#ikemen vampire


[After Isaac tries to bite MC on her first night at the mansion]

Dazai: So what do we do?!

Arthur: There’s only one thing to do!


Dazai:-holds MC with his arms-

Arthur: We have to enduce amnesia! -picks up a bat- Hold her!

Comte: That’s enough, you two. Leave assault and battery to the professionals…

Dazai: What are you, made of ice? How can you be so calm about this?!

Arthur: Look! Newt is so deep in shock he’s regressing!

Isaac:-hugging his knees and crying in a corner-

MC: How do we tell him?

Dazai: I know how

[In their imagination]

Dazai: Arthur! Say blue!


Dazai: Your girlfriend cheats on you!

Arthur: -heart attack and dies-

MC: …that’s a horrible idea

Theo: What if we make him forget about her and notice other people?


[In their imagination, again]

MC: Hi babe~ -corners him on the wall- I know you’ve always wanted this…

Arthur, blushing:W-what?

MC: HEY! I’m not gonna do THAT!

Theo: Okay, okay, then…

[In their imagination ×3]

Theo: Hi babe~ -corners him on the wall- I know you’ve always wanted this…

Arthur, blushing:W-w-what?!

Dazai: Would you be willing to do it?

Theo: He’s my friend…

MC: Do you like Arthur?


Dazai and MC: Then why do you wear a heart chain with an “A+T” engraved on it?

Theo: Shut up. “A” if for…art

Arthur: Only idiots think they are sure of what they say

Dazai: Are you sure?



Little Isaac:-wakes up and check the time- JEAN! JEAAAN!

Little Jean, waking up: Huh? What’s wrong?

Isaac: IT’S 9:30!




Isaac, violently entering the room:PAPA!!

Jean: IT’S 9:30!!

Leonardo, suddenly waking up: Wha- WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! YOU SHOULD BE IN SCHOOL

Isaac and Jean: WE KNOW!!

Leonardo, putting on his pants: GET IN A CARRIAGE, I WILL DRIVE YOU

Jean and Isaac: QUICKLY, PAPA!

Comte, putting on a dressing gown: …where are you going?

Leonardo, Isaac and Jean: TO SCHOOL!


Comte: It’s Sunday!!


Arthur: Uh oh, someone’s in a bad mood


Vincent: It’s actually “Van Gogh” ^^

Arthur:I think she knows

Theo, behind a chair: Take this, duivel!


Theo:Jean, you said this was going to help me…

Pairing:MC x Comte 


Warning:marking, kissing, cunnilingus, vaginal penetration, first time sex 

WC: 1340

Made for @crystal13unnyfor@ikemenlibrary gift exchange. I hope you enjoy darling ^-^

Comte watches Mc from his balcony as she hangs up laundry, her smile competing in radiance to the sun. He doesn’t realize how long he stands, until one of his hourglasses makes a noise, flipping over as more sand starts to fall. Startling himself out of his thoughts he frowns. 

How had she stolen so many thoughts? She was just an innocent soul he was supposed to watch. But over the course of a few days, he finds her radiance bringing a new light to the mansion. One that he can not imagine living without. But how can he convince her to stay?

The days seem to fly by, Comte finding every reason to be with the visitor. Social events, festivals, trips to town, Mc is showered in love, always hiding her blush and growing feelings away. The little dates, the subtle touches, the way he keeps her by his side, it is clear to everyone in the mansion, but the two who are participating in it what is going on. 

A silent sigh falls from the man as he watches her gracefully move about the ballroom in the dress he bought for her. He watches as she laughs with the other residents, a pang of jealousy shooting through his heart. Does she not realize how much she affects him? How in love he is with her? She spins in Leonardo’s arms, but her gaze meets him and she smiles, soon leaving Leonardo’s company to walk over to him. 

“You look lonely” she murmurs as she stands next to him and he looks down at her. 

“I am not anymore” he can’t help his eyes as he admires her neck, her figure in the dress, he is trying to keep his gentlemanly side present, but he needs her. He can feel her gaze on him, but as he looks at her, she blushes, looking away. 

