#i know im late


Me: I need to stop feeling like I have to publicly Perform my love for every show/movie/book I enjoy on social media— I need to repair my relationship with the internet by engaging with media on my own, without posting about it. I need to relearn that my emotions don’t need an audience to be real, and my experiences don’t need to be turned into polished bits of writing for other people’s consumption to be sincere. I can experience things Just For Me

Also me: buT the show about the Flags that Mean Death was so GOOD !—

I’m sorry for the lack of writing, I’ve been with my dad recently who is really sick and been in and out of the hospital. I started college last week so I can’t go with him as much anymore so I will be dedicating more time to writing between classes and at night!

I’m sorry for the delay guys!
Love you

Oh my god… I just realized that I’m not quite sure how to use this app anymore
