#im back


So I’ve Read all your messages and requests and know your all dying for some new stuff I’ve been working hard on my body and think it’s about time to show it off so hope your all ready to see the new me

“It looks cute on you”

“It looks cute on you”

Post link

‘What Is This?’ Part Two.

Part 1 Link

Reader x Poly Marauders

Contents: Abortion, Angst, Abusive Acts, Swearing, Sadness and way too much use of the word 'you’.

After 11 years of living there, someone knocked on your door

It was Albus Dumbledore.


You were in noticeable shock and gasped.

'Fucking Hell’ You thought.

“Indeed Ms L/N” Dumbledore smiled.

“Don’t do that” you stated coldly.

“Ms L/N, I have an inquiry and would like to be let in.” He gave 'that’ look with his sparkling eyes.

Oh, but you knew that look all too well. It was the same look he gave you when you played a prank on Barty Crouch Jr. and he wanted information out of you.

“No. Say it now” you were not budging this time.

No one ever spoke to the old Professor that way and it was clear to see. He looked slightly alarmed but gathered his usual composure quickly.

“I want you for the Defence Against the Dark Arts Position and Hogwarts.” He still gave you his warm attitude.

You took several moments.

You had all this success and Fame… Why should you leave a relationship? The relationship in which for a fact you knew he was sleeping with other women… But your career, where most of your job was done because you did such a good job at your job… The Dog… That you were thinking of getting.

'Why am I staying?’ You questioned.

“September First I’ll start I suppose. And I want a big office none of those shitty corner offices… And I want a higher pay than the rest of the” you stated your wants clearly to the professor.

“Done and Done… Professor L/N” He smiled.

“Thank you… Sir” you shook his hand and quickly shut the door. With your back leaning against the closed door… For the first time in eleven years, you began crying. You mourned for the eleven years you spent without your boys. The life you could have had.

After a good half, an hour of crying you composed yourself.

It was August 30th 1995. Albus was a little late with the offer you had to say. But… A little part of you was excited. Life was slowly getting better.

Your bag had been packed for years now. That should have been the first sign to leave. But you were scared like always. You wrote a quick note to your boyfriend saying your goodbye and telling him how to sort all your affairs.

You left the apartment you have had for a decade. A decade of wasted useless memories… If you could even call them that.

The Leaky Cauldron is where you decided to reside. It was where you spent a lot of your teenage years with your ex-boyfriends.

Tom the owner recognised you immediately not for your fame but from when you were younger. It was a nice refresher.

Unfortunately the Jet Lag really got to you and you ended up sleeping for 36 hours. You were late for the grand feast at Hogwarts.

The feast started at 7:00 pm it was now 7:15 pm.

“Shit. Shit. Shit” you began quickly getting dressed and putting on your make-up with very useful enchantments.

You quickly grabbed your two suitcases and ran down the rickety old stairs.

“Bye Ms L/N” Tom the Owner gave you his famous welcoming smile.

“Nice seeing you Tom” you waved goodbye and quickly hopped into the fireplace and floo* away.

You arrived just outside the great hall where Filch was with his scrawny little cat.

'That Thing is still alive" You thought.

“Hey Filch” you gave him you cheeky grin.

“No, Not you it’s bad enough with the others” He snapped.

“Others?” You mumbled to yourself.

“Anyways, would you kindly take my luggage up to my room” You gave him a darling smile “and if you even try to open it will bite”

He grumbled and snatched the two cases off you.

You began making your way to the entranceway to the great hall when you heard a distant 'ouch’ from Filch. You chuckled to yourself knowing you still got it.

The doors were closed meaning you were going to have to make a dramatic entrance and not a quiet one like you hoped. You quickly took out your wand and swung the doors open with power.

The students and staff were greeted with an enormity of wind from the doors and you.

You made your way in boots clicking on the floor.

The hall was silent all eyes were on you.

Then there was a “HOLY FUCK THAT’S Y/N L/N THE AUROR” and the hall erupted into chatter.

Then you saw them. Remus, James and Sirius. Looking at you with mixed emotions of Shook, Anger and Sadness.

You greeted Dumbledore and he showed you your seat right beside Hagrid and… Remus.


You promptly sat down not even acknowledging the werewolf beside you who was staring at you with all his might.

The chattering was still going on to which Dumbledore shouted 'SILENCE’.