“Ma Cherie-” Comte, reaches out to her, brushing his hand along her cheek. He can feel her flush and she looks down, only feeling it growing. 

“Excuse me, I need some fresh air” she murmurs and he removes his hand, offering his arm instead. 

“May I escort you?” He asks and Mc slips her arm through his, allowing him the small pleasure of walking her outside. The moonlight does little to Comte but accentuate her beauty even more and feelings continue to stir in his heart as he watches her. His emotions falter when she looks up at him so innocently. 

His fingers find hers and he gently holds her hand as they sit on the bench, MC is happy for the warmth emanating from the man and she seems to nestle closer to him, feeling safe. She knows she needs to go home soon, but a thought has been weighing heavily on her mind, and she finally gets the nerve to voice it. 

“Comte?” She looks up at him, waiting for him to catch her gaze before continuing. 

“Yes Ma Cherie?” He urges, noticing the way she seems to get shy, overthinking what she wants to say. 

“I know I’m supposed to go home in two days, but I was wondering if it would be a bother to stay longer? I  would still help Sebastian, but there is so much in this world I want to explore, and I don’t want to leave the mansion yet.” Comte listens to her request, struggling to keep the smile off his face. He was hoping she would stay, but he would never have mentioned it to her. 

“Of course you can stay MC, I’m sure Sebastian has gotten used to the extra hands and my other residents seem to love having you around. As long as you are happy, I would be glad for you to stay.” 

The extension is given, Comte and MC spending more and more time together, the more months she stays. Every month she asks him for an extension, and every month he asks for a reason why, but she never lets him see the true reason why, too afraid that it will fall apart. 

One night both are in Comte’s office, Mc is reading while Comte works, a comfortable silence falling over them.

“Ma Cherie?” Comte’s voice startles the girl and her eyes shoot up to him. He stands up and goes to sit next to her on the sofa.

“Are you okay? You have been staring at the same page for some time now?" 

“Yeah, I am okay. I was just wondering if I can stay another month” MC asks shyly and Comte takes a deep breath. 

“Of course Ma Cherie, you can stay as long as you want, but is there any particular reason you would like to stay?” He quietly holds his breath. 

“N-n-oo not really” Comte doesn’t miss the flush across her cheek and the way she hides her face. His heart starts to race and he can’t help himself. 

“MC” He tilts her chin up, his lips only a breath away from hers. Comte just watches her breath leave her lips, the anticipation rising. Her tongue comes out and swipes her lips and Comte can’t resist anymore. He finally connects their lips in a slow kiss, leaving room for MC to pull away. His heart is praying that he isn’t misreading the situation. MC surprises him when her hands find his neck and keep him close. Comte pulls her closer, deepening the kiss. 

“Comte-” MC breaks the kiss, a smile on her face, as she looks at him. 

“Is there a reason that you want to stay?” He asks again, and MC smiles at him, pulling his lips back to hers. 

“You” She breathes, pulling him into another kiss. His hands find her waist and the book falls forgotten to the floor. 

“Do you realize how long I have loved you?” Comte’s voice is quiet as he speaks against her lips, his eyes searching hers for answers and she shakes her head. 

“I was scared you could never love a human like me, but I wanted to stay near you anyway” She finally admits and Comte’s eyes grow big. He lays her back on the sofa, his hands roaming her body. 

” I apologize, I can not hold back any longer" Comte murmurs in her ear as his lips trail along her neck. MC opens her legs slightly, a shy smile, but desire filled eyes.

“I don’t want you to” she whispers, allowing the nobleman ample access to her body, she starts stripping his top half as he lavishes marks across her skin. He works his way down her body, his lips kissing a trail to her core. 

“Fuck, Comte” the second his tongue trails along her heat, she arches, desire pooling along her core. Her hands find his silky blonde hair as she uses it to keep him close to her. Cries leave her lips as the coil in her core builds and Comte slips his fingers in her. With a cry of his name, pleasure crashes over Mc and her eyes close as she rides out her pleasure. 

Comte withdraws once MC has ridden out her orgasm, his hands going to finish stripping himself. Mc watches entranced as Comte strips, silently admiring his lean, sculpted body. She is quick to reach out and pull Comte down for a kiss, her mouth searching for his. 

