

girls dont want boyfriends, girls want their ships to be endgame and happy (and preferably for one of them to not die)


Me, explaining why Cedric is the best boyfriend for Harry:

Christmas questions!

- What do they say/do if they reach for the last cookie at the same time?

- Which one is the most difficult person to shop for?

- Who says holiday related puns?

- how do they react to seeing (the real) Santa Claus?

- Who decorates the tree?

- Who sucks at ice skating?

- Who initiates cuddling by the fire?

- Who is all decked out in Christmas gear?

- do they kiss under mistletoe?

- What is their favorite picture of them that was taken on Christmas?

Send me your OTP! Can also request multiple times

Doesn’t just have to be what I’ve tagged

See, Harry’s described as being tall in DH, but then I still decided to make him this tiny little thing and ship him with all these tall people like Ron, Cedric, and Blaise. Smol Harry is amazing.


i think hedric is cute but i also know it can’t happen bc if i saw a sixth year dating a fourth year i’d call the police like thats 16 yr old and 14 yr old, and cedric was actually 17 so thats even worse

but like graduated from hogwarts au/ a fic where they’re adults would be cute


Me, explaining why Cedric is the best boyfriend for Harry:


shut up, the stupid fictional gay people in my phone make me happy
