#hq oikawa


my 2 fave pretty setters

Starry Night. | Oikawa Tooru

Pairing: Oikawa Tooru x fem! reader

A/N: Some New Years Fluff~ Please note, this an old fic of mine (slightly edited) that I’m reposting on tumblr. Thanks! Wishing everyone well for the new year xx Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated 


It was a crisp winter’s night in Tokyo. The street was filled with joy and laughter of people gathered for the countdown to New Years. The loud popping sound of small fireworks and sparklers were set off mixed with children’s squeals of excitement added to the warm atmosphere created. New Years was something many, if not all people looked forward to. The beginning of a new adventure or a chance to wipe the slate clean. The coming of a new year also meant the accomplishment of surviving the last. Hope.

Two hours later, the once lively street was empty. It’s residents residing in the comfort of their homes tucked under warm sheets. All except two. The pair sat atop one of roofs  wrapped up in a thick blanket sipping hot chocolate. The clear night sky was velvety black decorated with the millions of twinkling stars that dazzled like diamonds. It was one of those breathtaking sights that were etched into ones memory that no camera could capture. The light breeze that blew by, the twining stars and the person who you shared the moment with.

“Look, Tooru!” y/n pointed towards the three stars that were closely aligned. “There’s Orion’s Belt.”

“Ehhhh. Is that the only constellation you know, y/n-chan?” Tooru mumbled, mocking disappointment.

“ After all of those astrology sessions with me I thought you’d know mo- Ouch!”

The brunette was cut off by hot chocolate burning his tongue. Y/n laughed lightly at Tooru’s pouty face, watching as he mumbled incoherently about his poor tongue and how it was the hot chocolate’s fault.

"Shut up, it’s my favorite one. And Idopay attention. ” Y/n scoffed, playfully pulling the setters nose, grinning at his protests.

A short exchange of Tooru’s pleading cries and y/n’s laughs soon died down after Tooru’s successful puppy dog face had won them over as it did many times before. He acted like such a kid sometimes, but that was one of his endearing qualities. From their play fights to simply lazing around in each other’s arms, those were the moments that y/n treasured the most.

Y/ns eyes softened watching Tooru rubbing his nose as he rambled about it being red like Rudolph or something, she assumed, not fully paying attention, lost in her thoughts in admiring the person before her. The way his nose scrunched up was one of the cutest things. And when he’d sing her name or the way his eyes lit up, bright specks that rivaled the stars above whenever he’d catch her gaze, just as he did now. A cheeky smile graced Tooru’s lips as he caught her staring. Leaning in, one hand tilting her head slightly, his lips pressed to hers moulding perfectly into a sweet kiss. Pulling back, Tooru lightly bumped his nose against y/n’s, humming happily as she reciprocated, teasingly rubbing her nose against before pulling away as a soft laugh left her lips.

“They’re so beautiful.” Tooru breathed out, glancing up at the night sky. It was clear tonight. The black velvet above was graced by the stars that danced in celebration.Tthe perfect backdrop to the falling snow. 

Y/n mirrored his actions, humming in agreement as she snuggled closer, resting her against his chest encased in his arms.

Tooru’s eyes flickered to y/n. “You know what else is beautiful?” Taking her silence as his queue, he paused for dramatic effect, building up the tension before he replied; "Me~“

A blanket of silence fell over the pair as y/n registered his reply. An exasperated sigh left y/n’s lips; "Really Tooru? really?” She mumbled, burying herself deeper into his chest taking in his vanilla scent. A short laugh escaped her lips as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. 

Going into the new year with someone who would always there for you is a blessing in itself.

POV: You were in a relationship with Oikawa when you were both younger but slowly grew apart as time went on because you both fell out of love. 10 years later After moving abroad and into your new place with your new Fiance you discover an old Video tape, slightly damaged but still playable of the moments you and Oikawa spent together. The old memories and feelings you buried resurfacing.

was in utter shock that oikawa crucifixion wasn’t available on redbubble so I did the lord’s w

was in utter shock that oikawa crucifixion wasn’t available on redbubble so I did the lord’s work myself

buy it here ⤵


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 ( ! ! )

You nervously tapped your pencil eraser against the top of your desk, ignoring the growing pit in your stomach. Matsukawa was never late. Not without texting you, that is. In all of your two years of friendship, he had always made sure to message you and make you aware when he wouldn’t be in or on time. He knew you had anxiety, and thus made sure to do all he could to keep you comfortable.