Boom. The hall was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

“Now, Professor L/N is going to be the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher so I think we should give her a proper welcome”

The whole hall erupted into applause but you didn’t stand up. You were used to standing ovations this was nothing you were not really bothered.

The clapping quietened down and everyone went back to their meals.

Hagrid made light conversation with you and offered you food around five times but you could!’t eat you felt sick with them around.

They all took turns glaring daggers at you.

You just remained staring at your lap the whole time.

“Erm Y/N-” Remus’ soft voice started.

You quickly got up from your chair,

“I think I am going to retire for the night, Goodnight Professor Hagrid” he nodded to you with a concerned smile and you quickly got up and left the room.


It was the next day and you started your first lesson with First Years. They were all scared and new so it was easy to get things done and it was a quiet class. Next was a set of Fifth Years in which you threatened maybe too harshly so they were quiet for the rest of the lesson.

Now it was third years.

They were all filing in and about to sit down.

“Don’t sit down” you said flatly.

“Assort yourself Alphabetically statting with A’s at the front”. It took about three minutes for everyone to get into their seats which took a bit of shouting from you to get them to move faster.

You then went through the role.

“Pansy Parkinson”. “ Here, Professor”

“Parvarti Patil” “Here”


'What the actual Fuck… THEY PROCREATED’ Your mind was racing.

There it read 'Potter-Lupin-Black’. This was going to be shit.

“Harry Potter-Lupin-Black” you repeated stiffly.

“H-here Professor” “Don’t Stutter. It lets your opponents know you’re scared” you gave him 'the look’.

He gulped and looked down.

You got on with the role and class began.

“So, what defensive spells do you know?” You asked.

No one put their hand up.

“Did you learn anything in the past 2 years?” You snapped in and the students all jumped.

A girl with curly brown hair put her hand up.

“Yes?” You questioned.

“Eh s-stu-”

“Don’t stutter” you cut her off.

She quickly composed herself not looking you in the eye.

“Stupify,” she said more confidently.


“Hermione Granger,” she said quickly still refusing to look you in the eye.

“Next?” You questioned.

Then the one you knew to be Harry put up his hand. There was no questioning that he was James’ son, He looked almost identical… Except for the eyes. You have seen them somewhere but you couldn’t put your finger on it.


“The disarming spell,” he said proudly.

“And it’s name?” You questioned.


“Okay, any others?” You quickly moved off from him.

No one out their hand up.

“Are you serious? Does anyone know anything? Merlin’s saggy balls. Who was your teacher?” You wondered how they knew absolutely nothing.

“Eh… Professor Lockhart” a girl told you.

“That dumbass? No wonder?” You rolled your eyes.

“I think expelliarmus works quite well” Harry said.

“What?” You asked him

“It does is a really good spell… Do we need much more?” The boy questioned pathetically.

“Oh I’m sorry”

“What?” He asked looking confused.

“I’m sorry. Why don’t you get up here and teach the class? You seem to know quite a lot about disarming spells Mr Potter-Lupin-Black. I didn’t mean to impose on your magical ability.” You were harsh but it was necessary.

“I eh- erm”

“What did I say about stuttering?” You snapped “It seems the great Harry Potter-Lupin-Black thinks one can get through life by simply snatching someone’s wand! Believe me Harry there are much worse ways someone can threaten you without a wand. Ways your mindless brain couldn’t even comprehend. Do you think I got where I am today by simply disarming someone Potter?” You were now leaning over the poor boy giving him daggers.

“No… And it’s Potter-Lupin-Black” he looked down shamefully.

“It’s Potter in this class. And don’t you dare correct me again.” The class was in terror and the boy was shaking.

“Give me your wand Potter” you held your hand out to take it from him.

’“But prof-” he started to whine.

“Looks like your precious disarming spell might come in handy Potter. Give me the fucking wand” He quickly put the wand in your hand and you placed it on your desk

“You shall not get this back until you write a list of every defensive spell you can find in your textbook and library and write them all down with what their purpose is and the motion used. All of you will do it and it should be on my desk, next class” The class collectively groaned.

“Class is dismissed for the day” you waved them off.

“But professor the bell has not rung yet” the Granger girl said.

“I am the professor and what I say goes. Now, leave all of you!” You sort of shouted the kast bit and they all scattered out the class room.


It was dinner time but you decided to skip out and start writing. You were writing a book on all your best wizarding battles in America.

