#celtic witch


Let’s talk about: Incantations


Incantations, sometimes known as magic words, are probably one of the most famous types of a spell, and with good reason.  We often picture some kind of chant to help summon whatever magic powers we want to use at the time.  I love incantations in my spells, both because I am dramatic and live for ominous chants, and because incantations are a great place for a little poetry which I also love.

When it comes to the how to of incantations there’s very little to say beyond “do what comes naturally”.  Incantations can be long drawn out chants in verse, they can be a quick quip in latin saying what you want to do, they can be a single word that you made up for the specific spell you’re working on, or anything in between.  The greatest importance for incantations is your intent.

No matter what you’re saying, what language it’s in, or how many times you repeat it the incantation won’t work if you’re not clear on what you’re doing.  That’s why intent matters so much in all spells, it’s so very important to know exactly what you’re trying to accomplish and have it firmly in your mind before you begin, beyond that the only rules are what feels right and what has meaning to you.

Now for the most part incantations are a wonderfully unisex way to practice, but I’m sure there’s someone in the world saying, “Poetry, what guy is caught dead doing poetry?”  My response to that is a simple list of gods who have poetry included in their domain: Odin, Angus Og, and Apollo.  I’m sure there are more, but I don’t know who they are. It’s also worth pointing out that King David was an accomplished poet and wrote the psalms.

That brings my ramble on incantations to a close.  Practice safe and Ret'urcye mhi!  

Let’s talk about: Bath spells


Bath spells are very common for witches today, and with good reason.  Who doesn’t love a nice relaxing bath, and using candles and herbs to set the mood has been done for years.  Like a lot of magic the main difference between a bath spell and a bath with candles and good smells is intent.  I’ve heard of a dozen ways to do bath spells, mostly involving putting different herbs in the bath to enhance it.  This is something you can either do loose in the bath, as a sachet, or as an incense burned nearby; I’m a fan of the sachet method for myself, just for the ease of clean up.

Adding candles and stones around the edge of the bath can also be a great way to bring magic to your soak, but of course if you’re doing anything with fire always put your safety first.  If you can’t place a candle safely on the edge of your bath, a nearby counter top with line of sight can work just as well.

Now you’re probably saying, “Hey! You promised us a masculine witch blog, baths aren’t very manly”.  To which I can only say, “So?”  While it’s true that baths don’t fall under the typical view of masculinity that doesn’t mean they should be avoided,  I like to use baths to loosen my muscles up after tough workouts, or meditate in a relaxing environment.  

That being said, here’s a few ways to make your bath spells more manly:

1. Take a shower instead of a bath, you won’t be able to enjoy it for nearly as long, but if you put your herbs in a sachet and hang it from the shower head you’ll get a similar experience.

2. Use scents that you consider more masculine, I don’t use scented candles often but when I do my favorite scent is tobacco; basically what I’m saying is you don’t have to come out of a bath smelling like flowers if you don’t want to.

3. Drink beer or whiskey while you bathe, obviously don’t do this one if you’re underage, but I find a nice rye while I’m soaking is a wonderful way to get me to relax and let the spell do its job.

4. Listen to a podcast, a lot of people recommend music to relax in a bath, but I always find I don’t like any of the usual “relaxing” music because it’s too slow; instead I’ll listen to gaming podcasts.

5. If none of those are masculine enough for you then I recommend this: Don’t bathe alone, you won’t get much magic done, but a soak with a partner never fails to relax me.

That finishes up my ramble on bath magic.  Practice safe and Ret'urcye mhi!  

Modern witches can be anyone

This is a fact we’ve all know for a long time.  Anyone who practices in anyway is ultimately a witch, as long as they’re comfortable with the title.  When I first started my practice I avoided calling myself a witch, since I felt it was too feminine of a title for the kind of person I am.  After some meditation and talk with other witches of the world I saw how the term is meant to be used and started my journey on the path of the masculine witch.

My journey started in college when I first discovered the Celtic gods and the druidic practices that they were associated with.  I felt an immediate connection, and after many weeks of research and soul searching I decided to become a Celtic Druid, somewhat to the dismay of my parents.  It wasn’t long after that that I was writing my first spells and crafting my first sigils.

