#i am none of these


Types of people - trees

Birch - keeps up appearances flawlessly but is falling apart, very protective, always seems youthful, very maternal, new beginnings in the form of hair dye, healing = face masks and online shopping, stronger than people think

Maple - desperately wanting to leave home, impulsive, teenage rebellion and rushed packing, works best alone, quick learner, very good at dealing with change, thrives under pressure, wanderlust, staring at the sky

Oak - the most wholesome person ever, the best shoulder to cry on, has a useful answer for every question, seems to always know what they’re doing, are winging it all of the time, always keeps promises no matter how small

Pine - hardened by experiences, impossibly optimistic, brings about joyful energy, matured quickly by life, impressive inner strength, can adapt quickly to their conditions, loves feeling important to others, so is very quick to help

Types of people - aesthetics

Inspired by the ✨hours✨ I’ve spent on tiktok

Cottage core - matching tea sets, Knick knacks from charity shops, sweater vests layered with shirts, fake freckles, messy home library’s, floral perfume, following 100s of animal accounts, cute giggles, chipped nail polish

Bimbo - destroying the patriarchy, duh, unreal makeup talent, glitter eyes, wardrobes that blind, treating the streets like a runway, manipulation, self care days, freshly shaved legs in clean sheets, pink everything, lip gloss

Dark academia - dark wood furniture, sleek ponytails and flawless skin, blank book covers, replica art, quiet conversations, leather bags full of papers, monochromatic outfits, artfully displayed houseplants, matching stationary

Alt - middle fingers and stiletto nails, dark lighting, impressively detailed graphic liner, half started projects littering the floors, eye rolls and distant smirks, the corners of thrift shops, a talent for transitions, how do they do them tho
