#i love them sm


anaïs mitchell was featured as one of time’s most influential people of 2020 and andre de shields wrote these beautiful words about her

“Anaïs has the aura of an oracle, the prescience of a blind poet and the skill to tease rhymes from consonants.”


favorite duo of all time


tagged by my darlin @saltybiowarefantears to make my DA chars in this picrew and…how could I resist? Talvinder and Aislin and La'ara

Tagging@bitchesofostwick@zevrn@swoleas@ottobooty go forth and make your cuties

fearne + laudna, when they try to take the cookie tray from eshteross


We don’t talk about this scene enough… why are they so cute


first vs last appearance of the main Castlevania trio


i feel like i leveled up like a video game character cause now i can loosely draw omega 1) without a reference 2) without it looking like total shit


Someday I’ll write a detailed and eloquent post about why I love the women of Ranger’s Apprentice but today it not that day.

So instead I’m just gonna say that since I was 12 I have been incredibly grateful for the fact that my favorite book series gave me intelligent, kind, brave female characters that had realistic flaws.

are you even gay if you don’t know them

are you even gay if you don’t know them

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