#incorrect hamilton quotes


Hamilton: You know how when you boil Pepsi it really opens up a different kind of flavor?


Washington: When you fucking what

Burr: It must be hard not being able to laugh

Washington: I do have a sense of humor, you know.

Burr: I’ve never heard you laugh.

Washington: I’ve never heard you say anything funny.

Hamilton: Burr, where are you going?

Burr: Well that depends Alex. When I die, probably hell, but right now I’m going to the bathroom.

Burr: All the haters are like, “aren’t you wanted by the state?”

Burr: And it’s like, I’m wanted by a lot of people, okay? That’s the price of being pretty.

Burr: Anyways I did commit a smidge of treason

Washington: It costs $0 to keep rude comments to yourself.

Hamilton: It also costs $0 to shout them for everyone to hear so,,,

Hamilton: I once got a haircut I deeply regretted

Jefferson: Is it the one you have now?


Jefferson: Well it should be.
