#hunter x edric


I am sitting at a table with a clown wig and clown makeup on as I eat up the canon Goldric interaction with a comically large spoon.

Hi hello they r both nuerodivergent and gay thank you for coming to my TedTalk

So the Golden Guard as a concept/person has lived on through multiple years, decades, eras and what not right?

And who’s to say reincarnation isn’t a thing on the Boiling Isles, and if it is The Golden Guards would probaly meet the same persons reincarnation multiple times.

Now of course cus Belos starts from scratch each time they won’t be able to remember the past memories with that person’s previous lives, but what if over the centuries the same ‘core’ (Whatevers used as the Brain or Heart) is recycled each time and even after having a memory wipe the heart would still have a feeling towards a particular person due to having known them throughout all their previous lifes.

So anyways, Reincarnate Hunter x Edric and all his previous lives, that’s my midnight rambling

In reference to my previous post, I’m thinking of one of Hunter and Edric’s pre-‘Labyrinth Runners’ interactions in RLAU being Hunter coming to Blight Manor to teach Edric some light training.

Edric lets him in through the window, and they hang out, but they hear Odalia coming to the room, and before she opens the door, Hunter changes into his GG uniform/puts on his mask and hood. She’s shocked when she sees him.

GG tells her that he sees potential in her son and decided to teach him, and she suggests he could mentor her daughters too (Amity used to be Lilith’s student, so it makes sense Odalia would try again with GG). He hesitantly agrees, so now all the Blight kids are in.

And things get awkward, because the previous time Hunter and Amity met, they were fighting over the key. Cue the lesbian/gay hostility.

I gotta do more content with Hunter and Edric-

Well, I have a bit of new info about their dynamic in RLAU: they already knew each other by the time this AU’s version of ‘Labyrinth Runners’ took place.

Initially them knowing each other was mostly through Edric following the GG account (GoldenBr4t) on Penstagram and Hunter being generally familiar with the Blights, because they’re among the elites, and the EC also worked with them. But they did eventually meet in person, some time after the AU’s version of 'Eclipse Lake’

One evening Edric spots GG running around in the woods, and, being naturally curious about that, he follows him. First secretly, but then quickly reveals himself, whether intentionally or by accident, and the two have their first real interaction and go on a little adventure together.

GG initially just sees Edric as “pretty, but beyond that a mere annoyance”, while Edric thinks he’s cool and wants to see him unmasked and get to know him. They do eventually connect, Hunter softens up, and they team up for a bit.

At the end, both have to go home, so they split up, but when Edric gets to his room and checks Penstagram, he discovers that Hunter has followed him back. They later start messaging each other, and they meet in person a couple more times before ‘Labyrinth Runners’

*Distant screaming*

I can’t believe the goldric fans have been waiting for an interaction for so long and of course it was just edric asking dumb questions and hunter answering seriously
