#hello world


for day in past_few_days {
    while (day != tomorrow) {
         me.sad = true;
         if (procrastination) (me.commitments.increase());
    if (day == sept30) {
         worries += worries;
         sleep.condition = terrible;
    String help = “please help ” + “I\’ve cried too much”; 
    try { 
    } catch (Exception overflow) {


Hey everyone! So I’m relatively new to Tumblr and my Dash is a lil… dry. Bare. Barren. This gives a Sadface.
So I’m looking for some new people to follow!

  • Witches of all sorts, but especially Kemetics and Tech to follow/learn
  • Occultists
  • Tarot readers/aficionados
  • Poets
  • Writers (Horror, S-F, Short, especially!)
  • Old book lovers
  • Star gazers
  • Crystal readers
  • Wine aficionados
  • Artists (especially those influenced by H.R. Giger and Alex Grey)
  • … and general fellow ruffians and madfellows

Kind requests that no Porn-blogs, racisits, homo/trans/xenophobes interact with this Blog. Also, please no minors (those 18 or younger). Thank you to anyone who may offer a signal boost on this… Much love to you kind souls! :D

Modern witches can be anyone

This is a fact we’ve all know for a long time.  Anyone who practices in anyway is ultimately a witch, as long as they’re comfortable with the title.  When I first started my practice I avoided calling myself a witch, since I felt it was too feminine of a title for the kind of person I am.  After some meditation and talk with other witches of the world I saw how the term is meant to be used and started my journey on the path of the masculine witch.

My journey started in college when I first discovered the Celtic gods and the druidic practices that they were associated with.  I felt an immediate connection, and after many weeks of research and soul searching I decided to become a Celtic Druid, somewhat to the dismay of my parents.  It wasn’t long after that that I was writing my first spells and crafting my first sigils.

At first I was extremely rigid in my practices; I followed spells to the letter and used formulas to write anything of my own.  While this was great for me to learn as a beginner, it ultimately left me limited in what I did with my practice.  It wasn’t until I finally broke a mold that I saw the possibilities.  The first time I did anything completely original was when I learned how to meditate while I sparred.  I had been inspired by Star Wars: Knight’s of the Old republic’s  concept of a battle meditation and did it literally as I fought.

This led me down many rabbit holes as I found my personal best way to practice.  I made my first altar at which I pray daily, I joined my first traditional martial arts school since middle school to train my body, and I started exploring the fandoms I loved for things to bring into my daily life and practice.

Today that has turned me into the person writing this blog:  I practice Celtic Druidry using Chang Quan Kung Fu for active meditation, while trying to live my life in a way that fits my Mandalorian values.  This might not be the best way for everyone to practice, but it is for me, and I hope my sharing it here will give other people the jumping off point they need.    


We’ve waited YEARS to have a new Hello World cover reveal! New face, new name, and new paperback format. This is such a great restart on the .Exe series and we hope you enjoy what we think is this serious and seriously beautiful cover!

Ready? Let’s go!

You can now preorder Hello World in ebookpaperback, or ebook bundle today for the first time!

Seeing as it is also my birthday, I’d love if you could give me beloved debut some love today!

honestly this jim/olu fic really is becoming About The Hands and i’m not mad about that

anyway nghi vo literally never misses

fun life tip! wasp in your room? turn off all the lights inside, but leave the door open with light outside. the wasp will, and i still cannot believe this, fly to the ground and then walk calmly and directly out the door. i feel like i’ve reached bug enlightenment

spent an hour and a half revising a single simile only to go back to the original version of the simile. why did i do this to myself

okay, question for the hivemind. does anyone know of any art (book movie podcast etc) that argues against the idea that memory is what makes you, or for the idea that identity is based in the present moment? i’m thinking amber spyglass style “where we are is always the most important place”, but for personhood and identity.


anyway nghi vo literally never misses

how much i can love this book by the end: a lot actually!!!!!

BIGBANG comeback posters ft. G-Dragon’s colorful hair~4 years of waiting. counting down to the next BIGBANG comeback posters ft. G-Dragon’s colorful hair~4 years of waiting. counting down to the next BIGBANG comeback posters ft. G-Dragon’s colorful hair~4 years of waiting. counting down to the next BIGBANG comeback posters ft. G-Dragon’s colorful hair~4 years of waiting. counting down to the next BIGBANG comeback posters ft. G-Dragon’s colorful hair~4 years of waiting. counting down to the next BIGBANG comeback posters ft. G-Dragon’s colorful hair~4 years of waiting. counting down to the next BIGBANG comeback posters ft. G-Dragon’s colorful hair~4 years of waiting. counting down to the next BIGBANG comeback posters ft. G-Dragon’s colorful hair~4 years of waiting. counting down to the next

BIGBANG comeback posters ft. G-Dragon’s colorful hair~

4 years of waiting. counting down to the next masterpiece in their discography. :)

Post link

The face behind the creations… Almost 3.2 ♥

my horny English-speaking friend: god, I’m dying for some cock 

me: haha same! 

my friend: wanna go out and get some? ;)

me: no need, I have some in the fridge! 

friend: what?


friend: what the fukc

Hello! I’ve been on quite the hiatus due to school and work for the past few years. I’m excited to be back on Tumblr and I’ll be posting more informational posts for anyone that may need it!

Let me know if you have any suggestions. :)

I’m alive for those who care

“ It’s ok if all you did today was survive”

Villian Dawnbringers anyone << 
feat. this Fae King!Boblem sketch that got way out of hand sjhdjsh i will go down with this idea- 

Luna for a cafe au that I have in mind! I’m still working on Gentiana and Noctis.

Luna for a cafe au that I have in mind! I’m still working on Gentiana and Noctis.

Post link