Comte gently lines himself up with her entrance, pushing himself in slowly, barely able to stop himself from groaning at the tight fit. Once he is fully sheathed, he grabs tightly to Mc’s hips, and pulls back. He feels her nails clutching to his back as he slams back in. Her cries of his name grow louder the tighter he winds her. Both are lost, whispering each other’s name as they chase their releases. 

Mc falls first, clenching so tightly around Comte’s length that he can no longer resist, releasing in her.  He kisses her, scooping her up in his arms and carrying her into the deserted thermae. 

“Thank you for staying”


Thank you everyone for all of your support in this Event! @xxsycamore and I have been blown away by the creations that have been made. Please reach out to me if I have missed any of your lovely works. I hope you Enjoy! 





Feb 1st - “Of course I figured it out. You were always giving me that love-struck gaze.”

Ikemen Revolution

Ikemen Sengoku 

Ikemen Vampire

Ikemen Prince

Genshin Impact 


Tears of Themis 

Kings Of Paradise

Feb 2nd - Chocolate baking date goes wrong

Ikemen Revolution 

Ikemen Sengoku

Ikemen Vampire

Ikemen Prince



Tears of Themis

Feb 3rd - “Again with my clothes?” “They smell like you." 

Ikemen Revolution 

Ikemen Sengoku

Ikemen Vampire

Ikemen Prince 

Ayakashi Romance Reborn


Genshin Impact 

Feb 4th - Surprising them with way more roses than expected

Ikemen Sengoku

Ikemen Vampire

Ikemen Prince 


Ayakashi Romance Reborn 


Feb 5th - "I made you miss me. I want to make upfor that.”

Ikemen Vampire

Ikemen Sengoku 

  • Feb. 5th: Mitsuhide x MC - @themysticalbeing

Ikemen Prince 

Ayakashi Romance Reborn

Feb 6th - Comparing hand sizes and blushing immediately after

Ikemen Sengoku

Ikemen Vampire

Ikemen Prince 

Feb 7th - “You’re so clingy today. I love it.”

Ikemen Revolution 

Ikemen Sengoku

Ikemen Vampire

Ikemen Prince 

Ayakashi Romance Reborn

Feb 8th A (not so) anonymous love letter

Ikemen Sengoku

Ikemen Vampire

Ikemen Prince 

Feb 9th - “Aren’t you tired yet?” “Of you? Never.”

Ikemen Revolution 

Ikemen Sengoku

Ikemen Vampire

Ikemen Prince 

Ayakashi Romance Reborn 

Feb 10th - “How many different ways should I show you I love you?”

Ikemen Vampire

Ikemen Prince

Feb 11th - Dancing with each other while no one is around

 Ikemen Vampire

Ikemen Prince

Feb 12th - “Waking up next to you is the best decision I’ve ever made.”

Ikemen Sengoku

Ikemen Vampire

Ikemen Prince 

Blue Flag

Ayakashi Romance Reborn 

Feb 13th - Finding a new tradition for Valentine’s Day

Ikemen Sengoku

Ikemen Vampire

Feb 14th - “No matter what anyone says, you’re perfect for me.”

Ikemen Revolution 

Ikemen Prince


Send me a message if I missed one of your works or if you have any questions. 

~ Chaya 



Just… sitting here thinking about tactile Leonardo. 

He’s an artist, an inventor; he tinkers with things, fixes things, uses his hands a lot. 

His hands are an extension of his eyes - with them he can see things in a different way. He uses his hands to understand how something is made, the parts that make up its sum, and he familiarizes himself with whatever it is by feeling it.

You are no different. You may not be a piece of machinery to be fixed or clay to be sculpted, but you are something he wants to understand. He wants to know about the parts that make up your sum, and he uses his hands to do so. 

Absentminded touches… the kind you get when you sit with him while he’s working. His mind is fully focused on his work, but every now and again his hands are focused on you. Fingers carding gently through your hair, lightly stroking your cheek, palm resting on your knee or the small of your back, infusing warmth into your skin wherever his hand touches. 

