#cant stop wont stop




On my Rodimus loves Robot Jane Austen and also Earth Jane Austen things, also consider:

Megatron also loves Robot Jane Austen, and he and Rodimus fight about which book was the best. And Megatron insisting Rodimus missed the thematic points.

A robot Jane Austen fan club being secretly formed with membership consisting of Megatron, Ratchet, Rodimus, Skidds, and Cyclonus.  

Imagine debates about what pairings were the best and what pairings SHOULD have happened. 

Imagine Megatron reading Earth Jane Austen.

Imagine him liking it more than Robot Jane Austen. Imagine him reading parts allowed to Ravage. 

Imagine someone bribing Rewind into showing a Jane Austen Marathon. 

#okay but Steelworks totally loves robot!Jane Austen#remix finds out and borrows a couple copies from Megatron#and starts quoting them at Steel at every given opportunity#he can’t tell if she’s doing it on purpose or not


Also Chrona discovering human Jane Austen and things like Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, and Jane Slayere (yes I know not Jane Austen) and being like “I think I love humans.”

Rodimus is just “I know right!”

Remix needs to stop trolling her bf XD

Yay. Jubilation. It’s been a nonstop ride this March, so much so that it’s still going, Yay. Jubilation. It’s been a nonstop ride this March, so much so that it’s still going,

Yay. Jubilation. It’s been a nonstop ride this March, so much so that it’s still going, 8 days into April. Updates updates updates. And speaking of which, did you know you could buy prints from my shop online? Visit:
www.neatshinyowl.com and click on shop for more details!

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Feeling bendy after class today, decided to try something fun and different on my weareyoga WAYmat!

Feeling bendy after class today, decided to try something fun and different on my weareyoga WAYmat!  

Thanksadrianhummellyoga for the pic and the rockin’ class! 

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“I don’t see what’s so triffic about creating people as people and than gettin’ upset ‘cos they act like people,” said Adam severly. “Anyway if you stopped tellin’ people it’s all sorted out after they’re dead, they might try sorting it out while they’re alive.”

Terry Pratchett & Neil Gainman, Good Omens

me to myself: no-one cares about your boring ass ocs. how many times do you wanna see 0 notes? how many more followers do you want to lose?

myself to me: yes but hear this: I love them???

Happy Valentines day to all my charming darlings! Have some Marius and Cosette for this lovely eveni

Happy Valentines day to all my charming darlings! Have some Marius and Cosette for this lovely evening!

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