
 A Few Books That Inspire Me as a WitchSource | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/These books

A Few Books That Inspire Me as a Witch
Source | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/

These books didn’t just teach me about witchcraft or how to own my inner power, but immensely inspire me to keep going on my path. These are the books I will pick up, time and time again, especially going through moments of feeling lost or dispassionate on my path.

These books step away from the owner’s manual feel of most witchcraft books. They ditch the graphs and deliver information in a way it is absolutely a delight to consume.

Spiral Dance by @starhawk_spiral
I spoke about this book recently, but there is no way this wouldn’t have made it on this list. It was the first book that truly connected me to my inner witch. Not only is she obviously such an educated voice within our community, but her writing is also easy to read and fun to consume.

A Spell in the Wild by @alice_tarbuck
This is a new one for me that I read on a whim. Alice will inspire you to find magick no matter where you are, city or countryside. You’ll look at the plants growing between the broken pavement with renewed interest on your daily walks. This book doesn’t provoke the interest in nature though, it is a magickal hug. If you feel lost on your path or unconfident in what you’re doing, Alice will have you believing in yourself again.

Mysteries of the Dark Moon by Demetra George
When I was first diving into shadow work, this was one of the first books I pulled. Demetra really inspired me to accept my emotions and use them to my ultimate benefit. It also helped me confidently connect with nature on a deeper level because the earth does its own version of shadow work. Ebbs and flows are an integral part of nature. Things decay in order to grow something new and worthwhile.

A few other books I don’t have space to write about:
Hekate Liminal Rites by @sorita.deste & David Rankine
Women Who Run With Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés
Weave the Liminal by @owlkeyme.arts
The Witch at the Forest’s Edge by @awitchbetwixt

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 Working With The SunSource | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/  I am a big fan of working w

Working With The Sun
Source | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/

 I am a big fan of working with the sun’s daily energy, unlike the moon, it repeats a constant cycle daily. It rises, finds its way to the top of our skies, and then makes its descent to welcome the moon.
When it comes to spellwork, in my personal practice, I like to concentrate on manifesting quick and fiery energy. Spellwork I need to be done now, with quick results. If I need bigger results or ones that are longer-lasting I may work with the days of the week’s correspondences in conjunction with working with the sun.

 Sunrise | Intention setting
Sun’s ascent into the sky | Growing and cultivating energy
High Noon or when the sun is the highest in the sky | Larger spellwork and protection spells
Sun’s descent | Slowing and releasing energy
Sunset | Cleansing and throwing things into the void for renewal/fresh start

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 Self Love Herb CleanseSource | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/Place all these herb bbs in

Self Love Herb Cleanse
Source | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/

Place all these herb bbs in your cauldron and light with a lighter. Cleanse yourself and home. Some of these herbs may not resonate with you, replace with ones that do!

What you’ll need
1 Tablespoon of Dried Motherwort (for that Queen of Pents self love energy)
1 Tablespoon of Dried Red or Pink Rose Petals (for that Empress self love energy)
1 Tablespoon of Dried Rosemary (resiliency & thriving)
1 Very Small Pinch of Saffron (for feeling yourself)
Optional 1 Dried Venus looking glass flower

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Wildcrafting for SpellworkWeeds I Found In My Yard For Spellwork(from left to right)Watch Video/Sour

Wildcrafting for Spellwork
Weeds I Found In My Yard For Spellwork
(from left to right)
Watch Video/Source | https://www.instagram.com/reel/CcYOg88gYwd/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Stop gossip and have it turn in your favor

Spiny Sowthistle
Edible spikey leaves
Perfect for kitchen witchery protection spells

Use in love spells and saucy *wink wink* magick

The Cause & Remedy of Allergies
Hexing and hexing-reversals

Dead Nettle
Stops bleeding
Stop a bad situation before it gets worse

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 Do you use nettle often in your practice?Did you know it was used as a divination tool while people

Do you use nettle often in your practice?

Did you know it was used as a divination tool while people were sick or that there was a holiday named after it?

In Magickal Beginnings we have started posting plant study articles that take deep dives into plant folklore, how they grow, and their magickal uses.

-Link is in Bio | Magickal Beginnings | Library Tier & Up-

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 What was the first witchcraft book you deeply connected with? -tell me below-Source | https://www.i

What was the first witchcraft book you deeply connected with? -tell me below-
Source | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=en

It is my birthday week so I thought this week I’d share a few of my favorite things and magickal birthday thoughts/celebrations. To start this celebratory time, I wanted to talk about the first book I read that I deeply connected to as a witch.

When I first dived into witchcraft I lived on a military base with my parents in Germany, and when it came to resources, all I had was a one-half shelf of New Age books available at our local book store. This was right after the height of 90’s Wiccan popularity, so that bookshelf was jammed packed with books that encompassed that, and unfortunately, that religious path never really resonated with me. I did read them and took what resonated and left what didn’t, but it wasn’t until I got my hands on Spiral Dance that everything seemed to click into place. I’m sure there were other non-wiccan books I read, but Spiral Dance is the one that which time hasn’t erased the title from my mind.

I constantly still quote and find solace in Starhawk’s words. I pick up this book (a newer copy, the old lost to time) whenever I feel disconnected from my craft and I want to return how I felt all those years ago when I sat in front of that small bookcase at the store and poured over her words. Or when I finally purchased it and would hide the book under my mattress at home.

But please, tell me about your first book that deeply resonated with you! Does it still inspire you today?

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 A Few Things I Do With Offering for Guides & Deities After the FactSource | https://www.instagr

A Few Things I Do With Offering for Guides & Deities After the Fact
Source | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=en

What are your methods?

•If it is good/drink/herbs that is safe for the earth, return it to the earth. This is my usual method.
•Ask to share the meal and eat/drink it. I do this with foods/drinks that aren’t safe for the earth, such as when I leave a soda out for my grandmother.
•Non-edible things should chosen out with care and consideration for the long term. If you must put things away do so with care and verbally express what you are doing and why.

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