It was hard to resist the urge to glance at your phone screen, but somehow you managed. You knew that if Issei texted you, the screen would light up and a small ping would resound from your device. The ringing of the next class bell startled you, so much so that you actually dropped your phone. Your heart pounded in your chest as you attempted to simultaneously calm down and pick up the electronic.

Before you could reach it, a pale hand shot out, gently lifting it from the floor and setting it onto the desk. You blinked in surprise, trying to figure out who had helped you without seeming like some creep. When you heard the slight laughter, you jumped, quickly straightening your posture.

Oikawa was standing in front of you, his umber eyes flitting around the room in confusion. You wondered why he had arrived at your classroom, before remembering the bell. Ah, that’s right, it’s lunch time. He must have come here to see Matsukawa so they could walk together to lunch. Expression twisting into one of anxiety, you looked at the phone now sitting on your desk, realizing the screen was slightly cracked. There were still no notifications.

“Y/N, do you have any idea where Matsukawa is?”

You weren’t sure how much longer you would be able to hold it together, and opted to turn and pretend to search through your bag after shaking your head in denial. Tooru frowned, scratching the back of his neck a few times.

“Do you?”

There was a slight crack in your voice, your throat constricting uncomfortably when you spoke. 

“I might,” he muttered, looking off to the side in thought. You leapt up at this, grabbing the captain’s free hand and clasping it tightly.

“Is he alright? Did something happen?”

Oikawa’s heart sped up due to the proximity and the way your smaller hands squeezed around his. God, you were wonderful. But he couldn’t break the act just yet. Feigning deep thought, he took a few moments to answer, narrowing his eyes as the seconds passed.

“Well, last night he told me some things… I tried to check up on him but he wouldn’t answer any texts.”

One glance at your forlorn and let down expression was enough to make the setter aware of his victory.

“There’s a lot to explain, but I think I might know where he is. I’m going to be busy all day, so if you’d like, maybe wait for me and after practice I’ll walk you home and explain. Is that alright?”

Your nodding was so eager that Tooru couldn’t help the smile breaking onto his lips. It quickly fell when the reality of the situation weighed in on his mind; you were acting so eager to hear about a bastard who didn’t even deserve the time of day. Well, who hadn’t deserved the time of day. Luckily he wouldn’t be bothering you anymore. Your love made sure of it, of course.

The wait was tortuous. The entire day seemed to last for months, hours turning into days and minutes into hours. You had asked around, wondering if Issei had spoken to anyone besides Oikawa last night. The verdict was negative, even the Seijoh volleyball team didn’t know what was going on. It wasn’t like him to miss practice, much less without a warning or explanation.

The pit in your stomach eagerly grew with each passing class. By the time school was over and you were left to wait for practice to end, it weighed heavier than any burden you had ever shouldered alone. There had never been a reason for you to make friends besides Issei and Kaori, but Kaori was busy with club activities so you were unable to vent to her. When you explained the situation she had completely understood, shooing you away with promises to make an excuse for you.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t focus on your homework. A voice in the back of your mind was screaming that something was so terribly wrong. Had he gotten hurt? Did the girl he walked with do something to him? Or did he just end up staying over at her house? You never did get her name, so for all you know she could also be absent. It wouldn’t be out of character for Matsukawa to skip a day to help someone he cared about.

On days when you had been sick and your parents had been too busy to take care of you, Issei had pretended to be under the weather so he could sneak over to your house and help nurse you back to health. But even then, he would explain the situation to his teammates, and they would all cover for him. So, if that was the case now, why hadn’t he said anything? Why did he only tell Oikawa?

It just didn’t seem to add up. Matsukawa was closer to a few other guys on the team than he was to Tooru, so why was he the only one who knew what was going on?

Shaking your head, you patted your cheeks a few times to calm yourself down. You couldn’t let your overthinking get the best of you. Oikawa would never lie to you like that. He was a playboy, sure, and liked to flirt with literally everyone, but that didn’t make him someone who would hurt your best friend. Here you were again, letting your thoughts get away from you and become overpowered by anxiety.

