#i love my husband


Meme my husband sends me ‍♀️

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

️ Question: If your husband had four wives, what kind of co-wife would you be?

Answer: Allah the Almighty knows best.

If my husband, with Allah’s Will and Qadr/Decree, was legally married to four women, with me being one of his wives, I would:

1] Try my best to frequently remind him to take care of all his wives as fairly and lovingly as he can for Allah’s sake, avoiding intentional injustice and unjustified negligence towards any of the women whom he is lawfully married to.

2] Advise the other wives to have patience with our husband whenever he is financially struggling or emotionally unwell.

3] Occasionally visit the residence of each co-wife, if we’ve learned to become close friends, and similarly welcome them to the place where I stay whenever I’m in the mood to receive visitors.

4] Consistently make effort to develop the friendship and sisterly love for Allah’s sake with the wives of our husband, while staying away from favoritism and insecurely teaming up against one wife or two wives.

5] Treat the children of my husband’s other wives as if they were my own kids - with patient empathy and understanding. If one wife is infertile, I’d do what I can to avoid mentioning topics which I sense could upset her.

6] Invite all co-wives or one co-wife on different timings for shopping, attending Islamic lectures together, or dining outdoors to strengthen our sisterhood for Allah’s sake, while reminding one another to stay steadfast regarding showing respect to our dear husband.

7] Act as an unbiased referee whenever two or three co-wives are quarreling, and calmly attempt to resolve the dispute, instead of coaxing them to aggravate avoidable drama.

8] Inspire each co-wife to diligently educate their loved ones and other individuals about the virtues and wisdom of why Allah the Most Wise legalized capable and willing Muslim males to be wed to up to four loving wives.

9] Coach my husband to always forgive his wives, including myself, if ever any of them behaves in a way that he finds disappointing. Motivate him to never quit trying to keep the family strong and united for Allah’s sake, reminding him as well as the co-wives that our foe shaytan is the only one who truly gets satisfied upon witnessing the number of broken Muslim families increasing due to pride/kibr, selfishness, impatience, unjust suspicion, and irrational attachment to this fleeting dunya.


Abu Huraira RadhiAllahu ‘anhu narrated: Allah’s noble Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, “If a woman prays her five prayers, fasts her month of Ramadan, guards her chastity, and obeys her husband, she will enter Paradise from any gate she wishes.”

Source: Sahih Ibn Hibbān 4252

Grade: Sahih (Authentic) according to Al-Albani

Abdullah Ibn Amr RadhiAllahu 'anhu narrated: Allah’s noble Messenger Muhammad SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, “The world is enjoyment and the best enjoyment in the world is a righteous wife.”

Source: Sahih Muslim 1467

Grade: Sahih (Authentic) according to Muslim




Hufflepuff me. You’re not a bad person, you’ve just had a bad day.

Slytherin hubby. …

Hufflepuff me. Okay a bad week.

Slytherin hubby. …

Hufflepuff me. A bad indefinite period of time, okay??? God you’re so annoy…

Slytherin hubby. !!!!!!!!

Hufflepuff me. ….. adorable.

I’m kinda glad my husband forgot to pack his cologne because on these lonely night where I can’t sleep and miss him, I grab one of his t shirts and spray it down and wear it to sleep. It helps a little..



I will cry if we don’t get more Maul content because he’s the best

And I know we won’t have Maul on Kenobi so I will just go ahead and start crying now

we need more of maul fuckin around being a big bad crime boss in that 15 year period between tcw and rebels

queerqueef: milfnipples: HANZO IS GONZO replace the h in hanzo to g replace the a in hanzo to o H A queerqueef: milfnipples: HANZO IS GONZO replace the h in hanzo to g replace the a in hanzo to o H A




replace the h in hanzo to g
replace the a in hanzo to o


Camilla Cassidy

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