Proprietary touches… the kind you get when the two of you are out and about, maybe you’re accompanying him to town for errands or odd jobs he’s picking up. His arm looped casually around your shoulder as the two of you walk down the street, fingers twined with yours when he holds your hand. It makes you a little giddy that this sophisticated, beautiful, and insanely talented and popular man chooses to openly show that he belongs to you. 

Teasing touches… the kind you get when you are all alone in the quiet comfort and familiarity of his messy bedroom. Laid out in bed before him like some kind of delicacy. His large, calloused hands warm as they roam over all the parts of your body you’ve named as his to explore. Gentle caresses, meant to heighten your anticipation of what’s to come. Loving touches, meant to convey the depth of his affection for you. Everywhere he touches lights a fire in your skin, making you writhe in pleasure, your heart bathed with love for him. 

Reassuring touches… the kind he gives you when you’re fully sated, lying in his arms and basking in the afterglow of complete satisfaction. The kind that tell you, far better than any words ever could, that he is yours and yours alone, and that you will never have to worry about those touches being given to another. His hands are yours to keep, an extension of himself and his love for you. 

Yeahhhh… just thinking about how tactile Leonardo is. 

Softest husband in the world

Writer sign ups are open for our second year! 

Head over to the pinned post on our blog to sign up


Full version here

Writer: @kkonpeito
Rating:  T
Characters: Comte de St. Germain, Original Character(s), Leonardo da Vinci, Sebastian
Ship(s): Comte de St. Germain/Original Character
Content Warnings: Character Study, Introspection, Character Death,  Time Travel, Time Skips, Pre-Canon, Fluff and Angst, Friendship
Summary:  The rain does seem gentler compared to how she entered into his day like a storm. Most people might not want to welcome a powerful and unexpected force to enter into their space, praying that it will just pass by rather than letting it permanently stay. Oddly enough for Comte, he was interested in where the winds of this particular tempest will take him and how far will he go or if he will stay to where she brought him to. 

Living for hundreds of years but all for a single moment, Paris will never the same for Comte de St. Germain.

Fic can be found here

Full version here

Characters:Main Character, Original Female Character, Vincent van Gogh, Original Characters, Mentions of the Great Men, Theodorus van Gogh, Great Men Pets
Ship(s):  Main Character/Vincent van Gogh, Original Female Character/Vincent van Gogh
Content Warnings: Fluff, Post-Canon (Dramatic Ending), Angst, Eventual Smut, Domestic, Drama, Humor, Love, Established Relationship, Romance, Smut, Sexual Content
Summary: It’s been a while since Vincent and Akira reunited in that one van Gogh exhibit. Soon she learns that Vincent waited until he could finally meet her before going to several places in hopes of visiting them with her.

As they spent their time completing Vincent’s list, a pang of nagging guilt makes way to Akira’s heart. With the notion that she tore him away from a life in 19th century Paris, Akira dreads to ask one particular question.

Fic can be found here


Full version here

Writer: @kashimalin-fanfiction
Rating: Teen & Up
Characters: Main Character (OC); Le Comte de Saint Germain; Napoleon Bonaparte; Sebastian (IkeVamp); Jean d’Arc; Leonardo da Vinci; Arthur Conan Doyle; Isaac Newton; Vincent van Gogh; Theodorus van Gogh; Vlad (IkeVamp); William Shakespeare 
Ship(s):  No Pairing
Content Warnings: Impalement by Sword (TW)
Summary:  A circus that only opens at nightfall. The same cast performs the acts, no matter how many years have passed. Individuals who once came as children recognize the smile of the lion tamer or the confidence of the acrobats. But of course, such a feat is impossible – even for a circus.

When a young woman named Elizabeth enters the circus, she is swept up in its enchantment and mystery. Yet when a strange man pushes her onto a train that can traverse the world and results in her having no way to return home, she finds herself stuck in the company of the circus. Only by befriending the actors and assistants behind the scenes is she privy to learn the secrets behind éternité and finally leave the circus.

