#incorrect ghost quotes


julian : just because i’m not the gayest gay doesn’t mean i’m the straightest straight.

captain : i’m not interested in being polite or heterosexual.

fanny : i’m not doing too well. i have this headache that comes and goes.

alison : *walks into the room*

fanny : oh look, there it is again.

thomas : if i were a gardener i’d put our tulips together.

alison :thanks?

mike : if i were a gardener you’d be my hoe.

alison :aww.

julian : you think that disapproving glare works on me after all the times i’ve seen it?

alison : if you want something bad, you’ve gotta work for it. it’s time to break out the “p” word.

mike : paul blart : mall cop?

alison : the other “p” word.

mike :

mike : paul blart : mall cop 2?

pat : i cant do stress, it’s bad for the baby.

robin : what baby?

pat :me.

thomas : people don’t write things on the walls of the ladies’ room.

alison : have you been in a ladies’ room?

thomas : of course not! i know i have the sexual charisma of a bad boy, but i certainly don’t have the manners of one.

robin : i’ll have you know that i am a sweet treat! i am a fucking delight to be around.

captain : we have nothing whatsoever in common. i don’t even like you!

julian : you do.

both : we got…

mike :…tacos!

alison :…married!

mike : oh, oh yeah. yeah, we got married. and then after we got married, we got tacos!

robin : 2019 goals. punch the sun in the face; punch god in the face; shake hands with the moon, i can respect the moon; punch myself in the face.

mary : i don’t know how to read! but neither did jesus!

julian : god i hate inflation. the financial concept, not the fetish. love the fetish!

kitty : i got arrested for being too cool.

fanny : charges were dropped because there was no supporting evidence.

thomas : being ignored, now that i am mature, is fine i suppose.

thomas :

thomas :

thomas : this is a lie, i’m on the verge of tears.

captain : *unbuttoning shirt* god, it’s so hot in here.

julian : i know, but why are you unbuttoning my shirt?

julian : *hugs the captain*

captain : what was that!?

julian : uh.. affection?

captain : disgusting. do it again.

mike : *with a power drill* don’t fuck with me! i have the power of god and anime on my side!

thomas : i’m so hurt.

pat : we are all hurt.

thomas : shut up! god. just go sit over there.