At first I was extremely rigid in my practices; I followed spells to the letter and used formulas to write anything of my own.  While this was great for me to learn as a beginner, it ultimately left me limited in what I did with my practice.  It wasn’t until I finally broke a mold that I saw the possibilities.  The first time I did anything completely original was when I learned how to meditate while I sparred.  I had been inspired by Star Wars: Knight’s of the Old republic’s  concept of a battle meditation and did it literally as I fought.

This led me down many rabbit holes as I found my personal best way to practice.  I made my first altar at which I pray daily, I joined my first traditional martial arts school since middle school to train my body, and I started exploring the fandoms I loved for things to bring into my daily life and practice.

Today that has turned me into the person writing this blog:  I practice Celtic Druidry using Chang Quan Kung Fu for active meditation, while trying to live my life in a way that fits my Mandalorian values.  This might not be the best way for everyone to practice, but it is for me, and I hope my sharing it here will give other people the jumping off point they need.    

The Eight of Swords

When you look over this card your first thought is “yikes! ” however, if you take a deeper look you find hope within a sticky situation.

This card talks about the restrictions we put on ourselves and being trapped by our own mind. In the card, a woman is bound loosely and blind folded. She is only gated by swords. There is fog in the background yet you can see the shapes of land. The woman is trapped, yet she can free herself if she’s willing to wiggle a bit and knock over those swords.

There is hope. The flowers depicted around the swords shows that.

So, what do the signs all mean??

As a witch and tarot reader I’ve learned to view the world as a bucket full of signs from the universe, the goddess, my guides, and any other spiritual aid who has chosen to assist me through this crazy journey I seem to have found myself on.

These signs, symbols, numbers, etc.. . They are all there to remind you that you are on the right path.

Ever see 11:11 on a clock? How about a song on the radio that really fits what you’re going through. Maybe even a post on Tumblr? These signs are there to help guide us and let us know that yeah, there’s some type of power out there that cares.

So, this is for you. The person trapped by your own self doubt, your own thoughts, your self - loathing; don’t let that negative thinking blind you from your soul purpose. Don’t be the woman in the card bound by self. Allow yourself to have hope and don’t ever think this life isn’t worth it.

Happy Saturday Everyone and Blessed Be! )0(

***Message me for an indepth reading***

~The Witch Jar~

Purposes: Protection, Healing, Attracting Love, Happiness, Confidence… (Etc…)

The idea of the Witch Jar has been around for a long time. However, this is my own personal guide to creating a powerful tool to enhance intentions.

First Step: Find a jar big enough for contents. I prefer a basic small herb glass jar. However, it’s really your own preference.

Step Two: Grab a pen and paper. Write down your intentions on the paper. As many times as it feels right. (Sort of like chanting but on lined paper.) For example “Money, Money come to me, as I will it so mote it be.”

Step Three: Collect the herbs and crystals needed for intention. Such as Thyme for healing or obsidian for protection.

Step Four: My personal favorite step is decoration. Make your Witch Jar yours. Paint it with acrylic. Color it with a sharpie. Throw some glitter on it. Draw runes or sigils matching your intention on it. Make it YOURS! That’s what makes magick and witchcraft so beautiful. It’s so completely personal.

Step Five: Some may be uncomfortable with this process. As it isn’t completely needed, it can be super helpful and add extra power behind your intention. Add a lock of hair, a picture, a finger nail, or blood to your mix (I prefer cutting a lock of my own hair with my ritual knife.) Any physical part of yourself will do. (Please do not injure yourself to gain blood for your jar. IF you decide to use blood PLEASE do your research first!)

Final Step: Seal the lid with wax or paint. Anything to make sure the lid stays closed. What to do after you have completed your jar? Some prefer to bury it on their property. Some prefer to toss it in a river to carry their intention away. If the spell is something you want to hold onto, keep it on your altar and charge it during full moons. If you’re a city witch it can be kind of difficult to bury or toss in a body of water. Just do whatever feels right for your purpose.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me. I’m pretty friendly.