Fic can be found here


Full version here


Full version here

Characters:major: Theo van Gogh, Arthur Conan Doyle, Dazai Osamu
minor: Isaac Newton, Vincent van Gogh
Ship(s): Theo/MC, side Arthur/Dazai
Content Warnings:n/a
Summary: The challenge seemed pretty simple: to try to befriend the university bookshop’s most sour employee, Theo van Gogh. As a literature major with a boatload of book recommendations on her back, it ought to be a simple task indeed. But as she uncovers what lies between Theo’s pages, the more she finds it harder to become closer to him without having to put the feeling directly into words. What can she learn from Theo about what it means to stay—and how can she teach Theo about what it means to let go?

Fic can be found here


Full version here

Rating: Explicit
Characters: Comte de Saint-Germain, Leonardo da Vinci
Ship(s): Comte/Leonardo/MC
Content Warnings: f/m/m, polyamory, porn with feelings, mutual pining, smut, romance, idiots in love, porn with plot
Summary: Comte picked up the pieces when Leonardo denied Niamh his love. Now a year later Comte still sees the pair pining for each other and makes plans to see them both in his bed.

Fic can be found here

Hello artists, it’s time to reveal the summary of our fics and find artists to pair with writers! 

You do NOT need to have registered as an artist to claim anything so don’t worry if you’re only just hearing about us! 

Please be aware that for claims you must give your Top 2 so we have a good chance of matching everyone and that fics are NOT assigned first-come, first-serve.

The Artist Claim form is here (just remove the brackets): bit(.)ly/336OR7S

Artist claims are open until Friday November 27th


Rating: Explicit

Pairing(s): Comte/Leo/MC

Character(s): Comte, Leonardo

Content warnings:  Explicit, smut, angst, polyamory f/m/m

Word Count: 10,000 - 19,999

Summary:  A year has passed since Comte and Niamh became lovers, but he’s noticed she still carries a torch for her first crush, Leonardo. Leonardo, gave her up sighting their differences never dreaming that she would take up with Comte and stay in that time period. He still wonders what could have been. Worse, he and Comte had been casual lovers and Comte ended that to be with Niamh.

When Comte sees the two still pining for each other he sends them off to Paris together for the day to see if sparks ignite. And they do. In a quiet little park by the river, Leonardo kisses her for the second time in his life, then instantly regrets it. Niamh is angry at both him and herself and takes the carriage home, right into Comte’s arms. Comte realizes something has gone wrong but not just how wrong until Leonardo confronts him and Niamh walks in on the two of them making out in his study. 

She’s pissed at Comte’s machinations and it isn’t until her gown arrives for the midsummer ball that they finally talk it out. The three of them attend together, with soul searching talks between Leo and Niahm and sweet dancing interaction between Comte and Niamh they finally wander the gardens finding the center of a labyrinth. Sexy times ensues with fireworks in the background.


Rating: Teen

Pairing(s): No Pairing

Character(s): Main Character (Elizabeth); Le Comte de Saint Germain; Napoleon Bonaparte; Sebastian (IkeVamp); Leonardo da Vinci; Arthur Conan Doyle; Isaac Newton; Vincent van Gogh; Theodorus van Gogh; Vlad (IkeVamp); William Shakespeare, Jean d’Arc

Content warnings: Impalement by Sword (TW) 

Word Count: 10,000 - 19,999

Summary: “Le éternel cirque.” A circus that only opens at nightfall. The people performing their acts never change, appearing to be the same individuals as the ones who enchanted visitors when they were but children. Such a feat is impossible, even for a circus.

Elizabeth enters the circus with no expectations, only to be swept up in its enchantment and mystery. But when a strange man pushes her onto a train that can traverse the world and results in her having no way to return home, she finds herself stuck in company with the circus. Only by befriending the actors and assistants behind the scenes is she privy to learn the secrets behind éternité.

(A crossover between “The Night Circus” by Erin Morgenstern and Ikemen Vampire)


Rating: Teen

Pairing(s): Theo/MC, side Arthur/Dazai

Character(s): MC, Theo, Arthur, Dazai, Isaac, Vincent, mention of Sebas, Napo, Leo, Comte

Content warnings: one mention of a very very light implication of depression / quarter-life crisis and resulting breakdowns

Word Count: Over 50,000

Summary: University AU, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers.

