

The Betty Crocker accounts been real quiet lately…


I have no legit explanation for this, but I wanted to point out that I think this portrait may be of hot dog boyor his ancestor.



it’s her!





The Union of The Hot Dog Bois TM !!! They’re so cute!!!

It took me .001 seconds to notice this

Hnnnghhhh it’s THEM


Local hate date couple spotted in local.. uhhh town?

Ohhh my god. Here we are with another trippy experience. Nihkee’s route oh boy.

So, this is just gonna be some weird rampant speculation so be warned.

In Nihkee’s route the MSPA reader just kinda chills imagining and listening. Whilst doing this however, a series of visions started coming to them in which:

1) Nihkee loses her 2nd leg

2) Nihkee begins hunting you down

3) Mallek, Polypa, and Tegiri try to help you out against Nihkee. Notably with Mallek being unable to disable her cybernetic enhancements. (More than just her leg, as seen with the ending screen she has an enhanced arm and face as well ((She’s also missing part of one of her horns))

4) The readers palmhusk dies and after a year of running they are hunted down and killed by Nihkee.

So, what can be garnered from this? I think one of two things; 

either a) MSPA Reader has some sort of weird magic/psychic ability akin to the Sufferers’ visions of Beforus, but instead seeing visions of alternate/doomed timelines

or b) there’s someone (possibly Doc Scratch) pulling the strings

Hell, maybe even a combination of the two. Now, I think someone, maybe Scratch is pulling the strings because of two main pieces of evidence, the first being Boldir’s bad ending when some mysterious voice says “Again? Must I do everything myself?” This ability for MSPA Reader to see into a bad ending therefore preventing their own death may have been a sort of “gift” or vision from an outside force like scratch. Secondly, there’s a weird line that doesn’t seem to fit in Tirona’s bad end memory; “The puppet’s strings stretch toward the moon.” This may be talking about Tirona, but if we interpret it as Doc Scratch pulling the strings, I mean, he was living on Alternia’s moon after all. Then there’s the obvious puppet symbolism, with Doc Scratch being a puppet and all.

So, who knows, and hey, if you made it through this incoherent ramblin’; thanks :).

More stuff to come after I do Daraya’s route.


Hopefully Helpful Guide To Homestuck Horns

Hey, so, I got bored and just kinda felt like categorizing/making a very generalized and basic description of typical horns per caste. I am, however, gonna be leaving off mutant,lime bloods, the 2 canon fantrolls and seadwellers. I’m leaving off sedwellers because there’s not really enough info to base any generalizations off of.. Sidenote: There’s obviously gonna be exceptions.

Burgundy:These are typically larger horns and often curved (even slightly), they also seem to be either pretty round or pretty sharp with almost no in between.

Bronze: These horns are typically prettyBIG, (really only dwarfed by purple bloods) and in every known case have been curved.

Gold:These horns have in each case been shown to be double horns, with two sets rather than one, and consistently sharp points.

Olive: Olive horns tend to involve triangles/sharp points. Unlike Indigo, Olive bloods’ horns sometimes have multiple points coming off of the main horn (Think Konyll or Charun).

Jade: Jade horns are almost always curved and have a characteristic sort of fold in either one or both of their horns

Teal: Teal horns are often pretty curved, or at the very least they may have a curved section (I’d say Terezi is probably the main exception here). They’re pretty variable on whether they come to a point or not.

Cerulean: Oh boy. So, Ceruleans are similar to jades in the fact that they are typically always curved, but instead of the jade fold they tend to have a sharp semi circle pattern. Cerulean horns are always sharp.

Indigo:These horns have shown in each case to involve triangular shapes in some way (if you count the semi-triangular nautre of Zebruh’s horns.)

Purple: These are the BIGGEST HORNS. These big boys, are also always curved.

Lmao, sorry if this is a bit of a mess. I’ve had this idea kickin around in my head for a while.

Ok, so oh boy was this Friendsim was a doozy. 

However, to isolate one thing to talk about, Fozzer has one particular line that’s pretty peculiar. 

12? 12. 12 subtypes. This brings up quite the predicament; as there should technically only be 11. We know that at some point there was a limeblood genocide, and that mutants, like Karkat and The Sufferer have shown up, but the MSPA reader hasn’t encountered any of them. As far as the Reader knows, there’s only twelve. 

I may be wrong, but I don’t remember limebloods even being mentioned. The Sufferer was, but it would make little sense to include them as a subtype as to the Reader’s knowledge there’s only ever been one troll with that mutation.

So, that brings into question; when does this take place? Is is pre or post limeblood genocide? I wish I could formulate a more cohesive theory, but really the only “evidence” of this being pre-limeblood genocide is the possible lime looking substance on one of the body pillows (which may, in fact, be sopor slime). ((There’s also the issue with this being only loosely cannonical)) I suppose, however, we’ll have to wait for more info, as the absence of limebloods or any mention thereof would hint that this is post-genocide.

So, for now, I believe this may be possibly either:

1. Pre-Limeblood Genocide

2. Some sort of weird omniscience as seen in Boldir’s ending or in one of Marvus’ Bad Endings.

3. Simply an error

4. I’m looking way too deep into this

Anyways, I just thought this was a really interesting line, and I kinda wanted to touch on it.

whatpumpkin: 4 days until HIVESWAP: ACT 1 comes out! Wooooo! Thank you, Rah! This is beautiful. &l


4 days until HIVESWAP: ACT 1 comes out! Wooooo! Thank you, Rah! This is beautiful. <3


Congratulations to Whatpumpkin and my good friend Rah-bop on their soon to be released game! Just one act of a series, Best of luck guys, I can’t wait!

Post link
 finished Aleph Null drone concepts -white and jade for the nanny cut it takes care of the kids (jad

finished Aleph Null drone concepts
 -white and jade for the nanny cut it takes care of the kids (jadeblood and lusus colors)
-black and purple for the dispatch since purple for alternians links with intimidation and subjugation
-gold and fuchsia for imperials for royalty, divinity and power

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