Blessed be!! )O(

Card of the Day! **March 3rd**

Page Of Cups

Cups Timeline: Months (can also represent summertime)

Pages bring: Messages

Element Associated with Cups: Water (Emotions)


The Page Of Cups is shown here as a young woman (remember that Tarot is genderless, female cards can represent any individual regardless), this Page is full of optimism and curiosity. If you look closely, you can see how happy she is. The expression on her face shows joy and happiness with a bit of humor. She is decked out in seashells and starfish which links her to the element of water, if you couldn’t tell by her standing in a giant wave! She is also holding a giant silver cup, inside the cup is a blue fish which is inviting her to go within and explore her intuitive, magickal, and psychic talents. The wave represents emotion, feminine power, and the crescent moon. This Page is mysteriously happy being guided by the phases of the moon.

The Page Of Cups wants you to explore yourself, your magick, and to go within to explore your true nature. Cups are controlled by emotions. Explore your empathy, become in tune with your inner clairvoyance. Embrace the fun of discovery and put some joy back into your life!

The message that is brought to you here is: don’t forget that life is magickal! Whether or not you are having issues in your life, look around you and count the blessings that you do have. Don’t forget to have some fun and ride the waves!

Keywords: Imagination, Psychic Talents, Embracing Hope, and Discovery!

Blessed Be! )O(

The Witch’s Alphabet, Theban Alphabet, The Runes of Honorius. This text is known by many names. This language is still used today by some Freemasons, Witches, Pagans, Druids and Occultist. This text is believed to hold much power within the symbols. Many witches and occult practicers use these symbols in their magick.

Uses: Books of Shadows, Witch Jars, Spells, Hexs, and Summons.

Use wisely.

Blessed Be!


The Empress

The Mother Card. The Nurture card. The card that reminds you to take care of yourself. She gently reminds you to create. Create a home environment that meets your needs as a person. Be comfortable, be inspired, and be nurtured. Take pride in the beauty around you!

Take some time out of your day to indulge in some of your favorite tasks. Maybe have that piece of cake! Who cares?! You are comforting yourself! A little indulgence never hurt anyone, just don’t over do it!

Celebrate your life, love, and home!

Blessed be! )O(

**message me for an in depth, personal reading!**


Ten of Wands

Overworked, overburdened, overwhelmed, pretty much over it…

As you can see, this man is tired, hungry, probably sun burned, and in desperate need of a break. He’s barely standing, holding up a huge stack of wands that are bigger than him!

This card speaks of feeling burnt out on work, life, love, pretty much everything. Us humans trying to survive in a society that demands so much of us can become so tiring that we fail to notice that we need some T.L.C. every once in awhile.

Take a time out from life. Take a hot bath, binge a Netflix series, relax with someone you care about. Do something that reminds you why you’re working so damn hard!

Tarot doesn’t always have some deep mysterious meaning. Sometimes the cards are just reminding you to take a load off and chill!

Blessed Be!

**Don’t forget you’re more than welcomed to message me for an in depth personal reading.**


“Money, money, come to me..

Multiple it, three times three,

As I will it, so mote it be..


Simple spoken money spell.. . $$$

Blessed Be!!!!



In Irish mythology, Brigid is the daughter of the Dagda and had two sisters also named Brigid and is part of the Tuatha de Danann, the supernatural Irish race. The three sisters made up the triple aspect of the one goddess: Brigid of the hearth, Brigid of the forge and Brigid of Inspiration. She is a goddess ofspring, fertility, family, the hearth, childbirth, fire, blacksmiths, scholars, physicians, prophets, healing, poetry, occult knowledge, and justice. She was said to be born at sunrise and is often depicted with solar rays coming out of her head, making her one of the Irish solar deities alongside Lugh. It is said that wherever she walks four leaf clovers and flowers will grow. She also created the tradition of “keening” when her son Ruadan died in battle, a song-like wail used by women at funerals. In some cases she is also the goddess of sacred wells, springs and healing waters.  