While you were stuck in your own mind, struggling with your intuition and logic, volleyball practice had promptly wrapped up. When the sound of shouted calls and balls hitting the court ceased, you looked up from the question you had been staring at and noticed that most of the guys had made their way to the locker room to grab their bags. You stood up, eagerly stuffing the papers you hadn’t made any progress on into your bag as you almost tripped over your feet running down the staircase from the stands.

Oikawa was waiting for you at the bottom, one hand on his hip and the other slinging his volleyball bag over his shoulder. He watched you almost stumble down the steps, letting out a soft chuckle whilst you scampered over to him. Soft puffs of breath left your mouth and adrenaline coursed through your veins. You were finally going to find out what happened to Issei!

“Follow me, cutie.”

The rest of the team had already left, and since you were the last out it was your job to turn the lights off. The gym slowly dimmed, row after row of lights shutting off. Tooru started with the bright LED fixtures closest to you, flicking the light switches one by one. Eventually, he stopped, leaving one light on. This action confused you, so you drew your eyes away from the ceiling to his face, bewilderment written all over your countenance.

Tooru was tempted to turn every light off. Would you cling to him in fear? Would you scream? Or would you find comfort in the pitch black, while he broke the news about your ‘friend’.

No, as much as he wanted to, Oikawa knew it would be much more enjoyable and satisfying to see your face. He wanted to watch your expression crumble while pretty tears of disbelief gathered in the corners of those beautiful eyes. The setter wanted to see how you shook and trembled.

He wanted to see every single side of you.

“Y/N, Matsukawa… he’s…”

God, he hated the way you perked up when he uttered that stupid name.

“He’s dead.”

Your features immediately fell, eyelids fluttering open and shut as you tried to comprehend the words that just left Tooru’s mouth. Your mind raced at the speed of light, questions tumbling out of your mouth with a broken and unsettled tone.

“What do you mean? How do you- how do you even know? Is this some prank? Where the hell is Isse-”

Just as his name was about to leave your mouth, Oikawa covered your lips with his palm. There was a smoldering hatred in his eyes, one of pure malice and discontent. The look alone sent shivers down your spine, leaving your knees trembling as tears began to blur your vision. What was happening? Why was he doing this? You tried to make space between you, but eventually ran out of room as your back hit the hard wall.

“I know because I killed him myself. And you know I’m not one to half-ass something like that, right princess?”

The word betrayal was an understatement to the immense pain you felt. The tears that had been gathering in your glossy eyes spilled over, slipping down your cheeks and onto Tooru’s hand. You looked so adorable like this, he thought, your protests muffled as you weakly tried to shove him away.

“It’s not my fault, you’re the one who liked him in the first place. If you didn’t fall in love with him, he would still be alive now.”

This was… your fault?

“You know, I’ve liked you for two years. Every time I saw your adorable face in the stands at our games, I pushed myself past my limits in the hopes that it was me you came to see. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that you would show up in my little fanclub.”

The tremors shaking your body were so violent you were having trouble breathing. You were starting to hyperventilate. Desperately clawing at the hand covering your mouth, you tried your best to steady your hand enough to dig your nails in, but the attempt was to no avail.

“Imagine my pain when you told me you liked someone else. Let alone, someone so unworthy of your attention. That hurt like hell, doll.”

His tone was nothing but a growl as he pressed harder against your mouth, stifling your breath. The world around you began to fade to black, noir clouds creeping across your vision as your grip on his arms lessened. Eventually, you passed out, collapsing forward into Oikawa’s waiting arms.

“Hm, I guess you really are my kryptonite. Good thing I have you all to myself now, right?”

:  @kray-dragon,@lagoonsmainacc,@steampunkhell

congrats on the bronze medal king

Oikawa: why’d I fuck a demon? Simple, for status. Imagine you and your friend arriving at the gates of hell, they’re all crying, scared to death for eternity and you just jump into the arms of your sugar demon, legendary.

Oikawa:Not to mention the privileges *winks*

Iwaizumi: ffs it’s 4am

MatsuHana: no, no continue you’ve a point
