#i love this game so much

One of many Hank & Connor precious moments from Detroit: Become Human. They deserves to be happyOne of many Hank & Connor precious moments from Detroit: Become Human. They deserves to be happyOne of many Hank & Connor precious moments from Detroit: Become Human. They deserves to be happyOne of many Hank & Connor precious moments from Detroit: Become Human. They deserves to be happy

One of many Hank & Connor precious moments from Detroit: Become Human. They deserves to be happy T_T


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Sonic’s Ego Journey: The Neglected Subplot of Sonic Unleashed

Ego (noun): a person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance.

This game—this story—is so fucking important.

This is the game where Sonic learns that he’s the hero and nothis abilities. This is the game where Sonic learns that Amy loves him for him and not for his status, heroism, or skills. This is the game where Sonic learns that his heart, dedication, optimism, selflessness, and humanity make him a much better hero than his speed evercould.

Let me tell you why.

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•guy leaned over our shoulders and whispered ‘pokémon go rocks’
•while we were chilling by a lure with another group of people playing, a guy rollerbladed up and asked who put the lure
•guy with a man bun sprinting across a field while his friend yells ‘have fun with your dratini!’
•guy ran up to us and frantically asked if we were on team blue and fist bumped my blue team friends, but when i said i was team yellow he ran away yelling ‘no one is on yellow!?’ then he crab ran across the street with his shirt on his head
•passed two guys on their phones, one turned to us and asked if we were on the blue team, same hostility to me being on the yellow team as above but with less crabrunning
•'blue team’ was written in chalk next to the gym
•two guys rapidly biking towards three lures frantically yelling about getting there before time ran out
•just countless teenagers and adults wandering downtown on their phones yelling about pokémon
and finally
•a guy slowed down while passing us, stared at us, rolled down his windows, and started blasting the pokémon theme song


discovered that wordle is a fantastic way to forget every single word in the entire english language and awaken the part of your brain that still remembers being a primordial amoeba
