reminiscent of Finnick Odair, beautiful, young, and charming. But he’s not just pretty, oh no boys, he’s also lethal. Everything was perfect, he volunteered right away, the first tribute for district Four. Then they pulled Takeru’s name next.
  • The twelve year old stuck his little chin up, standing beside his uncle, pale as if he might faint, and all hopes of winning left Oikawa, now all he could hope for was Takeru, he would have to protect Takeru because it was too late to volunteer for him
  • People think a twelve year old has been reaped from five when sixteen year old Nishinoya is called, but it becomes clear by the litany of swear words the boy hisses on his way to the stage that he is no child.
  • A child comes after him though, Kageyama is only fourteen, all sad eyes and pretty skin. He’s a favorite the moment he takes his place next to Noya. He’s lost his whole family to the games, and instead of planning to win like the rest of them, he simply wants to take his place beside them, until a certain orange monster gets in his way.
  • It’s silent when they call Kenma’s name in district six, until he locks eyes with Kuroo in who is sitting in the previous victor’s section, that’s when Kuroo starts to scream, panic filling his lungs as his best friend is doomed to a fate he had just barely survived. He knew Kenma wouldn’t make it, and Kenma knew it too.
  • No one in six screamed when Yahaba was called next, he didn’t expect anything anyway.
  • In district seven, Hinata refused to cry, despite everyone’s pitying looks. He would prove them all wrong, and if not he’s going to die in a way that brings honor to his family, in a way that Natsu can be proud of. He just needs to find a worthy ally…someone he could die or even survive with for a while at least.
  • Fresh from his work in the woods, barely old enough to be working in the first place, Lev is chosen and it’s really sad because he had so much potential in district seven…oh well guess there wouldn’t be a victor in seven this year
  • Tanaka is pulled from Saeko’s arms and thrust onto the stage in district eight, all while she continues to sob for her brother. It’s all terribly unfair but Tanaka promises to do whatever he can to win
  • Beside Tanaka stands Ennoshita, a shaking boy unaware of his own strength Tanaka has barely spoken to, but will begin to know much more…intimately soon. After all, they’re going to die together
  • In nine, kunimi looks sleepily at the crowd, he didn’t know the apathy that had followed him all his life would also follow him into the games
  • Yaku tries to put on a brave face under the harsh glare of the capitol lights, but his tears fall too freely for his own liking, he knew the second his name was called that he was going to die.
  • Ten is mournful as Atsumu and Osamu stand side by side, their days now numbered much to the sorrow of their family
  • District Eleven sees Hanamaki sobbing as Mattsukawa makes his way toward the stage, no one blinks, it’s just another relationship torn apart by the games
  • Mattsukawa ruffles Kindaichi’s hair as the boy cries, fear evident in every feature of his young face. At least he’d have someone to hold his hands when things got scary
  • Twelve is exactly how it’s always been, Iwaizumi has put his name in the bowl so many times that he only sighs and clenches his teeth as he makes his way to the stage. At least he would get a break from the constant state of hunger that came with living in twelve.
  • No one is even sad to see Kyoutani go, except ironically, Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi taught Kyoutani how to survive, it was a heartbreaking shame to see the closest thing he had to a legacy die beside him.

Capitol People

  • Satori hosts the interviews, but he’s mischievous, tricky, you can’t really tell what side he’s on for sure. But you can tell he has a favorite tribute, buff and handsome Ushijima can’t resist Satori
  • Asahi is a fashion designer who falls in love with his tribute, Yuu, he gets caught and punished for it, it’s very tragic
  • Akaashi is the head game maker. He’s so logical that you could almost miss the insanity in him. Almost. He has chosen who the victor will be, Bokuto.
  • Ukai is sort of like Haymitch
  • Takeda is reminiscent of Effie
  • Kiyoko is a past victor from eight, now the Capitol’s golden girl

This has probably been done before but I’m going through an obsession and I have so many thoughts about this so I had to do my take on it! So like a trashy Harry Potter!Haikyuu AU that no one needs but me…

