

A very satisfying post-mouse yawn from Cornelius :)

Some people find kittens or puppies on the side of the road - I just so happened to find a released corn snake!

Corn snakes are not native to my area, so this snake was most certainly let go or lost. That said, I’ve posted to lost pet forums and asked around the neighborhood he was found in looking for the owners in case he had escaped his home, but to no luck. Unless his owner is found, I plan to take good care of him from here on out :)

So to my followers, meet Cornelius! He’s healthy, eats well, is very handleable, and really likes to watch TV.

Space Snake Sale Tomorrow!

Listing go live for these cuties TOMORROW at 1pm EST. They will be $80usd each, shipping to Canada and USA is included.

Do you have a favorite?

*Sales go to paying off vet bills and for a taxidermist.*


Harley the toad wearing her signature dirt dress designed by Mother Earth.

Fashion at its highest!

I couldn’t trim this baby myself because I had to ship him off to the auction winner for the online reptile show ShOVID-19 run by @kaijutegu and friends :)

He’s now in a proper display hoop hanging up on the clients wall!
