#incorrect avengers quotes


Peter: My phone died and I don’t know how to get home.

Ned: I’ll google map the nearest bus stop for you. Oh, wait. It’s quite far. I’ll go with you.

Peter: That’s ok. I’ll just take a picture of the map.

Peter: *takes out his phone*

Peter: *looks at the black screen for 5 seconds*


Harley, bursting into the Avengers meeting room: y/n! Is it true? You… You and Parker…!

Y/n, sitting up from her chair: Oh, no, Harley! It’s not what it looks like!

Peter, visibly confused: It’s not?

Harley: Really? I thought you were-

Y/n: How could I! You’re the only one for me!

Peter: He is…?

Harley, eyeing Perer suspiciously: I don’t know, you guys are spending a lot of time together.

Y/n: We’re just dating. Nothing more than that. I promise. He’s my boyfriend and that’s final.


Harley: So there’s no sibling vibes at all?

Y/n: You’re my one true brother and you know that! I’m pretty sure Peter is just the love of my life, last time I checked.

Harley: I thought I was the love of your life!

Y/n: Platonic, honey. And you are! I’m never letting you go. You’re stuck with me forever.

Harley: Aww love, that is so sweet.


Peter: Remind me this again the next time I’m about to buy a ring.

Ned: Honestly, I don’t think it’s gonna change your mind.

Peter: Yeah, probably.


Request by @starlight-starks

Tony: y/n, this is Peter. Now, be nice.

Peter: Hi, I’m-

y/n: Oh my god he’s SO CUTE! Can we keep him, dad? Please? Please? Please?

Tony: What? No, we’re not keeping hi-

y/n: But he’s so cute and FLUFFY! Please?

Tony: y/n Stark, you are NOT keeping a person.

y/n: Ugh. FINE. You’re the worst dad ever. *storms off*

Peter: Uh…What just happened?

Tony: Excuse her.


I bet y/n got to keep Peter after all when they got married

Tony: That fucking bitch!

Steve: Who taught you that kind of language?!

Tony: Me, myself and I.

Peter: *turns on a markiplier video*

y/n: *bursting into the room* BOB BINGI?

Peter: *Jumping up from his chair* B O B B I N G I ?

y/n: *pointing a finger at Peter* BOBBINGI?



In case you’re just as confused as Tony


Kidnapper: We have your son.

Peter: Uh, I’m 16?

Kidnapper: …We have your dad.

Peter: I don’t have a dad.

Kidnapper: *tearing up* Aww, kid, what happened?

Ned: Come on, Peter! If you don’t tell MJ how you feel, she’s going to leave you and then you’re gonna have to play chess by yourself!

Peter: Jokes on you because I already play chess by myself!


Flash: Yo, Penis! I need some help with the Physics homework.

Peter: Why should I help you?

Flash: Because I’m going to stop calling you Penis for a week.


Flash: If any of your friends ask, I WAS ALL OVER YOU FOR TALKING TO MY GIRLFRIEND!

Peter: And if any of your friends ask, YOUR GIRLFRIEND ACTUALLY TALKED TO ME!