  • A lot of people think Yamaguchi is a Hufflepuff and that makes sense and its REALLY cute, but gryffindor Yams has my whole heart! Everyone is confused as to why the gentle boy is there at first, but he soon proves to be one of the bravest Gryffindors when he shows a pension for self sacrifice and impulsive courage, especially when it comes to Tsukki
  • Tsukki is a ravenclaw, there’s just no way around it, he could do well in Slytherin but when the sorting hat mentions this to him, eleven year old tsukki shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly and says “they’re kind of lame” , he meets Yams the next day and he’ll never tell anyone this, but he actually stopped thinking for the first time in his life the moment he saw him
  • HINATA COULD BE GREAT IN SLYTHERIN!!1 I know he seems like a dead ringer for Gryffindor, but imagine him being desperate for Slytherine because that is where his hero, the famous quidditch star referred to as the “tiny giant”, was. Not to mention he has such an endless amount of determination, despite the odds being against him, he really just wants to be great and sLYTHERIN WILL HELP HIM ON THE WAY TO GREATNESS!
  • Kageyama is also in Slytherin which isn’t a surprise at all, but Hinata discovers something very surprising during their fifth year when Kageyama drinks too much fire whiskey and let’s it slip that the hat almost placed him in-hufflepuff, it’s his greatest shame. Hinata thinks it’s awesome! This amazing boy is cunning and determined but he’s also secretly very kind and hardworking! He wont admit it, but he falls a little in love with him.
  • Yachi is hufflepuff and I love her so much she smells like flowers and busts down in the green house everyday!
  • Tanaka is gryffindor, he and Noya are veryyy reminiscent of a certain pair of ginger twins that once caused mischief among the halls of hogwarts much like they do
  • Noya is a Gryffindor as well, and he loves three things, Tanaka, Quidditch, and his future husband, Asahi
  • Ennoshita is a sweet ravenclaw who is a surprisingly strong tenor in the ravenclaw choir
  • Ah! Asahi is a Hufflepuff Prefect and he wears his hair down a lot and he radiates this warmth and it’s just so wholesome its nuts. He will marry Noya one day, he just seems to be the only one who doesn’t know it at this point, but from the piggy back rides to the soft smiles, it’s pretty clear where his affections lie.
  • Suga is really fun because he’s hard to sort, they call it a Hatsall, when even the hat is a bit stumped. He’s smart, kind, sneaky, and chivalrous, so the hat let’s him chose. After much deliberation he winds up in green, a slytherin prefect, and it’s a good thing, because hinata and kageyama should never be left unsupervised
  • Daichi is a Gryffindor, and head boy which is also good because Noya and Tanaka are a lot, and need almost constant supervision as well. Suga and Daichi definetly have a “thing” but you’d have to pull their teeth to get them to admit it
  • Kiyoko is the head girl for Ravenclaw and her greatest joy is reading up on plants so she can flirt with Yachi in green house
  • Kenma is a very unimpressed Ravenclaw who gets along surprisingly well with Tsukki and spends most of his time flirtin-I mean talking with a slytherin prefect
  • Kuroo is a slytherin prefect, and damn if people dont love a bad boy, but he’s only got eyes for one odd little ravenclaw, he just loves watching kenma blush
  • Lev is a hufflepuff, who spends the majority of his school years pining after Yaku
  • Yaku is a ravenclaw who spends the majority of his years pini-avoiding that annoyingly hot hufflepuff, Lev.
  • Kyoutani is a gryffindor, Yahaba is a slytherin, they’ve been breaking up and making up since their first year
  • Oikawa and Iwaizumi are a slytherin powercouple, though they also fight nonstop, oikawa is head boy and Iwaizumi is the stereotypical brooding scary slytherin, they are extremely dangerous together.
  • Bokuto is a gryffindor, with a big thing for people who have the one thing he doesn’t, a level head
  • Enter Akaashi, ravenclaw head boy, and an angel straight from Bokuto’s wildest dreammms
  • Ushijima is a Hufflepuff mainly because he is hardworking and loves plants. He is the head boy and also Yachi’s self appointed big brother. That is all. He also loves Tendou
  • Tendou is freaky observant snek boi, lowkey the most dangerous person in the entire slytherin house, knows Ushijima has it bad for him and feels the same, but also loves to play with him a little
  • Aone is the cutest Hufflepuff prefect, and everyone is super confused as to why big spooky boys keep getting sorted into hufflepuff, but oh well
  • BONUS:
  • Ukai loves his gryffindor sons and is the coolest advisor EVER
  • Takeda has hufflepuff and it’s really cute, he also likes plants
  • Takeda and Ukai are definetly in love but they obviously have to hide it but everyone already knows. Tsukki and Yama once caught them in the room of requirement-it was terrible for all parties involved.

‘ohmygodshe’ssoprettyi’mgonnafallovermyfeetanddieohmygoshwhatififallover?willshehateme?she’llprobablyhatemeforever-herfanswillkillmeforembarrassingher-ohmygodiamdeadiamactuallydead….[cut for length]’ 

“Hitoka-chan, are you alright?” 


Oh my gosh I am so sorry this took so long… I almost didn’t post it because I can’t. draw. girls to save my life… but I love kiyoyachi too much to not at least try. Thank you for the request @kyotheawesomeelfgirl, and again I’m so sorry! 

I have no doubt that this won’t be the last of my dancer series because I’ve loved drawing them so much (and I haven’t even drawn kagehina or tsukiyama which is basically sin) but I am closing requests on them for now because I’m super busy and have a bunch of other cool projects going that I really want to focus some time on! 

However, please feel free to drop by my inboxto suggest possible pairings for the future, tell me what you think of them, ask me about my projects or just freak out over Haikyuu in general… 


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in love with the both of them

now with a speedpaint !!!!!!! oh em geeee

Happy Holidays !! ♡

Here is my @haikyuusecretsantafor@silverliningslurk!!

Hope you enjoy this kiyoyachi gift exchange ♡


forgot to share this one here… it’s Girls™️

 ART COMMISSIONS: VALENTINE’S DAY PROMO  All illustrations featuring couples will have a 30% o


All illustrations featuring couples will have a 30% off discount! 

This special promotion is up until February 28th. 

More info here.

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