You were sitting at your desk with the dim candlelight shining on your face accentuating your featured and Suddenly your door burst open with the three men you knew more than yourself came in.

You didn’t look up and kept writing.

“Threatening Our Son now L N” James snarled.

“Would have been nice of you to knock” you smirked to yourself still not giving them your full attention.

“Oh cut the crap L/N, You’re not impressing anyone” Sirius’s infamous voice rang in your ears.

“Wasn’t trying to, I think I am enough for all my adoring fans” you finally looked up at them and gave them a cheeky grin.

They hadn’t changed much in eleven years.

The three men stood there looking very tall and assertive.

Most of Remus’ scars had faded there were just one or two new ones. You knew every single scar on his body since you used to kiss each one after a full moon. He had some dark eyebags which wasn’t surprising since the full moon was only 2 days away.

Sirius had grown a beard which made him look older, mature and sexier. His eyes were still the same mysterious grey colour that at times you couldn’t stop looking at them. They consumed you.

James was still buff from quidditch. His hair was no longer as messy and as unruly as you remembered. He still had a mischievous glint in his eyes and smile lines embedded in his face from his famous 'Potter Smirk’ as Marlene McKinnon used to refer to it.

“See you’re still sitting on your fat ego” James smirked.

“Oh don’t worry Potter, couldn’t nearly compare to yours. Looks like you still have two bitches kissing your ass every night” you smiled which seemed to infuriate the three men more.

“Give me Harry’s wand” Remus spoke up in an angered tone.

“Oh no the big bad wolf is mad. Oh Please Remus don’t blow my house down after all I’m just an innocent little girl” you teased.

Sirius looked like he was about to pounce.

“Easy there mutt don’t want to go barking up the wrong tree, do we?” You were having the time of your life.

“We are all adults we can remain civil” James tried to calm the room.

“Not to worry Jamsie I won’t do nothing… Just having a little fun”

“Seemed to be having a lot of fun being a bitter bitch to my son? Jealous L/N” Sirius questioned.

“Your son can’t even rub two brain cells together to come up with a better spell than expelliarmus” you snorted.

“Typical L/N ignoring the question. I asked if you were jealous? Huh L/N. Oh I get it she’s scared again” You quickly pulled your wand out and pointed it right at him.

James and Remus quickly pulled out their’s.

“Say it fucking again Black. I dare you. I could do things that not even Grindlewald could fathom” you seethed.

“Look at you again. Putting up all these walls cause your scared. You act all tough with your top Auror position but deep down you are a scared little Bitch” He smirked.

“And you don’t fo the same thing Black? Hows Mummy?” You snarled.

“Okay, what crawled up your bitter arse and died?” He shouted.

“YOUR FUCKING CHILD” you screamed back and immediately realised what you said and clamped your hand over your mouth and gasped.

You couldn’t believe what you just said.

The room went deadly silent.

It was terrifying.

Then there was a burst of laughter from Remus.

Followed by the two other men.

You started laughing as well.

For the first time in years, you had a proper laugh.

The laughing went on for a good minute until it died down to a few chuckles. You were all wiping the tears from your eyes.

“Fucking hell” James sighed still laughing a little.

The room was in comfortable silence for a few moments.

“You are right” you admitted.

“What?” They all questioned at the same time.

“I am scared. I’ve been scared for the last thirteen years. I was scared for a child… Then I left and was scared to leave my stupid boyfriend and I am scared to face you.” You hated to admit it but ur was true.

“I’m sorry. Truly I am I don’t regret what I did though. I don’t want children. Never have and never will. I do regret leaving you though. But then at the same time, I don’t because I think you could have fought harder to find me. But you didn’t” you had tears in your eyes threatening to spill.

“It was better that you left anyways” Sirius said.

You knew what he was going to say the one thing you didn’t want to them to say but it was gojng to happen.

We were cheating on you” There it was.

Deep down you knew it all along.

“How is Lily doing?” You asked. It was Lily it had always been Lily. They loved her first and she would always be first. The girl with emerald green eyes and flaming red hair. They told you not to worry about her but you knew and you were right. No matter who you were you would always be the second choice. Because why choose Y/N L/N when they can have Lily Evans.

“How di-”


“This was a mistake” you stood up from your desk and walked to your room. You grabbed your suitcases not been unpacked yet. And grabbed your book from the desk.

“Tell Dumbledore I am sorry but something else came up” you stated flatley.

“Y/N-” Remus started but you cut him off.

