#identity policing



Hot take but rigid divisions between queer identities and heavily-policed labels that are treated like diagnoses are really, really bad.

Trans men have shared histories with lesbians who have shared histories with bisexual women who have shared histories with ace people who have shared histories with aro people have shared histories with gay men who have shared histories with trans women who have shared histories with nonbinary people who have shared histories with etc etc etc etc etc.

Labels are important for people who want them, but we need to stop treating sexuality and gender as rigid boxes and checklists.

bisexual-community:Think Bisexual+ People Have Straight Passing Privilege? Here’s Why You’re Mistabisexual-community:Think Bisexual+ People Have Straight Passing Privilege? Here’s Why You’re Mista


Think Bisexual+ People Have Straight Passing Privilege? Here’s Why You’re Mistaken

Bisexual+ people may not be perceived as queer if they’re datingsomeoneperceived asthe“opposite” of their gender – so does that mean they have straight passing privilege?

You might think so, but try considering the perspective in this comic for a more nuanced answer to this question. It’s a breakdown of the assumptions behind the idea of bisexual+ “straight passing privilege” – and the harm you cause by erasing people’s identities when you make these assumptions.

It’s possible to acknowledge that different queer folks have different experiences without erasing anyone.

  • Bisexual+, Biromantic+ (Bi+ for short) is the commonly used “shorthand” for the entire Non-Monosexual Community including but not limited to: Bisexual/Biromantic, Ambisexual, Flexisexual, Fluid, Heteroflexible/Homoflexible, Multisexual, No Labels, Omnisexual, Pansexual, PoMosexual, Polysexual, Sapiosexual, Queer, and so many more.
  • Bisexuality is the attraction to more than one gender, or to genders similar to- and different from- one’s own.
  • Bisexual Erasure, Bisexual Invisibility is the tendency to ignore, remove, falsify, or re-explain evidence of bisexuality in history, academia, news media and other primary sources. In its most extreme form, bisexual erasure can include denying that bisexuality exists. It is often a manifestation of conscious and/or unconscious biphobia and/or monosexism.
  • Straight Passing, Hetero Passing, etc. is all those things you get just by being, acting, or appearing straight. Conversely, straight privilege is all those things you lose when you are, act, or appear as queer. Becasue hetrosexuality is (inncorectly) seen as the “default” state, it means that all people are initially assumed to be “straight” unless they do something to actively signal they are queer, ie dress, mannerisms, coming out, wearing pins, badges, t-shirts, jewelry, etc.
  • Trans Erasure,Non-Binary Erasure, etc, is the tendency to ignore, deny, or minimize the existence of trans, androgynous, gender non-conforming, genderqueer, NB, etc. people.  It is often a manifestation of conscious and/or unconscious cisexism and/or transphobia.

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bi people: *more likely to be victims of rape than gay or straight people* 

bi people: *more likely to live in poverty than gay or straight people*

also bi people: *more likely to be victims of intimate partner violence than gay or straight people*

also bi people: *more likely to face discrimination in the health care system than gay or straight people*

still bi people: *get paid less, on average, than gay or straight people*

and still, bi people: *more likely to suffer mental illness than gay or straight people*

some fucker on the internet: no but really bi people aren’t oppressed because they’re bi it’s because people think you’re gay. biphobia is a lie. only homophobia is real. hate me please bi people but you cannot deny my ultimate logic™

Shockingly there are it seems a number of people who continue to be so discomforted by even the idea of Bisexuality that instead of researching the above by now very well know/well verified statistics, they commenced to whine, carp, complain, deny and fuss instead.

So for all those whose “google finger” seems to have broken, let us assist you: 

Here is an Easy to Understand Set of MemeswithLinkstoAll Pertinent Studies created by Shiri Eisner, a well known bisexual academic and author

Yipes! At this time tremendous amounts of sold and reliable research showsthatBisexual+ People have the WORST Health + Quality of Life outcomes of ALL demographic groups: Gay, Straight or Lesbian!  But when confronted by this instead of say … clicking the link to find out why, assorted biphobes and other species of malcontents reacted by winging on that bisexuals must be lying and making this up! *head desk*

Yikes Me thought this lunacy restricted to repubs oiy