MC is just a feisty little literature major trying to have some fun in between working hard to get that scholarship she wants so she can go abroad. The more she gets involved in the local bookshop’s sour employee, Theo, the more she ends up interested in him even if she said she was only looking for a little fun. And the more Theo lets her in (and by extension, her other, also very chaotic friends) the more Theo begins to consider what other things he’s been missing out on by just offering all of him for his brother’s cause.

The two of them get to know each other through little book exchanges, exchanging their thoughts on literature and so much more without having to put it directly into words. All is going smoothly until there’s no more getting worse: Theo facing the situation–not a decision, not an option–of having his entire life working to let his brother “fly,” and now having to come to terms with having the one person he wants to keep for himself be the one he has to set off into the world.

And at the end, she learns what it means to stay and he learns what it means to go, finding each other right in the middle of it, entangled between letters and shared metaphors.


Rating: R

Pairing(s): Main Character/Vincent van Gogh, Original Female Character/Vincent van Gogh

Character(s): Main Character, Original Female Character, Vincent van Gogh, Original Characters, Mentions of the Great Men, Theodorus van Gogh, Great Men Pets

Content warnings: Fluff, Post-Canon (Dramatic Ending), Angst, Eventual Smut, Domestic, Drama, Humor, Love, Established Relationship, Romance, Smut, Sexual Content

Word Count: 10,000 - 19,999

Summary:  It’s been a while since Vincent and Akira reunited in that one van Gogh exhibit. Soon she learns that Vincent waited until he could finally meet her before going to several places in hopes of visiting them with her.

As they spent their time completing Vincent’s list, a pang of nagging guilt makes way to Akira’s heart. With the notion that she tore him away from a life in 19th century Paris, Akira dreads to ask one particular question.


Rating: Teen

Pairing(s): Comte de St. Germain/Original Character

Character(s): Comte de St. Germain, Original Character(s), Leonardo da Vinci, Sebastian

Content warnings: Character death, Pre-canon, Canon Divergence, Fluff, Friendship

Word Count: 10,000 - 19,999

Summary:  Years before MC’s arrival in the mansion, Comte de St. Germain met a woman in Louvre during his stay in the modern-day Paris. After forming an unusual friendship, they travelled all around the city and visited some famous landmarks (Jardin de Tuileries, Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower).What Comte doesn’t know is that she has a terminal illness, and he was accompanying her in her last trip.

JUST ONE WEEK LEFT FOR WRITER SIGN UPSBe sure to check out our other blog post here for sign up link


Be sure to check out our other blog post here for sign up links.

Post link
Sign ups are now open! Be sure to check out our other blog post here for sign up links.

Sign ups are now open! 

Be sure to check out our other blog post here for sign up links.

Post link
Ikemen Vampire Big Bang sign-ups are open! Writer sign up form! Open until Sunday 6th September! (sh

Ikemen Vampire Big Bang sign-ups are open! 

Writer sign up form! Open until Sunday 6th September! (shorturl.at/deCHI)

Beta - you’ll be added to a list of available betas that will ONLY be available to those participating. Open indefinitely! (shorturl.at/yAJK4)

Artists - for registering interest - this does NOT mean you have to claim art later! Open until artist claims (Saturday 21st November) after which you can just fill in the artist claims form. (shorturl.at/noAGL)


We’ll send invites to the discord server soon (for those who want them) and happy writing!

Post link

Hi all! 

Thanks to everyone that filled out the survey posted by Mod Kaze (@kazesuke) who will be joined by Mod Megs (@savourthelittlethings) to bring you all Ikemen Vampire Big Bang!

 After looking at the results of the survey, this is what we’ve decided for the big bang! 

The minimum word count will be 10,000 words.

Each fic will be assigned one artist to do one full piece of art (lined and coloured) - this was only just the majority but will be easier to co-ordinate for our first year as we have no idea how many people will sign up!

You can find the schedule on the side bar or below the read more if you’re on mobile.

The results for posting were pretty mixed so we’ll consult with participants about what they prefer :)












