#hair journey


May 2019

Braid szn.

In order to resist the urge to cut off all my hair I’ve kept these in for the month

Also decided to attempt to grow out my sides again feel like I can do it this time! So we’ll see.

May 2019

Drastically different hair lengths was NOT cutting it (no pun intended) so I cut to a more even length and went red. I miss the length I had in the front a little, but it’s always better to have health over length

May 2019

The colour was stubborn so I bleached it out

March - April 2019

Some more hair love. The middle/back of my hair seems to have broken and I can’t think of what’s caused it will keep an eye on it and see how it grows back.

IG: whenlaurenstyles

March 2019

Last pics of red :)

March 2019

Another successful wash day! :)

February 2019

I was BEYOND feeling this trim.

De magie van de Tonkaboon


De tonkaboon is een zaad van de Cumaru boom afkomstig uit het Noorden van Zuid–Amerika.  De woudreus uit het amazone gebied draagt haar  vruchten hoog in haar takken.

Tonka Beans.jpg

De boon ruikt naar een combinatie van Vanille, amandel, kaneel en kruidnagel. Mede hierdoor word het voornamelijk gebruikt in parfums en tabak mengsels.  Voor de intrede  van  palmolie , rond de 19e eeuw, was tonka boter een van…

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With TikTok, IG & Facebook I never use tumblr anymore for social media purposes. If anything I feel like I’ve used it/am using it as a way to journal my updates in life. So for those that stuck around and didn’t unfollow me because I disappeared for a bit;

• I shaved my head 9 months ago & this is me today^

• I’ve been single 4 years now & dated 3 people semi/seriously in the meantime between my hoe phases; the last guy was on and off for about 7 months until he ended things yesterday. I really liked this one, but it just wasn’t meant to be I guess.

• I’ve loved myself more with a bald head this year than I ever did when my hair was long, thus proving I don’t need long hair to be confident or to love myself.

• I’m working on my self worth. This one is hard. But ✨worth✨ it (hah)..

• I’ve started collecting plants (currently have a pothos, snake plant, ZZ plant, peace lily, aloe, bamboo, and a few hens & chicks succulents). Probably going plant shopping this weekend to get myself something new for V-Day.

• I have a therapist that I finally like. It took a whole year. 12 months. 3 different therapists that didn’t work out first.

• I’ve been taking Adderall for my ADHD for the first time in my life and so many things are different in a good way!!! I could go on for hours about the traits I have that are ADHD related and have been affecting my life but I thought I was just “stupid and lazy”. I’m probably the most excited about this one and the therapy. Working on my mental health over the last 12 months has been damn near exhausting at times but I’m so glad I’ve taken the steps to work on it (both my current and future self are already thanking me). Right now my favorite thing to do is feel my feelings- it’s hard sometimes when it’s a feeling that’s not positive and happy, like when I’m sad or angry. I know it’s important though, and it’s making a huge difference in my life
