#hope you like this


I used to have a best friend.

At least, I thought she was my best friend.

Let me tell you a story.

The story of me and my ex-best friend.

When I was in middle school, one of the students was my neighbor.

We later became best friends.

Little did I know she had many secrets.

Way too many.

The last birthday we celebrated…

Was hers.

She had told me and her boyfriend the day before she was going to be “busy” at a family birthday party for her.

I asked her where it was and she said her house.

Her boyfriend and I decided to surprise her with a surprise visit.

When we got there, we went into her room.

We found her cheating with her other boyfriend.

Both of the boys broke up with her.

I stopped talking to her after that.

She texted me asking if we could walk to school together.

I accepted the invitation since I decided to talk to her again.

Then the day after that…she said she got a cold and if I could visit after school.

I accepted.

When I went to visit her…

She introduced me to this girl.

Apparently, this girl had been her best friend since they were in grade school.

This girl supported her crazy ideas.

She did the same.

The last thing I remember is that they both came at me at the same time…

With knives.

Then I woke up on top of the clouds.

And that’s the story of how my own best friend killed him…

The end.

I learned that anyone who is too open has a big secret.

Instagram: mister_kitty_freedom

Dear Readers,

I wanna sit down with you.

In the middle of 2018.

As you know, I have epilepsy.

I had an orchestra concert (For school), the last one of the school year to be specific.

The president of the orchestra student council (As I like to call it) moved.

So my friend was picked to do the speech instead.

During my friend’s speech…

It’s the last thing I remember.

Then the next second…

When I blinked…

When I opened my eyes again…

The audience weren’t in their seats.

I wasn’t sitting down with my cello listening to my friend’s speech.

I was laying on the floor…

With paramedics and my parents around me instead.

They took me home in the ambulance.

I remained a scar in my heart.


I had epilepsy…

No doubt, I knew that.

My friends knew that.

My family knew that.

The church I went to knew that.

After all, I said it on a microphone at church.


Now a bunch of strangers know that too.

At church, I wanted them too…

But I didn’t want the entire school to know…

Now they treat me differently…

They stare…

They treat me nicer than other people…

I feel like a fucking a sick, depressed, excluded, alien.

Is there something wrong with being epileptic?

Yes, it’s horrible to have.

But I’m still a person.

I still feel.

I still have questions.

Will I ever be able to play again? Everything reminds me of the concert.

I’m too traumatized. Am I even traumatized?

Why has almost everybody changed?

Why didn’t somebody just turn on the A.C.?

How long was the seizure?

How many people helped?

How many people faked their smiles after I regained consciousness?

How many instruments were damaged?

Why wasn’t I told I may have a seizure in the heat?

How many people didn’t care?

How many people knew about epilepsy?

How many people did not know?

How many people believed in the stereotypes of epilepsy?

I know my questions will never be answered.

But I want the world to know from my point of view.

There’s one question only the future can answer…

Will I ever be able to touch and/or play my cello again?

*This is a sequel to My Daughter. Please read that first.*

Can you keep a secret?

I am suicidal,

I wanna kill myself,

I wanna slit my wrists,

And watch the blood flow.

Can you keep a secret?

I am a criminal,

I like being a troublemaker,

I make people suffer all of my pain,

Especially my foster parents.

Can you keep a secret?

I love someone,

I can’t call him mine,

My foster parents made him suffer,

All my pain before me.


That’s why I tried to kill them.

Instagram: mister_kitty_freedom

I once had a daughter.

A daughter with epilepsy.

You might think I feel depressed that I lost her…

But I’m actually glad.

Whenever she would give an order…

And we would disobey…

She would hurt us.

My daughter had all kinds of torture weapons.

Whips ready to hit you…

Knives ready to stab you…

Ropes ready to choke you…

And more.

She never tried to kill us.

We had to home school her.

Until one day while she was sleeping…

We called 911.

I think she was prepared.

I forgot she had magic.

When the police got to her…

She used her magic…

Even if her epilepsy was making her magic weaker…

She still used her magic to attack the police.

They managed to arrest her…

But when they put her in the car…

She was smiling…

At that moment, I knew…

This was all part of her plan.

Instagram: mister_kitty_freedom

Here it is! A glimpse at half the reason for my absence, and into the world of these four delightful dumbasses!!

This took me so long and then I saw the timestamp and Deflated a little lol. But ah well that’s just the way of animatics