“I refuse to be second choice again not with you or this job. He wanted you first and you refused… For the first time in my life, I’m not going to be second… Goodbye, My Loves, I’m sorry” With that you stepped into the fireplace and vanished in the flames.


Harry came into the Potter-Lupin-Black household holding a book in his hand.

“Hey Look what I found in the Muggle Book shop” Harry came in and showed his three fathers.

It was a light lilac book, average size with gold accents.

On the cover, it read 'to my first choice, from your second - Y/N L/N’


sorry I went M.I.A. I am studying A lot because I have a Big Exam in June so yk. Also, I’m a lazy Bitch. Anyways you can now stop your enquiring about when will Part Two be out. It’s here now also on April Fool’s Day it’s not a joke though I promise. Also Happy Birthday to the Weasley Twins who are both very alive and well. Sorry for the like Year-long wait.

See you guys later xx






also ik I haven’t been active in like 2736824 years but it’s ok I’m a new and improved bitch

I logged for the first time in a year. Y’all still interested in the content I provide or maybe I should make a tiktok instead (since it’s where everyone is nowadays). 

((Guess who’s baccckkk?))

More new art! :D More new art! :D More new art! :D 

More new art! :D 

Post link

Hey everyone! Its Katie, I’m so sorry that I have been away for so long and that you haven’t been able to get any Japanese content from me lately! I’ve been so busy with exams and midterms and trying to get used to the college like that I have neglected the blog a little bit too much. Not to mention that the three of us on here had some trouble logging in and Tumblr takes forever to fix things like that. But I just wanted you to know that I’m finally back and I hope that you guys enjoyed the awesome content that was provided for you while I was away! 

I’ll be working on some Japanese posts tonight and through the next four days since I’m off of school! 

Hope everyone is doing well and thank you so much for the continued support and love you guys give us!

Keep up the hard work,


first you love me, then you fade away

monday morning ~ fleetwood mac

Hello everyone!!!! How are you doing?
Photographer into me has been dead for quite a long time (a year!?) jesus don’t even remember when I posted last time!
But as I promissed, this blog is never gonna die, because photofraphy is my life. But for that I need to visit new places since I mostly take landscapes.

One wonderfull person helped me out! :3 he aroused my ability to see the beauty! He cheers me up a lot during these terrible days I’m having now. So yeah, I’m back thanks to him ;)

Oooof, late af. I’m so sorry I vanished for a few months there, I ended up getting super busy with commissions, and after that there was the whole holiday rush with it’s fair share of stressful stuff to deal with.

As a result I ended up burning myself out and needing a long break after the new year…. Then I also caught a really long and annoying flu so that was less than ideal.
So I’m only just now starting to get my stuff together.

But long story short, I’m not dead, and I haven’t left the fandom either, though it might take me a while to catch up with all the stuff that has been going on in my abscence.
And even if it’s super innapropriate now, I just wanna say, Happy super belated New Year to you all! I hope you’re all doing well!

hello my lovely degenerates<3,

Did you miss me? Sorry ive been gone for so long and I appreciate all the messages you sent. I’m alive and well and soon this blog will be alive again too. Get ready, things are about to get hot and sticky ;)

Lube up!


Hello my horny friends,

Some of you have been wondering where I went. Well if you must know around a month ago I was abducted by aliens. It turns out the whole thing with them probing your butt is quite true. Anyways countless probings later i’m back on earth and I’m happy announce that i’m cumming back to the tumblr scene. I look forward to all the naughty fun we shall have.

Love & blowjobs,

Hayley <3

이/가 되다

이/가 되다 : added to a noun, to make the subject of the sentence become that noun. Yeah I know its kinda confusing read the example sentences hopefully it makes sense if not message me and I’ll try and explain it better

-Example: “Jimin worked hard to become the main dancer of BTS”.  “Dancer” is a noun and “Jimin” is the subject so by adding  되다 you are saying he has become that noun i.e he has become a dancer, idk if that makes sense, it makes sense to me, if you don’t understand it message me your questions.

Example sentences:

A.R.M.Y가 더 큰 팬클럽이 되었어요 - ARMY’s have become a bigger fanbase 

방탄소년단 은 세상에 인기가 되는 곳이에요 - Bts have Become popular all around the world

지민은 매일 더 귀여워 되는 곳이에요 - jimin is becoming cuter everyday

I’m back, we must commence the cursed cat celebrations again
