#incorrect black clover quotes


Langris:*sleeping on couch*

Finral:*fires gun*

Langris, abruptly waking up: THIS IS WHY MOM DOESN’T FUCKING LOVE YOU!

David:I’m quick at math.

William:Okay, what’s 38 times 76?


William:That’s not even close.

David:But it was quick.


Letoile:This could get us killed!

David:Or worse, lectured by Klaus about responsibility!

Yami: I never understood why Magic Knight Captains cared so much about their stupid squads until I got a stupid squad myself.

*gestures to the Black Bulls*

Yami: I’ve only had these idiots for a day and a half but if anything were to happen to them, I would kill everyone in this kingdom and then myself.

Finral: If Vanessa and I were drowing and you could only save one of us, who would it be?

Yami: You morons can’t even swim?

Finral: It’s a hypothetical question. Who would you save?

Yami: My time and effort.

Finral, explaining why the Black Bulls should drink water: Water can solve all problems! Wanna lose weight? Drink water. Want clear skin? Drink water.

Noelle, from across the room: Tired of someone? Drown them.