Her name comes in different spellings like Brig, Brighid, Brigit, or Brigid but it means “Exalted one” or “Fiery arrows”. She is a goddess of Pre-christian Ireland but versions of her are found all over Europe; she has ties to Brigantia, a warrior goddess of the Brigantes tribe of Britain. She was a beloved goddess of the Celts and has survived through centuries including the Christianization of Ireland and the rest of Europe where most traces of Druidism and Paganism were forgotten. The people of Ireland loved her so much and refused to let her be demonized by the church -like the rest of the gods- that they converted her into a saint known as St. Brigid of Kildare. There are also three rivers named after her one in Ireland, Wales and England: Brigit, Braint and Brent.The river that runs through Wales is known to have healing properties.


Also known as Brigid’s day, Candlemas or St. Brigid’s feast, Imbolc is one of the four fire festivals in Celtic paganism and celebrates the return of spring. Since Brigid is the goddess of spring and was said to go away during the winter, people would light a candle in honor of her return. Offerings of milk, bread, and corn cakes were set out and a seat at the dinner table was left open for her presence.  Cows and sheep were seen as sacred to the goddess because they would provide milk for the town during the cold months and they would give birth around Imbolc. This festival celebrated the Maiden aspect of Brigid and young women would carry corn dollies dressed in white which represented the goddess. The women would also dress in white and attend a special feast for Imbolc where young suitors could mingle with the ladies. Imbolc is a time of fertility, cleansing and the light returning after a long winter.


Elements- Water & Fire

Animals- snakes, ewes, cows, bees, oxen, owls and hibernating animals. Vultures

Plants- blackberry, hawthorn, basil, mugwort, apple, heather, dandelion, snowdrop, willow, oak, shamrock, crocus, trillium, corn, lavender and sage. Personal one is cinnamon and chamomile.

Crystals- amethyst, bloodstone, carnelian, garnet, moonstone, clear quartz, and peridot.

Symbols- Brigid’s cross, candles, triquetra, faeries, four leaf clover, cauldron, chalice, corn dolly, anvil or hammer, poetry, forges, hearths, wells, rock formations.

Colours- green, red, white, gold and blue

Devotional Acts

  • offer her blackberries, baked goods, milk and honey or beer
  • dedicate a piece of your art to her like painting, knitting, singing, etc.
  • meditate with fire
  • savour the warmth of the sun or fire
  • incorporate the elements of water and fire into your craft
  • write her a poem
  • watch the sun rise
  • say hi to cows and sheep :)
  • hang a Brigid’s cross above your doorway for protection and blessings 
  • study healing magick, reiki, herbalism and faeries
  • wear the colours of fire or white
  • plant a bee garden

Thine is the skill of the Fairy Woman,

Thine is the virtue of Bride the calm,

Thine is the faith of Mary the mild,

Thine is the tact of the woman of Greece,

Thine is the beauty of Emir the lovely,

Thine is the tenderness of Darthula delightful,

Thine is the courage of Maebh the strong,

Thine is the charm of Binne-bheul.

From The Invocation of the Graces


Offering Comfort Spell

One of the hardest situations to be in is when your friend, partner, family is hurting and you are unable to act to ameliorate that hurt. When my partner is in a dark place my heart feels pinched and every breath catches. I know that it is the same for her when I am in a dark place. This is a simple charm to send love and support to those you care about who are hurting.

You Will Need

1. One yellow candle (can substitute white)


[Recommended for this spell] If it is part of your practice, cast a circle. As you sit with your ingredients before you, centre yourself. Ground yourself in the present moment by focusing on your breath, the sensations of your body, and your connection to the earth.

This spell can be cast with the person you are directing your energies toward sitting across the candle flame from you or directed outward toward a person who is not present.


Sit comfortably on the floor with the yellow candle in safe holder in front of you. If the person who you are directing your comfort and energy to is present, have them sit on the opposite side of the candle from you.

Light the candle and sit quietly for a minute. Visualise your love, comfort, and energy as a golden light building inside your chest. As it expands, push it outward with your mind toward the person who you wish to comfort. Repeat the following with conviction:

Friend of mine with aching heart

Let this gift from me impart

You with peace, a fresh new start

May all your sorrow soon depart

Sit together in the light of your love and comfort for as long as you both need.


Yellow Candle: comfort, confidence, joy

This week was rough for a lot of us. I’m reposting this so it’s easy to find for everyone.
