#hellenic pagansim



how i celebrate Beltane whilst in lockdown for 2020

I started of the morning by making Gluten-free pancakes with my younger brother. He loves them and i’ve recently had to go Gulten free so we were trying them out. They were amazing!! I then got dressed into my red dress but had to wear a black top as well as it was so cold.

Later in the afternoon I made oat cookies for my family.

I also made a fruit smoothie for me and my mum but forgot to take any pictures to document it. I used fresh strawberries and bananas!

In the evening, I unpressed all the flowers i pressed to try a few weeks ago - id been leaving it until Beltane to do so!

I then made my offerings to the fae. It was honey, milk and some of my oat cookies. I left it under a beautiful flower in my garden that’s surrounded by our strawberry pots.

I also took a moment whilst outside to appreciate the sunset i could just see.

I then proceeded upstairs to write my wish letter to the Gods and Godesses i celebrated with today. (it’s only the title as i didn’t want to show it)

When i go to bed, i plan to fully pray to the Gods and thank them for a beautiful day!

I’d love to hear what you did below!


a request for @3vil-angel to give the holder the ability to speak the truth even in hard situations


  • jar
  • almond - compassion
  • basil - honesty, repels negativity, smooths strife, harmony, strength
  • cinnamon - healing, love, harmony, strength, peace
  • daffodil - love, luck

  1. Set up your area and call upon any dieties or other beings you want (apollo might be good as an example)
  2. Put all your items into the jar whilst focusing on your intent
  3. Shake the jar as many times as it take you to say : “ Heart of Gold, My chosen choice. Let my mouth only speak truth”

Keep the jar on you or gift it the the person you want to tell you the truth


a prayer to say to the theoi at night. it’s originally from christianity.

“ as i lay me down to sleep

i pray the theoi my soul to keep

gods guard me through the night

and keep me safe till morning light “


happy mabon witches and pagans

Today,September 21st is the beginning of the Pagan and witch holiday, Mabon. I’m going to link my mabon post here : https://greekwitchchild.tumblr.com/post/187553769933/mabon so anyone who wants ideas on what to do can do learn what i plan on doing.

Throughout Mabon i’m going to be documenting what i’m doing to celebrate and will make an overall post of my mabon 2019 on the 29th, when mabon officially ends.

I pray you all have a blessed and happy mabon and that you take some time to honour your gods.


Here’s what i’ve done to use the first full harvest moon on friday 13th in 19years to my advantage

  • Placing all my crystals in a bag and hanging them out of my window to charge (my usual method)
  • leaving an offering to artemis
  • making super charged moon water
  • making a money/prosperity spell jar

Also, there wont be another full moon that takes place on Friday the 13th until August 13th, 2049, so take advantage of the healing, cleansing, psychic and powerful powers from tonight.
