#hunter x hunter

missgoldnweek: chrollo ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧ for anonymousmissgoldnweek: chrollo ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧ for anonymous


chrollo ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧ for anonymous

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random assortment of leopika and kurapika things ive drawn recentlyrandom assortment of leopika and kurapika things ive drawn recentlyrandom assortment of leopika and kurapika things ive drawn recently

random assortment of leopika and kurapika things ive drawn recently

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drew another leopika thing lol

drew another leopika thing lol

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leopika commission for my roommate !

leopika commission for my roommate !

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 Killua - Hunter x Hunter Portrait Painting Commission for Le @ FB Please do not use without the own

Killua - Hunter x Hunter

Portrait Painting Commission for Le @ FB

Please do not use without the owner’s permission

I have so much fun and pain doing his hair

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uhhhhh Hunter x Hunter hogwarts au ig

this started bc i saw @hilenkychiki ’s recent art of hisoka and illumi

(anyone who’s been on my page for more than three seconds knows this is gonna be mostly about hisoillu)

- hisoka’s the quidditch captain for slytherin

- illumi’s the slytherin prefect

- they regularly hide behind the quidditch stands and make out before/after matches

- illumi could definitely play on the quidditch team, he has the talent, but his family believes that quidditch is a waste of time

- without fail illumi’s at every single one of hisoka’s matches quietly cheering him on from the stands

- in their third year they took divination together where they had a very awkward experience involving soulmates and tea leaves

- they began dating in their fifth year

- if you think hisoka isn’t constantly dragging illumi on fred and george like endevours you’re sorely mistaken

- i have a very specific imagine of hisoka grabbing illumi’s hand and them running down the corridors in the dungeon with illumi’s hair and robes flowing behind him


- hisoka and illumi go together as “friends”

- hisoka does illumi’s hair for the occasion

- hisoka forces him onto the dance floor ofc

-they have study sessions in the common room (mostly illumi desperately trying to teach hisoka a weeks worth of material in two hours bc he never pays attention in class and he’ll get kicked off the quidditch team if he fails)

-this is a weekly occurrence

- HISOKA TYING ILLUMI’S HAIR BACK WITH GREEN RIBBONS WHILE HE STUDIES this has nothing to do with hp i just like this hc

- imagine them dueling omg

- i feel like it’d be really close every time but i think illumi would win most of the time because he has the technique down to a T while hisoka relies on talent and strength

- look at our studious boy go

- the zoldyck parents are definitely death eaters

- like silva is literally lucius malfoy


-Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio are all in Gryffindor

- while hisoka and illumi are seventh years leorio’s a fifth year, kurapika’s a fourth year, and gon and killua are both first years

- milluki is also there in his sixth year in ravenclaw

- the troupe is also there and they’re scattered across all four houses and all seven years

- i’m just realizing that hisoka and illumi are power couple goals in this universe

- quidditch captain + prefect

- illumi’s really good at potions

- hisoka and illumi like to chill by the black lake together and do work/talk/eat snacks

-it’s their spot


I rewatched hunter x hunter recently so I’m back on my hisoillu bullshit


He never knew. (1,232 words); illumi adjusts to the frightening ordeal of being known


A Visit From the Zoldycks (37,611 words); illumi runs away from home and eventually has to kill his parents


I am gonna make it through this year (if it kills me) (1,523 words); illumi runs away to find momentary comfort with hisoka


Sheared (2,729 words); killua stops by the manor to pick up some of his things and finds illumi looking worse for wear so he drops his brother off with hisoka


that’s so us. (5,538 words); hisoka and illumi go on vacation to try and ease their trauma


i want to be your what’s happening. (3,244 words); hisoka brushes illumi’s hair and proposes


No Longer a Danger (to himself or others) (3,614 words); growing up suffering starvation regularly can really fuck you up as an adult with other trauma on top of that


I’m With You (2,382 words); illumi kills someone for insulting hisoka while they’re on a date


