

As is so often the case, I met my ex-wife at the KFC outside the Národní muzeum in Prague. The technological wonders we saw must have made us both hunger for fried chicken and thirst for love.

something that anyone who has ever had to deal with me in the morning is probably all too painfully

something that anyone who has ever had to deal with me in the morning is probably all too painfully aware of.

trying some stuff with paneling, which I almost never do in comics for some reason (laziness)! huh.

sadly, I have never actually braved glass shards for breakfast-related purposes, but I did get punctured with one earlier today for unrelated reasons! (hanging a disco ball)

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ok but how the heck was florence welch only 23 years old when she released her first album with florence + the machine

how did she sound like an ageless fae and a siren and a witch all at the same time, at the tender young age of twenty fucking three

i swear to god that woman wasn’t born but rather crawled from the ocean millennia ago, there is no other explanation

thats embarrassing i spelled like wrong

thats embarrassing i spelled like wrong

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Things that make my mind go:

  • People who try and hide their really loud stomach in public, but fail miserably.
  • People who try and play off the fact that their stomach didn’t just growl and when they try and play it off, their stomach creates chaos.
  • People who will immediately put their hand on their stomach, the second that a loud growl emerges from depths of their stomach.
  • People who are in a really quiet and confined space with people around and their stomach growls, and they look around to see if anyone heard them.
  • People who clasp their hands around their stomach and muffle the intense growls coming from their stomach.


If you’re a tummy kinkster in any capacity and enjoy hunger, stuffing, emeto, or stomachaches, there’s a good chance you’ve seen some popular “tummy tropes” floating around in kink writing. (; So I’m taking it upon myself to create a compilation.

I’ll be curating this list under the cut! There are Many of them, so this post would be a mile long if I didn’t, and also because this enables me to update it without creating multiple versions. Hope you enjoy the read! 

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A visual representation of billionaires hoarding resources and creating scarcity

And it’s friday night and it’s kicking in. In that pink dress they’re gonna crucify me.