Showcase (4,756 words); illumi makes room for hisoka in his life and his routines


Dealer (34,117 words); illumi has been sent off on a months long mission and decides to take hisoka with him


HISOKA DOIN THE “Illumi you are light…” SPEECH HISOKA DOIN THE “Illumi you are light…” SPEECH HISOKA DOIN THE “Illumi you are light…” SPEECH HISOKA DOIN THE “Illumi you are light…” SPEECH HISOKA DOIN THE “Illumi you are light…” SPEECH HISOKA DOIN THE “Illumi you are light…” SPEECH HISOKA DOIN THE “Illumi you are light…” SPEECH HISOKA DOIN THE “Illumi you are light…” SPEECH HISOKA DOIN THE “Illumi you are light…” SPEECH HISOKA DOIN THE “Illumi you are light…” SPEECH HI–

choccatto: i just think they’re neat :)choccatto: i just think they’re neat :)choccatto: i just think they’re neat :)


i just think they’re neat :)

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I get really sad whenever I think about the Zoldyck siblings. I literally can’t hate any of them, and I actually feel SORRY for them. Whenever I bring this up to Killua stans they get all offended because like ‘Oh ThEY AbUsEd kIlLuA!!” and I’m like, yeah, I understand that, but why do y’all think that is??? All of the Zoldyck children were conditioned by KIKYO AND SILVA to think that the way they behave now is how you show love. They think “disciplining” Killua and each other is showing love because that’s how their PARENTS treated all of them.

And this is me speaking without bringing up the fact that Killua DIDN’T EVEN HAVE IT THE WORST OUT OF ALL OF THEM! I personally think Illumi and Alluka had it the worst, and then Killua!! Alluka was literally locked in a basement and DENIED HUMAN CONTACT because of something she couldn’t control! Again, an effect of conditioning from their parents, except this one made them think that because Alluka wasn’t like them, that she couldn’t be considered as family.

Illumi, as the oldest son, was used as an expirement! Every torture and training method Silva and Kikyo used on Killua and the others was probably used on Illumi first to see how effective they were, INCLUDING THE REALLY BAD ONES, and as a result, he lost the capability to empathize with others and take in his own emotions in a healthy way! He thinks the way he behaves with Killua is showing his love in a positive way because that is how they conditioned him to think! He isn’t even capable of thinking that Hisoka and him are connected in any way outside of “associates” BECAUSE THEY DON’T TREAT EACH OTHER LIKE ASS, AND THEY DON;T ABSUE EACH OTHER. HE THINKS THAT’S HOW YOU HAVE TO BEHAVE TO LOVE EACH OTHER.

Don’t think I’m leaving out Milluki or Kalluto either! Milluki is very obviously their least favorite child after Alluka! They use him for his technical prowess and then they leave him alone and don;t bother talking to him outside of that! Kikyo LITERALLY yells at him and ignores him when it’s very clear that all he wants is validation, but she refuses to give ANY to him, instead showering Kilua in her twisted ass “love” and “affection”.

Kalluto is the EXACT SAME WAY, except he wants attention from Killua, but he literally pays him no mind because he thinks that Alluka is the only one that actually cares for him in a positive way!! Which, in all truth, is fair, but still. Kalluto is literally paid no mind by anyone in that family because he’s the baby! Kikyo was basically using him as a little doll until he joined the phantom troupe! After he joins the Phantom troupe, you can see how reacts to their actual GOOD relationships in the troupe with their whole no fihting other troupe members thign and stuff, and that just makes him even more focused on getting Killua back because he just wants acknowledgement from his brother.

I’m not denyig that Killua had a bad childhood, but if Killua had a bd childhood, HOW DO YOU THINK THE REST OF HIS SIBLINGS WERE TREATED?!?!?!

Basically, this is now a Zoldyck siblings stan account, and a Kikyo and Silva hate page!! Zeno is on THIN fucking ice



Love this scene. They’re on a date probably!
